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From Skepticism to Faith: End-stage Bile Duct Cancer Patient’s Remarkable Recovery

March 5, 2023 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in Heilongjiang Province, China

(Minghui.org) I live in a remote mountain village in the northeast China, and I am the only person there who practices Falun Dafa. This place is very far from the city, and Dafa materials are very hard to come by.

My relatives and friends have witnessed the changes in my health and demeanor towards people before and after taking up Falun Dafa, and they all agree that Dafa is good. 

Those who understood the truth were able to turn their lives around in the face of illness, pandemics, and disasters. 

Here, I will share the amazing story of my friend Dapeng’s younger brother, who beat death and came back to life.

Struck with Bile Duct Cancer

I ran into Dapeng on a bus five years ago. He was my classmate when we were in elementary school. I told him about Dafa and the persecution . He was grateful and quit the Young Pioneer he once joined and said that he would pass on the auspicious phrases “Falun Dafa is good; Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good” to his family and friends.

His brother Xiaopeng, in his 50s, was diagnosed with end-stage bile duct cancer two years ago. Dapeng told him to recite the auspicious phrases and that he would be alright. But Xiaopeng did not believe it.

Xiaopeng was at the end of his life, so Dapeng called all the relatives home to bid him goodbye. 

Sister-in-law’s Kind Deed

Dapeng and Xiaopeng have another younger brother, Xiaoding, who along with his wife Yun live in Japan. Yun’s two sisters happen to practice Falun Dafa as well and had told Yun and her husband about Dafa. 

Yun and her family often recited the auspicious phrases and were blessed by Dafa in many ways.

Upon hearing about Xiaopeng’s illness, Yun called him and told him about the power of reciting the auspicious phrases and stories of others who were blessed and protected by Dafa. 

Xiaopeng replied with a weak voice: “I’m already like this. What’s the use of talking about that”?

“Don’t give up so easily. Why not give it a try?”

“Alright, I will give it a try.” 

Two Weeks After Reciting the Auspicious Phrases

From then on, as long as he was awake, Xiaopeng would recite “Falun Dafa is good; Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good.” He felt better day by day. On the third day, he was able to raise his leg, and he wondered, “Am I dead or having terminal lucidity?” He pinched himself and felt the pain. “It looks like the auspicious phrases do work! Well, as long as I am still alive I better keep reciting them.” 

After another three days, Xiaopeng continued to recover. He regained his appetite. His strength came back and he was able to turn his body in bed. He was so happy that he saw hope for a bright future. His family also encouraged him to have faith in Dafa. 

Within five days, he was able to get out of bed, and one week later, he was able to walk around with his family’s support.

Now, he has completely recovered and he began working in the field again.