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Cherishing My Predestined Connection to Falun Dafa

Aug. 9, 2023 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in Canada

(Minghui.org) In 2017, I was surfing the Internet and was impressed by a story posted by a Falun Dafa practitioner who talked about her amazing experiences after she began practicing. I was curious and downloaded Zhuan Falun (Falun Dafa’s main book). Because at first, I did not really understand what Falun Dafa is I did not really start practicing until Feb 2019. I would like to tell you how my character (xinxing) and my environment improved.

My Positive Changes

I really like reading books, so I read Zhuan Falun a lot but didn’t take what Master said to heart because I only considered it a good book.

My life was miserable, and day after day, I suffered through illness after illness. I felt desperate, depressed, and hopeless. I didn’t tell anyone because I didn’t want my family to worry. I spent long hours in doctors’ offices: I visited thyroid specialists, cardiologists, and gynecologists. While waiting to see the doctor, I read Zhuan Falun.

Because of the attachments of ordinary people, post-natal notions, and karma, I only wanted to read the books but I did not cultivate. I later realized that even then, Master was taking care of me and my body was being continuously purified. Since I was unaware of this, I kept taking blood tests, ultrasounds, X-rays, and MRIs to find out what was wrong. Each time I was told that the cause of the disease was not found.

Master said,

“You can go for an examination and they won’t find anything; it’s just that you don’t feel well.” (The Sixth Talk, Zhuan Falun)

Because I read Zhuan Falun many times I understood the principle. One night I couldn’t sleep due to shortness of breath. I thought of Teacher and my favorite book. I also thought that I couldn’t hesitate and must start cultivating myself. I turned on Master’s exercise instruction video and learned to do the exercises all night. In my heart I promised Master that I would cultivate diligently.

Since that day, I do the exercises every day, read books, and always think of others first. I remind myself to act and speak as a practitioner, think of Dafa’s image, and remember the teachings in my interactions with everyone around me.

When I hurt people’s feelings or indulge my attachments, I compare my behavior to the Fa. I admit my wrongdoing and tell myself not to repeat this.

I search inward now when educating my children. My temper improved and I try to use compassion and see things from my children’s perspective. I can patiently listen and discuss their behavior with them. I also spend more time with them and read them stories I found on Minghui. They are especially interested in practitioners’ amazing experiences.

My children are now interested in cultivation. They read Zhuan Falun and do the exercises with me. My 12-year-old daughter told me that she often hears the exercise music when she’s asleep.

When she first started reading the Fa, she was interfered with by thought karma very badly. She was frightened and said, “I am sure that Master is kind and good. But every time I study the Fa, I start to have negative thoughts. I don’t want to be like this.”

I set up a schedule so I could read with my daughter. Every time the interference started, we immediately read the Fa together. We continued to do this for two months and then the thought karma stopped. She can read the Fa by herself now.

My co-workers have known me for more than 10 years so they know my health problems. They always saw me taking medicines and knew I had a bad temper. I could be happy and friendly one day and grumpy the next day. However, since I started practicing Falun Dafa, I can work without complaining. I now use Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance as my moral standard and put others first. Because of this, my words no longer came from selfishness and I am now sincere and kind.

Master taught us,

“With a change in character will come a significant change in your body; physical changes in your body are guaranteed to accompany positive changes in your mind.” (The First Talk, Zhuan Falun)

Gradually all my illnesses were eliminated. For more than four years, I have not taken any medication. I can also work at a fast pace for more than 10 hours each day. All of this was impossible before I started practicing. From the bottom of my heart, I am thankful to Master and Dafa.

Validate the Fa to Everyone Around Me

When I first began practicing I hoped that everyone around me would practice Falun Dafa. I understood that my relatives and friends reincarnated together. We all have a predestined relationship with each other and Dafa. In another lifetime we promised each other that whoever practices first would tell the others.

I realized that I needed to use my positive changes to validate the Fa. I began to introduce Falun Dafa to the people around me and my customers. I wanted to show people how Dafa’s power transformed my body and mind.

In our conversations during free time at work, no matter what the daily topics are about, I don’t get caught up in them, instead, I lead them towards upholding moral values.

The first person who began practicing was my relative. During the COVID outbreak, the nail salon where she worked was closed. She had a lot of time off at home and she also had health problems. She recalled that after I began practicing Falun Dafa my illnesses disappeared.

She wanted to learn the exercises. I was so happy for her because I knew that the time Master arranged for her had come. I quickly showed her the five exercises and sent her a link to Zhuan Falun.

She said that she could feel warm energy throughout her body and her health improved a lot.

When the pandemic subsided, the store reopened and we returned to work with safety measures such as glasses and masks. Yet the staff was still infected.

My coworkers had a high fever for many days. They coughed, had difficulty breathing, and had to take medicine. Some were hospitalized, but my fellow practitioner and I only had runny noses and itchy throats.

We read the Fa and exercised as usual. We were fine after a few days and did not take any pills. This impressed everyone at my workplace and they were interested in Falun Dafa.

One day my boss came to me and said that he had a back problem. He had received acupuncture treatments for years but it did not get better. He asked if I could show him the exercises.

I stayed after work and showed him the exercises for two hours. The next day he was smiling. He said it was miraculous and he no longer felt pain or discomfort. He said that Falun Dafa is so good, he should have practiced long ago when I first told him about it.

Next, his wife and another co-worker decided to practice, so the boss prepared a small CD player. I brought sitting mats and everyone practiced together after work. No words can describe my joy since both my house and my workplace are where I can practice now. Thank you Master.

I feel Falun Dafa is always with me and guides me to keep moving forward on my cultivation path. My parents noticed that people’s morals improve when they practice Dafa. ’They’ve now started practicing. My parents’ good friend was recently diagnosed with an incurable disease.

I asked my parents to ask their friend if he wanted to try Falun Dafa and he agreed. I showed him the exercises and his wife joined us. His condition stabilized, and he and his wife joined the Fa study group with us every day.

Memorizing the Teachings

I stayed home during the pandemic lockdown and spent the entire day reading the teachings. I joined a group that was memorizing them. I finally understood how great and beneficial reciting the Fa can be. My cultivation has improved a lot.

Before I joined the Fa study group or when I read the Fa by myself, I felt like I only read the surface. I had some understanding, but it was just on the surface. It’s completely different when I memorize the Fa. I have to read the same sentence over and over again, and the same paragraph repeatedly, so I feel like each character, and each word enters my head.

Every time I memorize a paragraph, I feel elated and happy. The feeling is hard to describe.

Our group has been steadily maintaining our Fa study since the beginning of 2020. I realized that ever since I began memorizing the Fa, my righteous thoughts have grown stronger, my words are powerful, and my truth clarification has been more effective.

I invited my coworkers and family members to see Shen Yun but no one seemed interested. Some were busy with work, some said the dance performance was the same, others said the tickets were expensive.

At that time, my understanding of the Fa was poor and I did not have enough righteous thoughts. I impatiently used ordinary people’s methods to persuade them.

I even put my own name out there to guarantee that it was a great and epic performance - hoping they would go and see it. They began avoiding me. When I later think about the way I behaved, I was demanding.

After memorizing the Fa, my words are powerful. I simply say that this art performance is special and you really should see it. As a result, 9 people at work and 19 people from my extended family agreed to see the show.

Since I began cultivating, I also gradually stopped going to parties. I just want to focus on cultivation and avoid gatherings, so I keep making excuses to refuse invitations.

One day my friend called me and invited the entire family to a New Year’s Eve party. At first, I hesitated, but then I thought about why I was afraid of crowds and noise. Since a lot of people were going, it would be an opportunity for me to clarify the truth. I accepted.

At the party, everyone happily chatted and asked about each other’s health. I talked about the amazing changes since I began practicing Falun Dafa. My health improved and I no longer run to doctors. Many people asked me to show them the exercises.

I realized that it is necessary to study the Fa wholeheartedly to have the Fa in mind, to measure all things around you, and maintain a righteous mindset.

Participating in Different Projects

I wanted to read Zhuan Falun in Chinese. Thanks to Master’s arrangement, I was able to arrange a time to read online with a practitioner who teaches Chinese. We meet for two hours every day after the global time to send righteous thoughts.

After persevering for more than a year, I have read Zhuan Falun inChinese. This laid a foundation for me to do something with practitioners in Vietnam: Calling Chinese people to advise them to quit the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and its affiliated organizations.

Because the time in Canada and Vietnam is so different, it took me a few days just to learn the process. I start at 4 a.m. every day so that practitioners can help me. My Chinese was still poor and in the first few weeks, almost every caller hung up or scolded me.

I felt discouraged. But the other practitioners encouraged me a lot and told me about their experiences. I knew that I was doing the right thing. I was doing what Master asked and fulfilling my vows.

I also learned about some practitioners’ situations. Some have to work and stay at sea for 3-6 months consecutively. With only a small radio and a Zhuan Falun, they still study the Fa and do the exercises every day. They help with this project in their spare time.

Some practitioners spend 6 hours every day making phone calls. Even though they don’t know much Chinese many people they call agree to quit the CCP. In a month, they can help around 100 people to quit.

Working with practitioners who were under financial burden, having to support the whole family, but still doing what a Dafa disciple should do really encourages me to try harder.

I also began to clarify the truth to customers at the nail salon. My English is not good, so other practitioners helped me make a video.

I played the video and told customers about Falun Dafa and the persecution, instead of being shy and stammering, not knowing how to start a conversation.

After watching the video, my customers had many different reactions: Some were shocked and moved to tears, others congratulated me on my good health, and others were interested and asked more about Dafa and the persecution. Some ladies asked how to register their husbands and children to attend Falun Dafa online classes.

Closing Remarks

Master gave me the best and most convenient things so that I could live in the Fa every day, practice, and correct myself. I remind myself to appreciate the difficulties and challenges on the path of cultivation. Any difficulties are for me to improve my xinxing, and it is an opportunity for me to identify and eliminate my hidden attachments. I appreciate myself as well as cherish this opportunity to practice Falun Dafa!

I would like to tell Master: Dear Master, thank you for saving me. I vow to be more diligent in walking on the path that you have arranged and to fulfill my mission well.

These are understandings at my current level. If something is not in line with the Fa, please kindly point it out.

(Presented at 2023 Canada Falun Dafa Cultivation Experience Sharing Conference)