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Miraculous Experiences After Practicing Falun Dafa

June 14, 2023 |   By Yan Gui, a Falun Gong practitioner in Hebei Province, China

(Minghui.org) In the fall of 1995, I came across the book Zhuan Falun for the first time. Little did I know that this encounter would change my life forever. I would like to share some of the remarkable experiences I’ve had since embracing the practice of Falun Dafa. From the profound impact of reading the book to experiencing miraculous healings and spiritual growth, my journey has been filled with wonder and gratitude.

Obtaining Falun Dafa

I inquired about the book Zhuan Falun after seeing it on my mother’s bedside. She did not tell me that she took up Falun Dafa in the summer of 1995. Encouraged by my parents, I decided to give it a read, despite my initial doubts. 

As I delved into the teachings, I found myself captivated and unable to put the book down. I used to get sleepy while reading books, but not this time. The profound wisdom contained within its pages resonated with me deeply, and I began to see the potential for positive change in the world if more people embraced these teachings.

Motivated by my newfound understanding, I eagerly began practicing the set of five Falun Dafa exercises. Despite being a non-morning person, I got up at 5:30 a.m. to attend the practice sessions with other practitioners. It was still dark in the early morning during winter, so my husband accompanied me. To my surprise, I experienced a remarkable warmth radiating from within during the exercises, even in the freezing weather. It was a wondrous experience that solidified my commitment to practicing Falun Dafa.

Encounters with the Extraordinary

As I continued my cultivation journey, I was blessed with several extraordinary experiences that strengthened my faith in Falun Dafa. One memorable encounter was seeing a Falun spinning before my eyes. The Falun was a bright turquoise blue, and I heard a tinkling sound, like a wind chime. 

I also experienced profound physical healings during my cultivation. I vividly recall a time when a severe stomach pain woke me in the middle of the night. I knew it was my body being purified by Master Li, the founder of Falun Dafa. When I got up to go to the morning practice as usual, the pain was barely noticeable. I reassured myself to go despite my husband’s concerns. Miraculously, the pain subsided completely at that moment, and my long-standing stomach issues were then permanently cured.

Another incident involved a painful accident where scalding water caused extensive blistering on my hands, arms, and chest. With steadfast belief, I persevered by reciting Master’s teachings, “Nothing is truly unbearable or impossible.” (The Ninth Talk, Zhuan Falun). To my astonishment, the wounds healed after two weeks without leaving any significant scars. It was a testament to the power of righteous thoughts and Falun Dafa.

Throughout my cultivation journey, I have encountered numerous challenges, both physical and spiritual. However, I firmly believe that Master has been with me every step of the way, guiding and protecting me.

When I was diagnosed with uterine fibroids in 2007, the doctor recommended surgery. My trust in Falun Dafa and Master’s compassion led me to turn to Falun Dafa. During the week of waiting to be admitted to the hospital, through intensive Fa study, sharing with fellow practitioners, and the power of belief, the tumor was significantly diminished. My husband was astonished and dropped the idea of surgery. The tumor eventually disappeared two weeks later. He witnessed the power of Falun Dafa and was open to the possibility of practicing Falun Dafa himself.

In conclusion, I am grateful to Master for introducing Falun Dafa into my life. The profound wisdom, extraordinary experiences, and transformative healing I have encountered have been nothing short of miraculous. I will continue to diligently cultivate myself, striving to be worthy of Master’s compassionate salvation.