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The Lump Disappeared When I Changed My Human Notions

Aug. 20, 2023 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in Heilongjiang Province, China

(Minghui.org) A hard lump appeared on my bottom when I was in my 20s. The doctor said that after it was treated it would not come back. But it returned a few months later. When I went back to the doctor, he didn’t want to treat me. I had no choice but to try a Chinese medicine remedy that someone recommended. The lump disappeared and it did not come back.

I am now 60 years old and practice Falun Dafa. One day the pain returned, but I did not want to go to the hospital, or use the herbal treatment I previously used. The hard mass continued to grow, and I was in pain when I sat and meditated. My mind felt unbalanced, but I thought no matter how much pain I was in, I must do the three things well.

The lump kept growing. I looked inward, but could not find any omission in my cultivation. I listened to recordings of practitioners’ experience sharing articles about stepping out of the illusion of their sickness karma. I kept listening, sometimes well in to the early morning. The more I listened, the better I felt, and my mind became stable. I noticed a problem. When I had meal with my family, my mother would watch TV, and so did I. Perhaps old forces used this to interfere with me.

Through the illusion of sickness karma, I deeply understood that cultivation is very serious. Master said:

“Cultivation practice itself is not difficult, and neither is upgrading one’s level itself difficult. It is because they cannot give up the human mind that they call it difficult. This is because it is very difficult to relinquish something in the face of practical gain. The benefits are right here, so how can you abandon these attachments? It is actually because of this that one will find it difficult.” (Lecture Nine, Zhuan Falun)

As I was reading, I understood that Master hinted that the hard lump was right here, and it depended on how I let my attachments go. When ordinary people said that was some kind of illness, we practitioners should not recognize it and should deny the illusion. On the surface it was an illness, but it's actually an illusion.

When I looked inward it was a stubborn human notion that I had for decades. How could I use the Fa to change this human notion? My mind must be free of ordinary people’s thoughts, and only think of Dafa and Master.

I must be in the Fa when I walk, eat and ride a bus, so that my deep-rooted notions can be eliminated. Sometimes, I would communicate with the life behind the sickness karma: “Don’t stay in my dimension. You don't belong here because I am a Falun Dafa practitioner. Remember, Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good, and assimilate to Dafa so that you can have a good future.”

A few days later, a miracle happened, the hard lump itched and began to shrink. It also stopped hurting. I could do the sitting meditation without any problem. This is the power of Dafa, the miracle of cultivating xinxing.