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Advising Government Officials about Falun Gong and the Persecution

July 17, 2023 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in China

(Minghui.org) I began practicing Falun Dafa in 1995, and was the first one in our area to become a Dafa practitioner. I visited a city, 50 miles from my home to learn Falun Dafa in 1995. On my way back home, I met a friend on the train. He was practicing another qigong at the time and we talked with each other. It was very cold in the train, and he was shivering. On the contrary, I was sweating. I got off the train at 11:30 p.m. and still felt hot when walking home. I walked lightly, feeling as if my feet were off the ground. I looked down and did see that my feet were off the ground; I was moving forward in the air. I did not know what was going on and begged Master for help! My feet then touched the ground, and I ran home fast. After discussing this with fellow practitioners later, I understood that, with Master’s strengthening, my heavenly circulation had opened. 

I smoked and drank at that time. Seeing that all the other practitioners had stopped smoking and drinking, I knew I had fallen behind in my cultivation. I thought, “I must truly cultivate and must discard my attachments. I want to base my every thought and deed on the Fa, and I want to be a true practitioner.” Since then, I stopped smoking or drinking and stopped doing anything that deviated from the Fa. 

Government People Were Advised About Falun Dafa and the Persecution 

During the year when the Chinese Communist regime persecuted Falun Dafa, my upper management wanted to promote me to work in the city government. A bad person reported to the city government that I practiced Falun Dafa. The government had three departments investigate me and the management held meetings to discuss my situation. 

People told me that my promotion was no longer possible. I remained calm, paid no attention to the fame and fortune a promotion could bring, and did not have any mental burden over it. I said to Master in mind, “I will accept the promotion if Master arranged it for me. I will not want it if it is not mine. I will follow Master’s arrangement.” The senior official in charge called me in one afternoon, “The organizational department has issued a document to promote you to a position in the government.” I understood this as Master arranging for me to go to a new environment to validate Dafa.

In the circle of CCP officials, dining, drinking, sexual affairs, gambling, and extortion is the norm. I remained aloof and read Master Li’s teachings. I actively got involved in the things that benefit people, such as implementing policies to help the farmers increase income, building bridges, repairing dams, building flood control, and so on. I never asked for a penny from any businesses or individuals. I was rated as a national advanced worker, and a provincial and municipal advanced individual for many years.

I often talked to government officials about Falun Dafa in my new environment. Once, I was with the local 610 Office director and the head of the national security division. The division head threatened to fine all people with belief, including Falun Dafa practitioners, one million yuan, to generate income for the public security department. I said, “It’s not a good thing to do, it is better not to do it.” He replied with a disdainful expression, “I don’t want to talk to you because of your belief in Falun Gong. I’m not afraid of retribution.” Seven days later, he crashed into a tree while driving and died. After he died, my superior told me, “Do you know why he came? He wanted to cause a lot of trouble for you, but surprisingly, he died. He did receive retribution.”

During the time around the National People’s Congress and Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference, the government staff were asked to study the so-called spirit of the 20th National Congress, and a leading official was to give a speech on stage. When I saw that his speech had content attacking Falun Dafa, I asked him, “Who wrote this speech?” His secretary admitted writing it. I said to the secretary, “You should not have this content in the speech. Falun Dafa teaches people to be good people. Defaming Falun Dafa won’t do you any good. The speech should promote solidarity of our people and freedom of belief; it must not have this content, absolutely not.” 

Seeing how determined I was, he said, “I revised a previous speech. This content is from a previous speech.” I told him, “Please remove it.” 

When the lead official went on stage and read the speech in front of hundreds of people, this content had been removed. Later, this lead official said to me, “Are you a Falun Gong practitioner? I had a friend who was also a lead official. He told me about you. He said you have an excellent character; you don’t accept prostitutes, don’t gamble, don’t cheat, and don’t take bribes. When people sent young girls to you, you sternly refused. You are a very honest person, and he felt very comfortable dealing with you. I did not know you before; I only knew your name. I know he talked about you...” We chatted for a long time. He respected me and admired my character. I knew that he was impressed by the character of a Falun Dafa practitioner.

I was an official in a government organ for many years. My position was lucrative in the eyes of many people, and they tried to give me money to bribe me, which I refused to accept. Some of my superiors said to me, “You are wasting your position. People offered you personal gain and you were not interested, offered you fame and you pushed it away, offered you money and you refused, and offered you women and you, of course, refused. What do you want? Do you want to cause us trouble?” 

Many people did not understand me; they badmouthed me and rolled their eyes at me. I maintained my xinxing, kept improving my xinxing in conflicts, and demanded of myself that I strictly follow the principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance. I was not angry, nor did I feel hatred; instead, I felt pity for them, for their not knowing about Falun Dafa.

In order to help them to receive Dafa’s salvation, I talked to them about Falun Dafa and the persecution whenever I could. When chatting with them, I talked to them about the principles that Falun Dafa practitioners follow, the miracles that Dafa practitioners experienced, and the principles of good being rewarded and evil punished; I tried to help them understand the preciousness of Falun Dafa, so they could receive Dafa’s salvation, and have a good future.

Telling Ordinary People about Falun Gong and the Persecution 

Every year on the 18th day of the fourth lunar month we have the temple fair day in our area. Many people go to the temple fair. One year when the persecution was the most rampant, four fellow practitioners and I drove to the fair site the evening before the fair. We brought large banners with us that had phrases telling people about Falun Dafa and the persecution. We wanted to hang the banners on trees around the fair site so people could see them when going to the fair. 

There were many plainclothes policemen around the fair site. When we approached an intersection at the site, several plainclothes policemen appeared in my headlights. I made a right turn into the village to avoid them. In the village, we hung a 33-foot-long banner on a tree next to the road. The banner read, “Heaven is eliminating the CCP, quit the CCP for your safe future, Falun Dafa is good.” 

On our way back, we saw that the plainclothes officers were still there. We stopped at about 500 yards from them, and we hung another banner on a tree next to the road. When we got back into our car, we saw a police car about 50 yards away from us, driving towards us with the headlights off. I stepped on the accelerator and drove away quickly. However, the police car followed behind us. When the police car got closer, a practitioner said, “The police car is catching up, let me get out and you keep going.” I said, “No one gets out! We have Master’s protection – they can’t catch up to us. Let’s send righteous thoughts!” We then felt as if we were driving in a different time-space and they could not catch up to us. 

With Master’s protection, we all got home safely. Afterwards, the police captain asked my colleague for my license plate number, and then asked me, “Who borrowed your car?” I said, “Nobody.” After that, they did not pursue it any further.

During the past 10 years, we put up posters on the walls of many communities. These posters said, “Sincerely recite, ‘Falun Dafa is good,’ and you will receive blessings when you face disaster.” We also distributed materials that clarify the truth about Falun Dafa throughout all the buildings, households, and villages. We brought the beauty of Dafa to people, fulfilling our prehistoric vows to save all sentient beings. I talked to people face-to-face about Falun Dafa every day. Each day I was able to help a few people to a dozen people to quit the CCP organizations.

We visited my father-in-law during the past lunar new year. More than 20 of our relatives gathered there. While chatting, they all admired my father-in-law’s good health. My father-in-law is 96. He glows with health and is full of energy, and he often rides a bike for fun. He said proudly to our relatives of the younger generations, “Why am I in such good health? Because my son-in-law told me to recite, ‘Falun Dafa is good.’ I recite it every day, and when I recite it, I am as energetic as a young man and walk with great strength. This is very true.”

He continued, “My eldest son-in-law is the best. He is very righteous and is not contaminated with any of those bad habits from society. He only follows Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance to be a good person. As a matter of fact, all of you know that Falun Dafa is good. Because the Communist Party is evil and everyone is scared of the CCP’s persecution. People like you dare not speak up for Falun Dafa and dared not listen to Dafa practitioners.”