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Once Combative I Now Strive to Be Worthy of Master’s Compassionate Salvation

Oct. 23, 2023 |   By Falun Dafa practitioner Li Qi in China

(Minghui.org) I suffered from neurasthenia after I gave birth to my baby in 2006. I sought medical treatment from various sources, but my condition did not improve. I went to my older sister’s house one day to watch Master’s lecture videos. Master adjusted my body, and I was finally able to sleep. I was overjoyed. From that moment on, I began practicing Falun Dafa.

Improving My Character

I behaved badly before I started practicing Falun Dafa. During arguments with my mother, I would point my finger at her forehead and insult her. I also had a habit of lying, and I did whatever it took to get what I wanted. I had no respect for anyone, and often interrupted them before they could finish speaking. I was selfish, and focused on my personal interests. I went to great lengths to redress even the smallest loss.

After I began practicing Falun Dafa, I realized how badly I behaved. I understood the need to restrain myself according to the principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance. When I bought coal for cooking and heating, the seller quoted a price of 1.25 yuan. I glanced sideways and said coldly, “Round it down.” The seller exclaimed, “Oh my goodness, you’re quite assertive!” I was startled and quickly thought in my heart, “Master, I was wrong.”

I used to have a stubborn competitive mentality, an unfriendly tone, and a tendency to be assertive. I was deeply influenced by Chinese Communist Party (CCP) culture, especially my habit of speaking in an unkindly manner. Cultivating away my unkind tone was a challenging process. Many times, even though my intentions were not unkind, unkind words came out of my mouth. Despite the difficulty of cultivating my speech I made every effort to restrain myself, and I strove to do better. I knew the importance of not getting angry, guarding my xinxing, and recognizing when my tone escalated. I learned to pull it back.

I found that by studying three Fa lectures each day, sending forth righteous thoughts, and clarifying the truth, I became gentler and calmer.

I learned to let go of the attachment to personal gain. If something didn’t belong to me, I didn’t pursue it. In the past, I had difficulty controlling my speech, often speaking without thinking. However, as my cultivation progressed, I discovered that after eliminating the attachment to personal interest, I had no desire to speak carelessly.

Passing Life and Death Tests

I suffered from lower body itching since childhood, which would spread to my calves, and was a sensation that would make one feel that they would rather be dead. After I began practicing Falun Dafa, I could see negative entities in other dimensions that looked like maggots. I sent righteous thoughts to eliminate them, and gradually, my condition improved.

My nephew was a taxi driver, and I gave him the book, The Ultimate Goal of Communism. He left the book in his car and someone reported him. More than twelve police officers from the local police station came to my home to arrest me. They took me to the hospital for an examination, and I clarified the truth to them. I asked the officers and doctors not to participate in the persecution, and to remember, “Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good.” I was found to be anemic. I didn’t meet the criteria for the detention center, so they refused to admit me. The police took me to another hospital and colluded with the doctor there. The doctor presented fake test results, and I was taken to a detention center.

My menstrual period came on the third day. One night, I suddenly felt something piercing straight through my abdomen, and the pain was unbearable. The doctor prescribed medicines, but I refused to take them. The inmates in the cell saw how much pain I was in and urged me to take some medicine. I said, “I won’t take it. I have Master looking after me.” I practiced the exercises and sent righteous thoughts. When the pain was severe I cried out to Master for help. I also communicated with the being who was causing my suffering, and said, “Please assimilate to Dafa. If you continue to interfere, you will be destroyed.” Eventually, the illness karma from the painful menstruation disappeared.

I was alone at home one day. At 6 o’clock in the evening, after sending righteous thoughts, I suddenly felt my head go numb. At around 7 o’clock, I went to bed, and as soon as I turned off the lights, I lost consciousness, and the food I had eaten sprayed out through my mouth and nose. Between 8 p.m. and midnight, I knew I had left this world. I saw beings in another dimension that didn’t have human shapes, with long legs resembling insects. I had only one thought, “Without Master’s consent, no one can take me away!” I survived that night by repeatedly reciting that sentence.

At 6 a.m. the next morning, I wanted to call a practitioner. The phone was right by my pillow, but I couldn’t muster the strength to reach it. After much effort, I managed to grab it and I called him. That practitioner said his third eye was open, and he knew I had passed away. At 9 a.m., he came to my home. I struggled to clean the food off my head and face, and with Master’s support, I got up to open the door. But I don’t even remember how I managed to open the door. The practitioner asked, “How do you feel?” I replied, “I feel like I am not in this world.”

I heard a voice saying, “When you lie down, you are just a person; when you sit up, you are a god.” I propped my pillow against the windowsill and sat up. When the practitioner came to see me again 4 p.m., I said, “I’m back from another world.”

I did the exercises on the third morning, even though I still felt weak. I fully recovered after three to four days.

Master Always Provides Guidance and Enlightenment

I once saw in another dimension that I was riding a white horse, and descending to the human world. To my left was an elderly man, and I was a young girl of about ten or so. In front of us were two winged flying horses. I was suddenly thrown into a dark alley and I descended into the Three Realms.

As I entered the human world, I was determined not to let impurities bury me. I saw Master placing me in the vast sea to cleanse me, and I was surrounded by many practitioners. I said, “Master, I can’t do this alone in the vast sea of humanity.” Then, a voice told me to wait. Master then arranged for my husband to be with me.

When my husband signed the guarantee statement so I could be released after I was arrested I wept and asked, “Master, where did I fall short in cultivation (to make my husband sign)?” Master pointed out, “It’s for your husband to obtain Dafa.” My husband later began practicing Dafa. On the path of cultivation, my husband, as a practitioner, showed boundless tolerance and patience toward me. When I struggled in my cultivation, my husband would say, “To truly cultivate well, you have to cultivate yourself at home. Otherwise, it’s not genuine cultivation.” When I was arrested, my husband actively worked to rescue me. He truly is a wonderful practitioner. Through cultivation, I learned not to impose my will on him.

When I do the second exercise I come to understand some Fa principles. I feel very comfortable while doing the second exercise for one hour—the music flows through every cell in my body. When I do the third exercise, I no longer feel my body. The sensation is beyond words.

In a dream, I saw the heavens open, and there were students in grades three or four going to school. I was in the front row.

During the test of life and death, I saw Master personally shielding me. I saw it clearly. When Master purified my body, I saw Master opening my chest and flipping over my heart, cleaning it layer by layer. Finally, I saw my heart was very, very pure and white, as I stood next to Master.

During a tribulation of illness karma, I didn’t even have the strength to drink water. However, I never had any thoughts about illness and didn’t seek help from others. I was created by Master, and with Master looking after me, I would never acknowledge the old forces. Sometimes, passing these tribulations was exceptionally difficult. In a dream, a being said, “Don’t cultivate anymore; it’s too difficult.” I held the book Zhuan Falun and said, “No, I will steadfastly cultivate to the end, I will follow Master until the very last moment.” That being looked at me and left.

Master has protected and guided me on my cultivation journey, every step of the way. Although there have been ups and downs on my cultivation path, Master has never left me behind. Only by steadfastly studying the Fa can I let go of all my attachments. In the future, I will diligently cultivate in the Fa with every thought and every moment, and live up to Master’s compassionate salvation.