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Different Outcomes from the Same Tribulation: One Had Righteous Thoughts and the Other Followed the Old Forces Arrangements

Nov. 29, 2023 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in China

(Minghui.org) Master’s Fa-rectification is approaching its conclusion. However, on the Minghui website I still read about many practitioners who are suffering serious persecution.

Some practitioners have suffered persecution multiple times. Some were still arrested and sentenced after staying away from their homes for years to avoid persecution. Some became disabled after being tortured and lost the ability to take care of themselves. Some passed away shortly after being released from imprisonment. And some deviated from Dafa and even cooperated with the evil to “transform” other practitioners. All of these practitioners knowingly or unknowingly followed a path arranged by the old forces. They caused huge losses for themselves and their sentient beings, and for fellow practitioners. They also created sins for themselves.

Many practitioners who returned home after being illegally detained were in their 50s, 60s, 70s, or 80s. The evil Party continued to persecute them after they returned home. For example, their pensions were suspended or they were dismissed from their jobs. The children in their family could not to go to school, and their families lost the income for their daily living.

Several times, I wanted to write down my thoughts on this issue to share with fellow practitioners. However, I put it aside due to my various attachments and concerns. Recently, with Master’s compassionate hints and strengthening, I gathered my courage and wrote this article to share with fellow practitioners.

I started cultivating Dafa in 2007. Burdened by many attachments and poor understandings, I experienced ups and downs in my cultivation. Only with Master’s strengthening and protection, was I able to cultivate to today. Thinking of this, I feel very regretful for not being able to discard my attachments earlier. Thank you Master for your compassionate help.

In 2011, two practitioners in our local area were reported for talking to people about Falun Dafa and the persecution; they were arrested and detained in the local detention center. More than a dozen days later, the detention center told them that they would be taken to Baimalong Forced Labor Camp the next day. Practitioner Aqiang was shocked. Practitioner Bai remained calm and said, “I am not going! I didn’t break the law and didn’t do anything wrong!”

The next morning, Aqing packed his luggage and got ready to go. He also urged Bai to pack his luggage. Bai was not moved. He sat there sending forth righteous thoughts. He said, “That’s not the place for me. I am not going.”

At around 7 a.m., a vehicle arrived and took them to the labor camp. The labor camp accepted Aqiang. However, they did not want to take Bai, regardless of how hard the police negotiated with them. Finally, Bai was brought back in the vehicle and was then released. Aqiang was sentenced to one year and three months of forced labor.

In this case, Aqiang accepted the arrangement of the old forces. In other words, he fell into the trap of the old forces and followed the path arranged by them. Because he followed the old forces’ arrangement and accepted the persecution, the detention center guards also committed huge sins for getting involved in persecuting him.

The old forces manipulate people to persecute Dafa practitioners and commit crimes against Dafa, as well as to destroy those very people they are manipulating. Dafa practitioners have thus experienced overwhelming persecution. Only by maintaining strong righteous thoughts, can practitioners reject the persecution, deny the old forces’ arrangements, and follow Master’s arrangements.

Master said,

“If you, as a student [of Dafa], do not follow Master’s requirements, it is definitely no simple thing. The old forces have arranged for all Dafa disciples a set of their things, so if a Dafa disciple doesn’t follow Master’s requirements, he must be following the old forces’ arrangements. The old forces are in essence gigantic trials and tribulations that accompany you at all times, focused on whether in Fa-rectification Dafa disciples are able to step forward.” (“Be Clearheaded,” The Essentials of Diligent Progress III)

Master also said,

“We negate even the very emergence of the old forces and everything that they’ve arranged; we don’t even acknowledge their existence. We’re fundamentally negating all of their things, and all of, and only, the things you do while negating and getting rid of them is mighty-virtue. It’s not that you’re cultivating amidst the ordeals they created. Rather, you are to walk your own path well while not acknowledging them, not acknowledging even the elimination of their ordeals’ manifestations. (Applause) So looking at it from this angle, what we need to do is completely negate the old forces.” (“Fa Teaching Given at the 2004 Chicago Fa Conference,” Collected Teachings Given Around the World, Volume IV)

I saw that some practitioners stayed home or went to other areas to avoid harassment and persecution on the Party’s politically sensitive days or when the Party carried out waves of harassment and persecution of Falun Dafa practitioners. Some police officers told practitioners in their custody, “If you think Falun Gong (also called Falun Dafa) is good, just practice it at home. Don’t go out to talk to people or distribute materials.”

Master said,

“No matter what big things are happening, pretend nothing is going on and just go about, as usual, doing what a Dafa disciple should do. This is the path you’re taking today, and this is the [legacy of] mighty virtue you are leaving.” (“Fa Teaching Given at the 2004 Washington, D.C. Fa Conference,” Collected Teachings Given Around the World, Volume VI)

As Dafa practitioners, should we follow the evil’s advice? Were we following the old forces’ arrangements if we listened to what they suggested? We are Dafa practitioners in the Fa-rectification period and we shoulder the mission of saving sentient beings at this historical moment. When the Party directs their people to harass or persecute you, it could be a test for you, or they may be coming to you for you to save them. You may have difficulty finding them and talking to them otherwise. Doesn’t their coming to you provide you with good opportunities to talk to them and offer them Dafa’s salvation?

Dafa practitioners in the Fa-rectification period shoulder the historic mission of saving all sentient beings. Let’s follow well the path of Fa-rectification arranged by Master, do what Master wants, and be worthy of our title of Dafa practitioners in the Fa-rectification period.

If anything here does not conform to the Fa, please kindly correct me.