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Thoughts on Jiang Zemin’s Death – A Reminder for Middle-aged and Elderly Fellow Practitioners

Jan. 6, 2023 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in China

(Minghui.org) I happened to be reading the following lecture when I heard the news of Jiang Zemin’s death. I felt it was quite a coincidence.

Master said,

“In this world that has not been broken through, the old forces set up many things ages ago—tens of millions of years ago. One thing that they set up is turning like a dial. Once it reaches a different position, a celestial phenomenon emerges in the world, and it’s connected to the human body. If the thing the old forces set up early on isn’t destroyed, it will keep moving and functioning. That’s the reason it has not yet breathed its last and gone down to hell.”

“But why is it like this? As you know, the old forces’ goal is to test Dafa disciples by having these clowns stage this persecution, isn’t it? They think, “The test of Dafa disciples isn’t over yet. Those students who have not yet stepped forward should be doing so continuously, and you have let those who haven’t done well, do well.” If we’re going to talk about hindering the Fa-rectification’s progress in this world, well, these students really are slowing it down. If [I] don’t look after these people they will be destroyed and utterly finished, but they made vows in the past, and a being can’t be judged based on one lifetime only, and should instead be judged comprehensively based on what has happened over time. So how could they not be looked after?” (Teachings at the 2005 Conference in San Francisco)

I thought that the time left for Falun Dafa disciples to cultivate and validate the Fa is not much. Even the old forces had recognized that the time arranged to test Dafa disciples is limited. However, looking back, I have not been very diligent in doing the three things in recent years. I feel worried.

During the first few years of the persecution, I was able to let go of life and death and walk solidly on my path of validating the Fa. I had to leave home to avoid further persecution. I was still able to stay diligent. However, in recent years, I had put more focus on making a living, with less and less righteous thoughts. I feel ashamed.

I thought of many fellow practitioners, mostly middle-aged and elderly ones who have been in a similar situation. At the beginning of the persecution, they were in their twenties or thirties. Their golden ages have passed in the persecution. They were not able to save much material-wise. Nowadays, they all felt the pressure to make a living and save for retirement.

These practitioners were highly educated and were also being persecuted the most. They lost their jobs, saw their families torn apart, were sentenced, etc. Now they do not have any social security benefits. Even when they could find a job, their income is limited. Most of them shared a sense of loss. They are trying to find ways to make some money, but have been facing all kinds of challenges. In the tribulations, they forget about searching within and fall deeper into human notions.

In fact, if we can all cultivate the way we once did and truly let go of human notions, Master has already arranged everything for us.

I had worried about my retirement in the past few years because it was not pleasant to have lost good living conditions. I had wasted a lot of thought and energy but still gained nothing. Recently I studied the Fa more and realized that Master had already arranged everything well for me. I have had everything I was supposed to have. I was only dragged back by my own human attachments.

Looking at the fellow practitioners around me, except for a few with very strong attachments, most of them have very stable life now. Some even have some unexpected nice surprises.

The time left is limited. We should all hurry up and rectify ourselves and focus on validating the Fa and saving more people. Let’s not let Master down.

Editor’s note: This article only represents the author’s understanding in their current cultivation state meant for sharing among practitioners so that we can “Compare in studying, compare in cultivating.” (“Solid Cultivation,” Hong Yin)