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78-Year-old Memorizes the Book Zhuan Falun

Sept. 3, 2023 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in China

(Minghui.org) I am 78 years old and began practicing Falun Dafa in 1996. For the past few years, I have been reciting the book Zhuan Falun from memory.

Someone may ask, “Is it possible for someone approaching 80 to memorize every word of a book that has more than 300 pages?”

Yes, it is possible! My own experience proves it, and shows how extraordinary Dafa is!

Zhuan Falun is a book from heaven. Some practitioners who are illiterate can read it. Why shouldn’t I be able to memorize it? Dafa practitioners are people who walk on the path toward godhood. With guidance from our great Master, we are capable of anything.

Hand-copying Zhuan Falun

Before I learned the Falun Dafa exercises, a practitioner lent me Zhuan Falun. I wanted to hand-copy the book, but the practitioner only agreed to lend it for a day, and it so happened that I had some eye problems that day. My eyes were swollen and painful, and my vision was blurred. I only saw dark shadows when I looked at people. How could I copy a book in one day under such a condition?! Miracles happened.

The First Miracle

By covering one eye, I was able to hand-copy the book. Of course, I did not finish copying it in one day. For some reason the practitioner who lent me the book did not come the next day, so I was able to keep it for one more day. I went to a shop with a photocopier and made a copy of the book.

After I hand-copied the book four times, I realized that Master knew my wish and had been helping me from the beginning. Just like Master said:

“Cultivation depends on one’s own efforts, while the transformation of gong is done by one’s master.” (Lecture One, Zhuan Falun)

I hand-copied Zhuan Falun at least ten times. I wrote it out, character by character, making sure that each character, as well as the punctuation, was correct.

Second Miracle

The second miracle came when my eyes stopped hurting and there was no more double vision. My left eye, which was nearly blind in the past, could see the characters clearly! Even more amazing, the characters in the book seemed enlarged! The better my cultivation state was, the larger the characters appeared. Dafa books are indeed extraordinary!

One day, my new pair of glasses fell on the ground and shattered. I didn’t have money to get another pair, and I was heartbroken and helpless. A fellow practitioner said, “You don’t see well anyway, with or without the glasses. Why bother? It’s better not to wear them!” From then on, I no longer used the high myopia glasses I had worn for decades. I realized later, when Master talked about similar things in a lecture, that my glasses breaking was Master’s hint that I no longer needed them. I am so grateful to Master!

In addition to Zhuan Falun, I have hand-copied many other Dafa books. Whatever Dafa books I obtained, I hand-copied them at least once. I have copied Zhuan Falun and Hong Yin the most.

In the process of writing out the Fa repeatedly, I can now naturally recite some parts. I never intentionally tried to memorize them. It is Dafa’s power on display!

Memorizing Zhuan Falun

Before I had finished copying Zhuan Falun for the tenth time, the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) persecution of Falun Dafa began. For the last time, I copied each character from the book, stroke by stroke, to imitate Song Dynasty style. When I heard that a fellow practitioner’s home had been ransacked, I thought, “I must memorize the entire Zhuan Falun book. I must keep the Fa in my heart—no one can take it from my heart!”

Master said:

“Reading the books more and studying the books more is the key to truly elevating yourself.” (“Melt Into the Fa,” Essentials for Further Advancement)

I read the Fa over and over again. I did not count how many times I read it or memorized it. Gradually, I was able to recite the Fa from memory.

One time, I fell backward and my head hit the ground. The back of my head swelled up immediately to the size of a small bowl. I did three sets of exercises, but my head still hurt. In the evening I went to the local group Fa study as usual. I did not read the book with other practitioners due to my severe headache. Several minutes later, amid the sound of fellow practitioners reading the Fa aloud, my headache suddenly disappeared. I touched the back of my head and found the swelling gone! That day I experienced how powerful Fa-study is! The energy field created by 20 practitioners reading the Fa together can rectify all abnormal conditions!

Another time, I cut my finger while chopping vegetables, and blood gushed out. I bandaged my finger but the bleeding didn’t stop. As soon as I picked up Zhuan Falun and started to read, the bleeding stopped. The next day, I accidentally caught the wound on something, and it bled again. Again, the bleeding stopped as soon as I read Zhuan Falun. I truly experienced the miraculous power of Dafa!

With studying the Fa, my xinxing continued to improve. Looking back on my cultivation path, I was amazed how much I improved. I no longer paid attention to reputation and profit, and I got rid of my attachments of fighting and resentment. I used to see people’s bad points all the time, and it seemed that everyone was my enemy. I now find that everyone is so nice, and lovely. Dafa is indeed amazing!

With the improvement of my xinxing, my body has also changed. I have not spent a penny on medical bills for the past 27 years. In fact, I have not been sick, not even caught a cold or the flu! Again, this is due to the mighty power of Dafa and Master!

For a period of time, I was in a state like Master described:

“...A hundred hardships falling all at once...”(“Tempering One’s Heart and Will,” Hong Yin)

This prompted me to study the Fa more seriously. I went to a practitioner’s home to study the Fa every day. While reading, I experienced an uncomfortable sensation, as something kept leaving my head. I eventually emerged from that tribulation.

A practitioner did not go outside for three years after a bad fall. I helped him to walk, and encouraged him to go outside to send righteous thoughts. Once, when I was teaching him to recite the formulas for sending forth righteous thoughts, and poems in Hong Yin, I saw three huge Buddhas appear in the sky. I saw them so clearly and it was not a hallucination. I thought, wow, Buddhas showed themselves. Now all people should know the truth about Dafa! I thought everyone saw the Buddhas.

When I talked about this with several other practitioners, none of them apparently saw the Buddhas. Only then did I realize that it was Master encouraging me! While helping the fellow practitioner to get through sickness karma, I improved myself as well.

Nowadays, when I study the Fa, be it reading or reciting from memory, or listening to other practitioners’ reading, I can feel that every cell in my body is active. Sometimes, it is not a comfortable feeling.

Master said:

“Some people go by how they feel in practicing something. What does your feeling account for? It is nothing.” (Lecture One, Zhuan Falun)

I treat any bodily discomfort as a good thing. Master is cleansing my body and transforming high energy matter into gong. What Master gives me is always the best!

My Understanding

As Dafa disciples, we should think like a god, not an ordinary person. Dafa is omnipotent, and so is Master. There is no doubt we can memorize Zhuan Falun, even though it has more than 300 pages.

When I told a fellow practitioner who studied the Fa very diligently, “You should start to memorize the book. You can do it,” he hesitated. I reminded him of Master’s words:

“...good or bad comes from a person’s initial thought, and the thought at that moment can bring about different consequences.” (Lecture Four, Zhuan Falun)

As I understand it, Falun possesses all of the universe’s capabilities, which includes the capability for memorizing the Fa. If we wish to memorize the Fa, Falun will help us to do so.

When we talked about Dafa to people, many times we spoke so eloquently that it was beyond our own abilities. We were strengthened by Master and other gods. As long as we keep righteous thoughts, Master and many gods will help us do things for Dafa. So we must study the Fa more and better.

I am sharing my experiences to encourage other practitioners to study the Fa well, memorize the Fa, and check every thought, word, and act using the Fa’s standard.

Thank you Master! Thank you fellow practitioners!