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Don’t Give Up on Those Extremely Prejudiced People Who Are Against Falun Dafa

Dec. 9, 2023 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in China

(Minghui.org) The Fa-rectification period is nearing its end, and our time to clarify the truth and save people is quickly running out. Yet, there are many people who hold an extremely prejudiced view of Falun Dafa. They bought into the Communist regime’s lies, slandering the practice, so they won’t believe anything that is different from what the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) tells them. But many of them are good people, and are predestined to be saved. I believe that in the past few years, Master has been guiding me to save people from this category.

Song Had a Change of Heart

Song is the head of the local Port Authority, and his wife Lian and I used to be co-workers. I was an executive officer of the company at that time, and the couple were friendly toward me. After the persecution started in 1999, I was repeatedly arrested and imprisoned for my faith. The couple distanced themselves and Song especially avoided me at all cost. He was probably concerned that having any connection with me would hold him back from advancing in his career. For years, he didn’t give me the time of day to clarify the truth about Dafa.

Fast forward to a few years ago, Song was diagnosed with cancer. He sought treatment at big hospitals from the provincial capital all the way to Beijing, but nothing brought any relief. He grew weaker and thinner, and he was barely recognizable any longer.

I ran into Song one day. He was out walking with his wife’s help. I went up to them with a smile and greeted the couple. Song ignored me and told his wife to keep going. This was nothing new to me—since my last imprisonment in 2012, almost all my friends and co-workers stopped contacting me and avoided me as much as possible. Even when I ran into them, they tried to keep the exchange brief. To create opportunities to clarify the truth, I set up lunches with my friends from time to time and Song’s wife Lian actually joined me a couple times.

Song kept going but Lian stayed. While she chatted with me, Song called her a few times on her cellphone, probably trying to get her to leave, but Lian didn’t answer the phone. She listened attentively as I told her about Dafa’s incredible healing powers, “Science is not going to save Song’s life. You’ve tried everything modern medical science has to offer but nothing has worked, right? Only Falun Dafa can save him. If he sincerely recites the phrases, ‘Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good,’ and pays respect to Master and the Fa, Master will save him.” I named a few people that she knew of who received blessings when they believed in Dafa.

“I have some videos,” I told her. “Watch them and you’ll know what Falun Dafa really is and know that the state-run media, including TV and newspapers, are all spreading lies. Will you watch them?” She nodded, “Yes. I’ll watch them.” We made plans to meet up the next day so that I could give her the media player with the video files.

When she came to pick up the player the next day, her phone kept ringing but she didn’t answer. I told Lian, “Song may not want to watch these right away and he may even get upset with you. Don’t get into a fight with him over this. You can always watch these first. Take your time and tell him to calm his heart and have an open mind. Tell him he can watch, and be the judge whether it’s credible. He will make his own decision by looking at the facts and thinking rationally. After he watches the videos, maybe slowly try to get him to recite the two phrases. It will be very effective—this is the only medicine that can save him.” Lian agreed to give it try.

A few months passed and I didn’t hear anything from Lian. But I heard from other co-workers that Song was getting better. He was off treatment and medication and even played a little Mahjong each afternoon. I ran into the couple in the neighborhood one day and Song’s attitude had completely changed. He was warm and talkative, and I sensed some gratitude and even some guilt in his friendliness. He made small talk and asked about my family and my children. He kept the conversation going by asking all kinds of things. Although he never mentioned that he watched the videos or that he recited the two phrases, he seemed healthier and in much better spirits.

When I saw Lian, I told her, “If Dafa saved your life and you’ve benefited from it, please remember to pay respect and gratitude toward Dafa. From now on, you can no longer say anything that damages Dafa’s reputation.” Lian said, “Of course not. We would not do such a thing.” The next time I ran into the couple, I asked Song to quit the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and its youth organizations. He said “I quit,” very loudly right in the middle of the street. He accepted all truth-clarification fliers and booklets that I gave to him since and reads them thoroughly. The couple have read Master’s new lecture “How Humankind Came To Be” many times since it was published and Song started hand copying “On Dafa.”

Jin Received Blessings

Jin is my classmate from middle school. After graduating college, he got a job at the Municipal Services Bureau and worked his way up to section chief. I rarely run into him in the neighborhood as he doesn’t leave the house often. I tried to clarify the truth to him whenever I saw him, but he either shook his head or remained completely silent. He didn’t believe anything I said. I once gave him a copy of Zhuan Falun, the main book of Falun Dafa and asked him to read it. He returned the book after reading only a little bit and told me he couldn’t continue. Jin’s wife, however, was much more receptive to the truth. From time to time, I gave her a truth-clarification booklet or flier and asked her to pass it on to Jin.

I ran into Jin’s wife one day and she burst into tears, telling me Jin was diagnosed with a brain tumor. He had gone through two surgeries already. A third one was required but there was just so much risk involved and the family couldn’t decide what to do. Jin’s health, especially mental health, was declining rapidly. According to his wife, he got confused often and couldn’t even recognize her sometimes. She told me she had given up all hope. I asked her, “Will you be home tomorrow morning? I would like to pay him a visit.” She looked at me, “Are you going to save him?”

I visited Jin the next day. His wife said, “Look. He is doing much better now that you’re here.” Jin sat up in bed and talked with me. His wife told me, “I’ve shown him all the Dafa booklets and fliers you gave me. But he doesn’t believe any of it, saying it’s foreign powers trying to sabotage and bring down the Chinese government. I got upset with him yesterday and snapped at him, ‘Why do you love the CCP so much? What good has the CCP ever done for you? Name one Party official that is not corrupt. Why are you defending the Party?’ He made derisive remarks when I told him about Dafa and said I was advocating for Taiwan to become independent. He has completely bought into the CCP's propaganda and thinks that all Falun Dafa practitioners are ignorant.”

When I got home, I forwarded a 15,000 character long truth-clarification letter to Jin. I wrote this letter in 2012 after being taken to the provincial brainwashing center when my prison term ended. At the brainwashing center, the police beat me and tried to get me to renounce my faith in Dafa, but I didn’t waver. The head of the brainwashing center said, “Okay. We’ll stop the beatings for now and figure you out first. Write down the reasons why you refuse to renounce Falun Gong.” So I wrote this letter.

In the letter, I recounted my nearly 10 years of imprisonment and how I was tortured and could have died many times at the forced labor camp. The higher ups from the provincial Department of Justice, Department of Public Security, and officials from the provincial brainwashing center all read the letter. Maybe it touched them in some way, because the head of the brainwashing center let up on me quite a bit after that and never tried to get me to renounce my belief again.

Jin told me that he and his wife read the long letter in one sitting. The couple couldn’t sleep that night and were in complete disbelief. They were shocked to learn the practitioners have endured such grotesque and inhumane oppression under the Communist regime. They couldn’t believe how real and close to home the persecution against Falun Dafa was. As if waking up from a dream, they now know that what the Falun Gong practitioners have been trying to tell them for years was all true. It completely broke their prejudice against Falun Gong.

Jin told me, “The entire letter is more than 10,000 characters long but there isn’t a single misused character or even a punctuation error. You’ve done such a great job, especially for someone your age.” I smiled, “I wouldn’t have such a sharp mind if I didn’t practice Falun Dafa.” I gave Jin some videos published on Minghui to watch. He was very impressed, “It turned out, many Falun Gong practitioners are intellectuals that are highly educated and highly regarded in many fields.” Jin started reciting the two phrases every day and readily agreed to quit the CCP and its youth organizations when I asked. His health also quickly improved.

Soon, he was notified by the hospital to schedule his third surgery. His wife was against the idea, but their children felt strongly that Jin should follow through with the doctor’s plan. Jin gave in. At one point during the surgery, he was in critical condition due to a complication, but he got through it. Later, I asked Jin whether he remembered to recite the two phrases when his life was in danger. He said he might have forgotten about it at the moment but he did recite the phrases when he was at the hospital.

Jin was getting IVs every day after being discharged. He was not doing so well, but stayed sharp mentally. I suggested that he increase the frequency of reciting the two phrases and he did. In less than a month, he was fully recovered. He is now pretty much back to normal and was able to visit his son’s newborn baby at the hospital recently. The entire family is grateful toward Master and Dafa.

Chuan Recovered from Cerebellar Degeneration

Chuan is an elementary school teacher and an honest but stubborn guy. Although only in his 50’s, he has suffered from cerebellar degeneration for 10 years. He had brain surgery but still was getting worse. He has to walk with a cane, as his gait is unsteady, and he trembles and shakes. His left hand is always in a fist and his speech slurred. To prevent his condition from worsening too rapidly, he takes a walk through the neighborhood every day.

He used to be respectful toward me when we worked together. However, since my imprisonment, he’s tried to avoid me and not engage in any conversation whatsoever. About a month ago, I ran into him again near the market. “Mr. Chuan, how are you?” I greeted him as usual and this time, he actually stopped and responded. As we chatted, I brought up Dafa to him, “If you sincerely recite ‘Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good,’ it will help you get better.” He looked at me and asked, “What are the characters?” I showed him the two phrases on my Dafa amulet. He memorized them and left.

When I ran into him again at the market, I asked, “Did you recite the phrases?” He told me he did and he was able to stretch out his fingers on his left hand. I told him about quitting the CCP organizations but he shook his head no. By the third time I ran into him, his left hand was completely open and he was ready to quit the CCP. He was happy to listen as I clarified the truth to him in depth.

Words could not describe how happy I felt at that moment. I’ve lived on my own for years, as my kids are grown and have moved out. My life revolves around studying the Fa, doing the exercises, and clarifying the truth to save sentient beings. Seeing people waking up to the truth is the highlight of my life. I thought, “Chuan takes a walk up and down the same blocks every day and people of the entire neighborhood know him. When he walks like a normal person without the walking cane, people will all learn how powerful Dafa is. It would be much easier to clarify the truth.” The more I thought about it, the more excited I got.

When I ran into Chuan again a few days later, I asked him, “Are you much better now?” He said, “Not really. It got worse instead.” I was confused, “You were clearly better last time I saw you. How did it get worse again? Aren’t you able to open your fist now?” Then he claimed he was able to open his fist to begin with. I suddenly realized why he was speaking irrationally—my zealotry had caused this and brought demonic influence.

Still, I told Chuan, “We all have to answer to our conscience. You were obviously better last time I saw you, yet you tell me you weren’t. Then maybe your body will revert back to how it used to be. Master helped you get better and got rid of your illness. It didn’t cost you a penny and he doesn’t want anything from you in return. But you have to be grateful.” Meanwhile, I worked on getting rid of my zealotry. It is Master and the Fa that are saving people. As cultivators, we have to look at sentient beings being saved with a pure heart.

I gave Chuan Master’s new scripture, “How Humankind Came To Be,” when it was published and other truth-clarification booklets and videos. His health improved slowly but steadily. He was able to open his fist completely and can even carry things with that hand now. His gait is much more steady and his speech is clearer. Chuan is happier and smiles a lot more now. A co-worker told me one day, “I asked Chuan how he got better and he said by reciting the two phrases⸺Falun Dafa is good and Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance is good. I’m going to recite them too.”