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Master Li’s Article “How Humankind Came To Be” Is a Heaven Sent Treasure

March 9, 2023 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in China

(Minghui.org) Mr. Li Hongzhi, the founder of Falun Dafa, published an article “How Humankind Came To Be” in January 2023. The article reveals the heavenly truth to everyone in the world. I realized this was a prelude to the Fa-rectification process in the human world. We practitioners must keep up and help more people learn the truth and be saved.

In addition to reading the Fa, sending forth righteous thoughts, and making truth clarification materials every day, I go out to talk to people about Falun Dafa face-to-face and help them quit the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and its affiliated organizations. I also bring copies of Master’s new article and offer it to people.

I usually say, “This is the first time that Falun Dafa’s Master has spoken to everyone in the world, and every word is a heavenly message. It is your good fortune to read it.”

Most people’s eyes shine when they see the article’s title. Many people accept it joyfully, saying they would read it and they sincerely thank me.

I then told them said they will appreciate Master’s great compassion when they witness the truth in the future.

When I talk to people about Falun Dafa, I find many people have seen through the destructive nature of the CCP. They are looking for the truth. I’d like to share some touching stories with you.

“The Heads of the Village Read Falun Dafa Materials”

One day, I went to the countryside to talk to the villagers. It was cold and I didn’t see anyone on the street. I then looked for people in their yards.

I passed a house and heard someone talking. I greeted them, and one person asked what I wanted. I said, “I want to give you some information on how to keep safe during the pandemic!” I handed him the Minghui journal along with an amulet and gave him a printed copy of Master Li’s new article. He happily accepted it.

However, the other person was hesitant and did not want it. Before I said anything, the one who accepted the materials said, “Take it! You know what? Many people are reading Falun Dafa materials now, and even the heads of our village accepted Falun Dafa materials, so what are we afraid of? Hurry up and take it! Take it!” The other person then accepted it.

I asked them if they joined the Party. They said, “No! The CCP is corrupt and has never done anything good, we didn’t want to join!”

I said, “It is a good thing that you are not CCP members!” I then advised them to quit all the CCP-affiliated organizations they joined, and they happily quit the Young Pioneers.

When I left, the two men walked me to the gate and repeatedly said, “Thank you! Thank you!”

“I Have Been Looking for the Article!”

I saw a middle-aged couple walking across the street. I greeted them and asked, “Can I share a special article with you?” Before I could finish, the man interrupted me and said, “Do you have Master Li’s recent article, “How Humankind Came To Be” I am looking for it. I heard about the article from other people. I want to read it.”

I said, “I am here to bring this article to you now!” He was thrilled when he saw it and said, “This is a Heaven-sent treasure. It’s a blessing for me to receive this article.” He repeatedly thanked me. I said, “Don’t thank me, but thank my Master.” He hurriedly said, “Yes! Thank you, Master Li!”

“I Want It! I Can Read!”

I saw an old lady gathering firewood in a village. I went over and greeted her. When she looked up, I noticed her face was full of deep wrinkles. I asked, “Auntie, why are you outside on such a cold day?” She said she was in her 80s and went out to gather a little firewood.

I briefly told her about Dafa, gave her an amulet, and asked her if she was a Party member. She said she had joined the Young Pioneers. I told her about quitting it to stay safe. She agreed.

I thought, “Maybe I don’t need to tell her about Master’s new article. It is so cold outside so she should hurry back to the house. In addition, she may not read, and even if she reads, her vision may not be good.”

When I was about to leave, I thought, “These are all my notions. I shouldn’t think that way.”

I immediately asked her, “Can you read? I have the article that Falun Dafa’s Master recently published.” Before I could say anything else, she replied with great excitement, “I want it! I can read!” She accepted the article with both hands and carefully put it in her coat pocket. This scene moved me. My eyes moistened, and I thought, “What a good person! What a precious person!”

“Thank You!”

One day, I greeted a woman and handed her a flyer. When she realized that I was distributing information about Falun Dafa, she immediately became impatient and told me to leave.

Her behavior and attitude did not move me. I remembered Master’s words. 

Master said,

“Mercy can melt heaven and earth into springRighteous thought can save people of the world.”(“Fa Rectifies the Cosmos,” Hong Yin II)

I smiled and said, “I came to you in the cold weather to tell you how to stay safe. This is the most important thing for our family, isn’t it, sister?”

Her attitude eased up. I said, “I also brought you an article that Falun Dafa’s Master recently published. Every word is the truth. No one has ever revealed why human beings exist. Why do people come to the world? Why are some people rich while others are poor?”

At this point, her attitude changed completely. She smiled and said, “I want the information. I will take a good look. Thank you!” I helped her quit the CCP and its affiliated organizations.

Master leads us forward with great compassion. Many people are still eagerly waiting to hear the truth. Only by following Master closely can we fulfill our vows and live up to the expectations of all sentient beings.