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Overcoming Severe Physical Tribulations With Strong Faith in Falun Dafa

Sept. 13, 2023 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in Shandong Province, China

(Minghui.org) I’m 74 this year and took up Falun Dafa in 1996. Many of my ailments disappeared while cultivating in Dafa and I have been healthy ever since.

In the past few years, I have lived with my son and helped care for his child. During this time, I let up in my cultivation, and then the old forces exploited the gap and taught me a hard lesson.

One day in April 2021, I woke up to find the right side of my body paralyzed. I wasn’t afraid, but reminded myself that I’m a Dafa practitioner. I told my husband, who is also a practitioner, about the situation, and he encouraged me to have faith in Dafa and I would pass the test.

I put my heart of fear down and stopped worrying about what would happen. I would just let Master Li, the founder of Falun Dafa, take charge of me. I asked my husband to fasten some rope to the closet door. I stood, leaned against the closet, and held the rope so that I could do the Falun Standing Stance exercise (the second of the four standing exercises). I tried my best to stretch my paralyzed right arm as far and as high as possible. A month later, I was able to cut vegetables with my right hand. After another month, I could hold chopsticks with my right hand and was able to do some light household chores. By the fourth month, I was able to do the exercises without holding onto the rope.

Through this tribulation, I have become more aware of the seriousness of cultivation. I also know that no matter how big or serious the test is, we must hold firm to Dafa and have faith in Master.