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Enduring the Darkest Years in the Company of Minghui Website

July 7, 2023 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in China

(Minghui.org) After the persecution of Falun Dafa started in 1999, for all kinds of reasons, I lost contact with fellow practitioners and stopped cultivating. Shortly after, I got married, only to become a victim of domestic violence because my husband had a very bad temper. My life was miserable.

In 2004, I met a practitioner on the social media platform QQ, who was chatting with people to clarify the facts about Dafa. The practitioner, who lived outside of China, sent me the Freegate software, enabling me to circumvent the internet censorship and connect to Minghui. I was so excited when I saw Master’s photo on the front page of Minghui. A lost child finally found her way home. I downloaded all of Master’s books and started to cultivate again.

I’m so grateful for Master’s arrangement, as well as for fellow practitioners outside of China who have persevered in raising awareness about the persecution among the Chinese people. Without the software, I probably wouldn’t have been able to return to Dafa, because I didn’t know any other practitioners. I also want to thank Minghui for being my company for so many years. Even though I was in the center of the evil persecution, I wasn’t lost. With the guidance of Minghui, I’ve been able to walk the path to return to my original, true self.

After I learned how to get on Minghui, I called a friend who had also stopped practicing Dafa. Because we weren’t in the same city, we hadn’t contacted each other for years for security reasons. She was also very happy to hear about the software. She and her husband visited me with their computer. I gave her a copy of Freegate. She not only resumed practicing Dafa herself, but she also passed the software on to another practitioner, who could then browse Minghui as well.

In addition to fellow practitioners, I also shared Freegate with my clients at work. They all liked it and said it was faster and easier to use than other anti-censorship software.

Due to the persecution, many of the practitioners I’d known had moved. For many years, I couldn’t get in touch with local practitioners. But I read sharing articles on Minghui every day. In the company of Minghui, I’ve never felt like I’m cultivating alone but with the group—all the time.

I downloaded articles from Minghui and printed some to distribute. I also burned DVDs and gave them to people I knew. I always asked them to return the DVDs to me after they watched it, so that I could pass them on to more people. I also mailed letters to local government agencies, urging them not to participate in the persecution.

Without knowing much about internet security, I began to chat with people on QQ about Dafa, just like the practitioner I’d met earlier. Except for work, I spent most of my time sitting in front of the computer, chatting with people, and sharing with them the messages I received from overseas practitioners. Protected by Master Li, the founder of Falun Dafa, I did this for five years.

I later wrote an article about how I raised awareness of the persecution through social media and submitted it to Minghui. The editor reminded me to pay attention to security. Only then did I realize that it wasn’t safe for us in China to clarify the facts on QQ. I also read sharing articles about practitioners being persecuted for clarifying the facts online. I stopped doing that.

In 2009, Minghui published a technical guide on using cell phones to send messages to people. I downloaded the manual and began to use cell phones to clarify the facts.

I didn’t do a good job talking to people face to face due to my fear and worries. But fellow practitioners’ sharing articles on Minghui always inspired me to try my best. Although I still have a lot to improve, I did talk to some people face-to-face over the years.

In 2014, I finally got in touch with local practitioners. Now I have been providing them with informational materials and technical support. I have finally joined the local group and work with them on various initiatives.

In terms of xinxing cultivation, the sharing articles on Minghui also helped me understand how to cultivate myself, improve my xinxing, and become mature in cultivation.

At first when I ran into xinxing conflicts, I forced myself to endure, while still feeling resentful and unfairly treated. I know Dafa’s principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is the standard I want to reach. Although I wasn’t there yet, I would absolutely not seek revenge or respond in an extreme way. It’s a painstaking process to face it and look within, but after passing the test, I realized that my xinxing has improved.

Now when “bad” things happen to me, I am able to consider things from others’ perspectives, understand their difficulties, and look for areas to do better myself.