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Believe in Master and Dafa at All Times

Oct. 22, 2023 |   By Yinyu, a Falun Dafa practitioner in Tianjin, China

(Minghui.org) On our cultivation path, whether we use the wisdom granted by Master when we encounter tribulations is a test of our faith in Master and the Fa. 

Shortly after I began practicing Falun Dafa, I heard this story: Master asked a disciple to carry a box. Since it looked big and heavy, the disciple was a bit hesitant. Master looked at him and encouraged him to lift it. The disciple then picked it up effortlessly. From the story, I learned that whatever Master said was true. When Master said we can do it, he has already given us the ability to do it.

I heard about two practitioners who were arrested and being transferred to a detention center. The guards stopped for lunch on the way. The two practitioners looked at each other and knew this was their opportunity to escape. They both shook their wrists and the handcuffs fell off and they got away!

When I was arrested and held in a detention center a decade ago, I realized that I shouldn’t be there and I needed to go out to validate the Fa. I asked Master to help me. Shortly afterwards, the water pipe broke, and a plumber came to repair it. When the cell door was open, with Master’s protection, I walked out, going through several gates and then exiting the detention center. A fellow practitioner happened to be there and swiftly took me away. It was as if he was there waiting for me! 

In another incident, I cut my hand deeply while repairing a solar panel and it was bleeding very badly. I wasn’t afraid and the cut quickly healed.

My wife and I went out to distribute truth-clarification material several years ago and, on our way back home, I noticed many surveillance cameras. I sent forth righteous thoughts to erase the images so the police wouldn’t see us. We returned home safe and sound!

One summer, some local practitioners were arrested, and we all went to the detention center to send forth righteous thoughts at close range. I went to a small wood next to the detention center. It was humid there and full of bugs, flies, and mosquitoes, as well as noisy birds. It wasn’t easy to become tranquil. Then I remembered the “Golden Bell Shield” Master mentioned in Zhuan Falun and thought maybe I could try a similar way to protect myself. As soon as I thought of this, I immediately calmed down and was able to focus on sending powerful righteous thoughts to help rescue fellow practitioners.

These are some examples of the changes that can happen if we fully trust in Master and the Fa.