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Handling Problems with Positive Thinking

Sept. 17, 2023 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in China

(Minghui.org) As Dafa practitioners, our thinking should be positive and righteous. All negative thinking is participating in the old forces’ arrangements, where all thoughts and functions are negative, and they will interfere with Fa-rectification.

Three practitioners, Jia, Yi, and Bing, have worked together to make Data materials. Bing was recently a bit busy at work and had conflicts with his family. Jia and Yi complained about Bing in front of me regarding his lack of initiative and his family issues. It sounded awkward to me, and I didn’t know how to handle it. I then suggested that they be more considerate of Bing, but Jia told me they had tried that.

From Fa study, I realized that such negative thinking can control us, and we must rectify ourselves. In the past, when I saw that Bing encountered family issues, I thought he had strong attachments, including emotional attachments. Looking at the same situation now with righteous thoughts, I realized such family conflicts should be good opportunities for him to improve. It could be what he owed them--the karma and grievances with family members from generation to generation, and it could be time to settle the bill. Wasn’t this a good thing?

Bing also realized that he had been dealing with negative thinking in the past, resulting in increasingly intensified conflicts with his family. This time, he knew he should use positive thinking to look at the conflicts he encountered.

After I returned home, there came a test for me. I saw dirty dishes from dinner on the table, unwashed pots, and an oily sink. In the past, I would have immediately begun blaming and criticizing my daughter. This time I realized I should handle the problem with positive thoughts. I picked up the dirty pots and cleaned them. I calmly asked my daughter if she could wash the regular dishes. She agreed and set to work on it. I then said: “By the way, could you also clean the sink too?” She seemed impatient and said, “Are you still giving orders?” I calmly responded, “Ok, you can leave it for me.” As a result, she cleaned the sink too. This incident illustrated for me that positive thinking is effective. Everything is peaceful and wonderful!

Dafa is pure and righteous, and our thinking should conform to Dafa. By doing so, we can truly follow the path arranged by Master.