Falun Dafa Minghui.org www.minghui.org PRINT

Searching Inward First When the Printer is Out of Order

Nov. 19, 2023 |   By Yilian, a Falun Dafa practitioner in Hebei Province, China

(Minghui.org) I have an L805 printer, and recently the printouts were becoming blurry. I wondered if the print head needed to be cleaned.

While shopping for supplies, I asked the owner about the printer, and he said it had to do with the print head. I asked if the store carried small bottles of cleaning solution.

He said they only had the large size, and that I could bring the printer to the store for cleaning. I wanted to clean it myself, so he gave me a bit of cleaning solution in a syringe and told me to inject the solution under the printer head. I thanked him and left, and I didn’t think much of it since I often shop at this store.

After checking the printer, I injected the cleaning solution into the small box under the print head. The next day, I noticed the outer ink storage cartridge was almost out of black ink, with only a bit of red ink left. The external waste ink container was almost full (500ml).

I refilled the cartridge with black ink, but I wasn’t sure how to pump the black ink into the inner cartridge. I pushed a few buttons but I couldn’t tell if the ink went in.

I printed a test page and it only showed red with no other colors. After cleaning it, still only the red color came out, which meant that no black ink was added.

A day later, I read the printer manual and followed the instructions to add ink. Everything was the same, and I couldn’t tell whether the inner ink cartridge was filled or not.

I looked at the outer ink cartridge and there was less ink. I printed a test page and it was just in red. After cleaning it again, it only printed in red. So I didn’t want to mess with the printer anymore.

By day three, I thought the issue was not the printer, but there was probably something wrong with my xinxing. I looked inward and remembered that I didn’t want to take the printer to the shop because it was too much trouble.

I had an attachment to petty gains and took a bit of cleaning solution from the owner, and I wasted more ink in the end. This reminded me that as a practitioner, I should be strict with myself and not behave like a non-practitioner.

When I studied the Fa, I read what Master said,

“... you will not be able to levitate if your fingertip, toe tip, or a certain part of your body is locked.” (Lecture Eight, Zhuan Falun)

There must have been some kind blockage inside the printer, so I communicated with it, “It’s an honor for you to be here to help Dafa practitioners awaken people. I probably did something wrong and caused you to malfunction. I’m sorry. I’m going to clean the field around you, so please make the adjustment yourself.”

I sat down and sent forth righteous thoughts, “Eliminate the interference in another dimension that caused the printer to malfunction.” I turned on the printer and printed a test page.

There were broken lines in a few places, so I knew the ink went through. After cleaning the printer, there was only one broken line in blue. I cleaned it again, and it worked properly.

Cultivators are different from non-cultivators. We should look inward first when we have issues with the printer, and the situation can change.