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Austria: Practitioners Hold Activities in Different Cities and Raise Awareness of the Ongoing Persecution of Falun Gong Practitioners in China

July 8, 2023 |   By a Falun Gong practitioner in Austria

(Minghui.org) Falun Gong practitioners held multiple activities in different cities, during which they told people about the cultivation of Falun Gong, also known as Falun Dafa. They participated in local celebrations such as the Hallstatt Culture Festival and festivals in Graz, Austria in the summer of 2023. Practitioners told people about the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) ongoing persecution of Falun Gong. They requested that people sign a petition, trying to bring an end to the persecution perpetrated by the Chinese regime.

Practitioners participated in the Festival of the Nations held at Hirschstetten Botanical Gardens on June 17, 2023. Many different groups gathered and showcased their culture, food and products.

Practitioners decorated a wooden cottage, which came as a pleasant surprise to the public. They also taught people how to fold paper lotus flowers. Many passersby learned about Falun Dafa’s cultivation and the CCP’s ongoing persecution.

Practitioners decorated a wooden cottage with lotus flowers.

Practitioners tell people about the ongoing persecution.

Practitioners set up an informational booth in the middle of the pedestrian street in Saint Pölten on June 17, 2023. Locals residents and tourists would come across Falun Dafa’s booth when walking around the capital city of the State of Lower Austria.

A gentleman from a Swiss tour group was told about the CCP’s forced organ harvesting from living practitioners. He immediately signed the petition and suggested that everyone from the tour group do the same. People from other tour groups were also interested in learning about Falun Dafa and the ongoing persecution in China at the practitioners’ booth. Many of them signed the petition.

Practitioners set up an informational booth in Saint Pölten, Austria.

A gentleman asked if Falun Dafa was a type of religion. Upon learning that a group of people believing in the principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance were being persecuted, he expressed his support and recognition of Falun Dafa. He signed the petition and said, “There should be more media coverage of people who are being persecuted because of their faith.”

Practitioners Set up Booth in Graz, Austria

Practitioners attended a festival in Graz that appreciated those who selflessly contributed to the festivities in Graz on June 18, 2023.

Practitioners’ information booth in Graz, Austria.

A total of 90 organizations attended the activity in Graz, with Falun Dafa being one of them. Practitioners set up a booth and passersby were able to learn more about the preciousness of Falun Dafa, and also about the CCP regime’s brutal persecution of Falun Gong in China.

A petition calling for an end to the persecution was placed on the table and practitioners also distributed paper lotus flowers and truth-clarification fliers. Many tourists were interested in the practice and inquired where they could learn it.

Practitioners also demonstrated the Falun Dafa exercises on stage. A practitioner explained that Falun Dafa practitioners in China, who adhere to the principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance, are being brutally persecuted by the CCP.

A lady who watched the practitioners’ exercise movements came to the informational booth. She signed the petition and stated that she was willing to support something like this.

A law student from a neighboring booth stated that she would see the practitioners’ booth all the time in Graz. She never got the chance to learn what Falun Dafa was about. She was happy to have her booth next to the practitioners' this time. She signed the petition to end the forced organ harvesting from living Falun Gong practitioners after learning more about Falun Dafa. She told her classmates about the persecution, and they signed the petition as well.

A young social worker inquired about Falun Dafa after signing the petition. She also invited practitioners to her organization, where practitioners could demonstrate the Falun Dafa exercises.