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Truly Cultivating Myself

Sept. 6, 2023

(Minghui.org) I began to practice Falun Dafa in 2014. I’ve come to understand many questions about life since then. Besides. I now understand the true meaning and purpose of having been given a human body. From initially not understanding what cultivation meant, I gradually went through tests and enlightened to what genuine cultivation entails.

Beginning to Practice Dafa

My wife had a malignant tumor on her neck before she practiced Dafa. She went through two surgeries to have it removed. The doctor refused to perform a third surgery, saying it would be life-threatening, and a relapse would indicate she is close to death. The doctor suggested that she returned home to rest and recuperate, which meant essentially waiting for death. Feeling helpless we returned home.

My wife’s health deteriorated day by day, to the point where even sweeping the floor became challenging for her. I felt desperate, so I asked her to learn Falun Dafa with my mother, although I was skeptical whether that would help her.

My mother had been practicing Dafa for many years and was in good health. Not long after my wife began practicing Dafa, the tumor on her neck miraculously disappeared, and it never returned. I witnessed the miracle and began practicing Dafa with her. Master gave my wife a second life and she diligently cultivates. Master also gave me an opportunity to practice Dafa.

Giving Up a Long-standing Bad Habit

I was quick-tempered and blunt, often prone to swearing. My anger and verbal abuse of those around me created karma for myself. Because of that and the karma carried over from my previous lives, I suffered from various illnesses before practicing Dafa, including neck pain that made me difficult to sleep, toothaches, and stomachaches. I felt tormented.

However, after I practiced Dafa, I recovered from all the illnesses I have suffered for many years. Most importantly, I needed no medical intervention. However, I couldn’t break my habit of swearing. I immediately curse whenever I heard something displeasing. My wife had to endure my abusive language for many years. Once my son came when we were boiling crabs in a pot. He mentioned that seafood was contaminated according to a news report and should no longer be eaten. I was enraged. I scolded him for believing fake news published by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). I was so angry that I poured the whole pot of crabs somewhere into our yard.

My wife saw that I was about to lose control, so she asked my son and daughter-in-law to hurry up and leave. Seeing my wife was helping our son, I directed all my anger at her, and said some hurtful words to her. She sat on the couch without speaking a word. Her silence made me even angrier, and I cursed her with harsher words. When I finally calmed down, my wife told me that she was actually sending forth righteous thoughts at that time because she knew it wasn’t me but my karma that was making me angry. She reminded me that since I had chosen to practice cultivation, I should always conduct myself according to the standard of a cultivator. I knew I was wrong, but I couldn’t control myself. “I understand all the principles,” I said to my wife in the end. “But I couldn’t control myself at that moment. I regretted it afterwards, and no longer wanted to lose my temper.”

I gave up bad habits such as drinking alcohol and gambling after I began practicing. However, I didn’t treat cultivation as being a serious issue at that time, and neglected to cultivate myself on many small things. I drank a few beers during a social gathering in 2016 where one of my friends introduced a girl for my younger son. I knew I should not drink beer, but it was difficult to stop and I failed to discipline myself. The woman was no longer interested in dating my son after a few days. I felt angry and scolded my wife and son. The next day on my way back home, I felt that something was wrong with my mouth. When I arrived home, my daughter-in-law said, “Why is your mouth crooked, and your eye looks a bit slanted?” At that time, I realized that eating and drinking had become an issue I must let go. My symptoms looked just like what the locals call Bell’s palsy or facial paralysis.

My son and daughter-in-law immediately wanted to take me to the hospital. I smiled and told them that I wasn’t sick and going to the hospital was not necessary. My friends also advised me which hospital was good or whose remedies can treat the illness. I politely declined. I didn’t know about looking within at that time. I thought it over and understood that Master was hinting that I had to let go of an attachment. I understood clearly that my improper behavior during those days had to be let go. It wasn’t what people called Bell’s palsy at all. I immediately corrected myself based on the Fa. I would definitely not follow the old forces’ arrangements.

I begged Master to forgive me in my heart. Then, I began studying the Fa, doing the exercises, and sending righteous thoughts with my wife. I tried to correct every word and action of mine. Within two to three months, all the symptoms disappeared. Seeing my rapid recovery, my family, friends, and colleagues inquired about where I had been treated, what medication I had taken, and the remedies I had used. I hesitated to say at first that I recovered through practicing Falun Dafa. Then, I realized that was not right. It was clear that Master and Dafa saved me. I thought, “Why don’t I take this opportunity to validate the Fa?” So, I admitted, “I didn’t use any remedies or medication. It was my Master and Dafa who cured my illness. I recovered by practicing Dafa.” Friends and colleagues witnessed this miracle and truly were glad about it.

I am a truck driver and often travel. I have very little time to study the Fa or do the exercises. I either squeeze in some time to study the Fa at home or listen to Master’s teachings when driving the truck. My character improved slowly. I still often lost my temper and got angry if things don’t agree with what I face, during loading or unloading my truck, then I regret it afterwards. 

Once I began to argue with people again during a loading process. My wife criticized me and said a few words after I got home. I got angry again. My three-year-old granddaughter said, “Grandpa, stop swearing. If you keep swearing, your mouth will become crooked again.” Hearing this, I immediately realized my mistake. Master hinted to me through my granddaughter’s mouth since I failed to enlighten myself. I hated myself for being so disappointing, always failing to maintain my character and making Master worry. I made up my mind to expose this bad habit, face it and eliminate it.

Cultivators should give people a sense of kindness and compassion. Where are there immortals who always grumble and complain? I must change and become a true cultivator.

Following Master’s Teaching and Saving More People

Neither my wife nor I know how to clarify the truth by talking to people directly, so we decided to distribute Dafa informational materials. When I drive to deliver goods, my wife will come with me, and we find the time to distribute Dafa materials together. If I don’t need to drive, we distribute Dafa materials in a local area. A few days ago when I was distributing materials in a village, I met a man in his 50s as soon as I entered an alley. I immediately handed him a booklet. He asked while taking the booklet, “Is this about Falun Dafa is good?” I replied, “Yes, Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good.” He quickly took the booklet and said, “Falun Dafa is much better than Jiang Zemin and the CCP. They have deceived and harmed us terribly. Thank you for giving me the truth. Only what you say is the truth!” I felt very gratified upon hearing his words. People finally awakened and understood. Dafa disciples’ efforts were not in vain. We will continue to work hard to save people.

There was another time when we were distributing informational materials about Falun Dafa at night. As the village’s road was being repaired, the street was uneven and full of potholes. I accidentally twisted my foot and heard a cracking sound as if my left foot had turned. It was excruciatingly painful. With no hesitation, I squatted down, used my hand to turn my foot back to its proper position. Then I continued distributing materials. I thought that this is the old forces interference with me saving people. I won’t let them interfere with me, and that I will only follow the path arranged by Master to save people, save people, save more people.

My entire foot was swollen by the time I returned home. I didn’t pay much attention to it. I knew I was just having some karma eliminated. My foot recovered within a few days.

Changing Human Notions Leads to Improvement

Master taught us, 

“If you do not change the human logic that you, as an ordinary human, have formed deep in your bones over thousands of years, you will be unable to break away from this superficial human shell and reach Consummation.” (“Cautionary Advice,” Essentials for Further Advancement)

Master’s teaching touched me deeply. It is indeed my notions that hinder my improvement. Notions are human things. We must change these human things in order to cultivate divine things. I started to demand strict discipline from myself. When I felt the urge to get angry, I told myself to endure, not to swear or lose my temper, as cultivators should restrain themselves. When dining with friends, I could also refrain from drinking alcohol. As long as I thought of myself as a cultivator, it was easy to do so. My wife and I go out to raise awareness whenever we have time. Now we have the courage to give informational materials to people face to face during the day.

Through extensive Fa study, I realized that only by breaking away from human notions can one become a true cultivator. I had always been helping my wife to cultivate by behaving bad. Now, I am determined to let go of those improper behaviors and actions, maintain righteous thoughts, and diligently cultivate together with my wife, repaying Master’s boundless compassion.