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New Zealand: Introducing Falun Dafa at the Parnell Festival of Roses

Nov. 10, 2023 |   By a Minghui correspondent in New Zealand

(Minghui.org) Practitioners introduced Falun Dafa at the Parnell Festival of Roses on Sunday, November 5, 2023. The community-focused event featured food, crafts, children’s activities and entertainment, and attracted many people.

Practitioners demonstrate the Falun Dafa exercises.

Locals learn the exercises.

People ask about Falun Dafa.

People chat with practitioners and learn about Chinese culture.

Many people stopped to watch as practitioners demonstrated the exercises and they were interested in learning more about Falun Dafa. When some tried the exercises they said they felt calm and relaxed. One resident said, “Falun Dafa left a deep impression on me.”

Practitioners’ Chinese dragon dance performance.

People took photos with the Chinese dragon.

Practitioners’ waist drum performance

The practitioners’ Chinese dragon dance and waist-drum performances attracted many festival-goers. The host introduced Falun Dafa and the principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance. People cheered and applauded the performances.

“People need Falun Dafa’s principles”

Ximena Rivera learns the Falun Dafa exercises.

Ximena Rivera recently moved to New Zealand. When she saw practitioners demonstrating the exercises she decided to try them. She said, “I felt my body was filled with energy when I did the exercises. I feel very relaxed and warm now. I can feel my inner energy and I think Falun Dafa is good for my physical and mental health.”

In regards to the principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance, Ximena said, “I think people need these principles. The world will be a better place if everyone abided by them.”

“Falun Dafa practitioners are brave”

Phil Doyle encouraged Falun Dafa practitioners to raise awareness about the ongoing persecution.

Phil Doyle said, “I’ve seen practitioners peacefully protesting outside the Chinese embassy in Auckland. Your peaceful protest is filled with energy. I’ve seen many chaotic protests but Falun Dafa practitioners are remarkable. They are courageous and have given a lot for their faith.”

Phil is a retired newspaper photographer. He said, “I don’t understand why such a good practice and faith aggravates the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). This persecution should have never happened to a group of people who believe in the principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance. How can there be any problems with these principles?”

He said, “CCP is a dictatorship and will not last long since it is far from the values of human beings. I am unable to use any human language to describe the CCP’s crimes of forced live organ harvesting. It is absolutely evil.”

Phil also mentioned the CCP’s infiltration into New Zealand’s politics and that the Party controls many Chinese newspapers in New Zealand. He pointed out that many people in New Zealand are still unaware of this infiltration.

He encouraged practitioners and said, “The whole world is aware of the CCP’s sins. People can see it with their own eyes. Please continue and spread the truth about Falun Dafa. You are doing justice.”

“The existence of the CCP is a threat to the whole world”

Mariya supports practitioners in ending the persecution.

Mariya from Ukraine moved to New Zealand 20 years ago. She said, “I’ve seen Falun Dafa practitioners at the city center. I have seen your parades and peaceful protests. I understand how communism works and Ukrainians are also victims. Communism is the same everywhere and in every country. The ideology sounds fine but the reality is something entirely different.”

She said that forced live organ harvesting is horrible and needs to end immediately. “The CCP wishes to be in control and doesn’t want people to have wisdom, freedom of thought, or different opinions. The existence of the CCP is a threat to the whole world.”

Mariya is touched by practitioners’ persistence for 24 years to end the persecution. She said, “Practitioners in China cannot protest. They will be sentenced or killed if they do. Practitioners overseas are supporting them. You should continue to spread the truth and have more people learn about this persecution. Practitioners should also raise awareness about the ongoing persecution to the higher officials in New Zealand. Persist on and let your voice be heard. Things will turn out for the better.”

“I hope more people learn about Falun Dafa”

Jose Nogueira from New Zealand began practicing Falun Dafa three months ago. His wife is Vietnamese, and her mother’s health improved after she began practicing. She told Jose about her positive changes.

When Jose was very ill and unable to get out of bed his mother-in-law suggested he say, “Falun Dafa is good.” He was able to get out of bed the next day and his illness disappeared miraculously. Since then, Jose was determined to cultivate Falun Dafa, practice the exercises, and study the Fa.

Jose smoked for years and smoked electric cigarettes for four years. He constantly coughed. He tried to quit smoking but it was very hard. After he read Zhuan Falun, the main text of Falun Dafa, he understood why practitioners don’t smoke. He no longer had the desire to smoke and his addiction disappeared.

Jose said, “Falun Dafa has given me a lot. I want to let more people know my story and perhaps they’re going through the same thing I went through. I hope my experiences can help more people learn how amazing Falun Dafa is.”