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Practicing Falun Dafa Taught Me to Be Considerate

March 12, 2023 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in Heilongjiang Province, China

(Minghui.org) I am a 71-year-old Falun Dafa practitioner from Heilongjiang Province. I attended elementary school for only three years and am thus only semi-literate. I started practicing Falun Dafa after the Chinese Lantern Festival in 1999.

Many people suggested that I practice Falun Dafa, so I went a few times to an exercise site and practiced on and off for two years. A fellow practitioner lent me a copy of The Great Consummation Way of Falun Dafa so I could study the teachings. I put the book on my sewing machine and didn’t touch it for a year.

One of my daughter’s friends came to play with her and saw the book. She picked it up and read it right away. Then she asked me to teach her how to do the exercises. I said, “No, I don’t know how to do them. I will ask my daughter to find her uncle to teach you.”

It was very surprising. Right after I said this, that uncle showed up and even brought a few people with him to teach us how to do the exercises. I did them, too.

I recovered from all my ailments in five days, including an eye disease, cervical spondylosis, hyperostosis in my leg, and pain in my arm that affected my daily work. The people in my village were very poor, and we couldn’t afford to see a doctor. I frequently had colds, fevers, headaches, and/or toothaches. Falun Dafa is so amazing. I recovered after practicing it for only five days and have been disease-free ever since. I regretted that I hadn’t listened to Falun Dafa practitioners and begun to practice earlier.

Before I practiced Falun Dafa, I was very stubborn and always had conflicts with my neighbors. After I read Zhuan Falun, the main book of Falun Dafa, I began to behave according to Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance.

I Became Compassionate and Kind to My Neighbors

One day, my neighbor on the east side started to vomit up a lot of blood, which frightened his elderly mother and made her cry. His wife was too scared to do anything. My husband and I said it was important to save a person, so we lent them the money we’d saved for farming.

Another time, my husband asked his former classmate who worked at a bank for a 7,000-yuan loan. We used 3,000 of it for farming. People in the village knew we had gotten a loan and came to ask us to lend them money. We lent the remaining 4,000 yuan of our loan to those who were poor.

Facing Problems with Neighbors

We ran into a problem with two neighbors. Xiaoqin’s family moved back to our village because things hadn’t gone well for them and they were very poor. They had a small child and their 80-year-old father lived with them. Bai lived with his elderly mother who wasn’t well. I felt bad for both families.

One day, it started to pour. My husband and I were harvesting soybeans and had to stop due to the rain. The next day, we noticed that some of the soybeans we’d harvested were gone. There were footprints leading to Bai’s soybean field. We went to our neighborhood administration officer to report it. The officer went to the field and believed that it was Bai who’d taken the soybeans. We went to Bai’s home. He said, “The soybeans are on my land, but I didn’t take them.”

Back home, I wondered, “Who did that?” My eldest daughter said, “Xiaoqin’s wife asked me about our soybeans, and I said we would wait until the land dried out to move them.” My daughter thought that it was Xiaoqin’s wife who’d taken them. I said, “We don’t want the soybeans anymore.” I felt sorry for Bai’s mother and Xiaoqin’s elderly father and his child. It was compassion from my heart for both families.

It was raining moments before, and even an empty vehicle would get stuck in the field. Wang couldn’t move his vehicle with a whole load of soybeans. He asked my husband to use our vehicle to pull him out. After my husband helped him, a wheel on our vehicle broke and wouldn’t move. Wang didn’t even thank us. After Wang emptied his vehicle, he helped Bai to move the soybeans stolen from our land. I wasn’t moved at all by these things.

Master said:

“So both a white and black matter exist at the same time. I’ll explain the dynamics between the two. The white one, virtue, comes to us when we suffer, are dealt a blow, or do something meritorious. While the black one, karma, comes from doing evil or wrongful things, or mistreating people. Nowadays some people will do anything for their own gain, including all manner of evil. People will stoop to just about anything for money, they even commit murder or hire others to kill for them, and both homosexuality and drug abuse are now common. All kinds of things are now done. But doing wrong costs a person virtue.” (The First Talk, Zhuan Falun)

The above paragraph is deeply rooted in my heart. To me, it says to only do good things, to not do any bad things, and to accumulate virtue. Even if you knowingly lose a lot, don’t get angry. I have been practicing Falun Dafa for 23 years and I’ve been taken advantage of many times. However, I’ve never missed an opportunity to study the Fa or do the exercises, even when I was [persecuted and held] in a detention center or a forced labor camp [for remaining steadfast to my belief in Falun Dafa].

Amazing Experience

Something amazing happened to us in the winter of 2015. I fell down because the ground was icy. I looked up at the sky and then at the ice on the ground, and I thought, “What if an old person falls down? Please use heat from another dimension to thaw it.”

The next morning, a fellow practitioner came over. “From my place to yours,” she said, “all I saw was ice. The ground by the side of your house that faces the sun was icy, too, but all the ice on the far side of your house is thawed to slush.”

Another practitioner came early the next morning and was also surprised. “Who poured hot water all over? There is no ice at all.” I said, “The other day, I fell because of the ice. I looked at the sky and then the ice, and I thought, ‘Let the heat from another dimension thaw the ice.’ I didn’t expect it to happen, but it really thawed!”

I am sharing some of the miraculous things I’ve experienced over the past 23 years of my cultivation to validate Dafa and save sentient beings. I thank Master for his compassion, which I can never repay. The only thing I can do is to cultivate well and save more people.