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Falun Dafa Practitioners from Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Macao Respectfully Wish Master Li Hongzhi a Happy New Year

Jan. 2, 2023

(Minghui.org) Falun Dafa practitioners residing in Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Macao wish revered Master a happy New Year!

Greetings to Master from practitioners in Taiwan

Greetings to Master from young practitioners in Taiwan

Greetings to Master from young practitioners in Taiwan

Greetings to Master from practitioners in Yunlin, Taiwan

Greetings to Master from practitioners of the Taiwan Branch of the World Organization to Investigate the Persecution of Falun Gong and Taiwan Association to Rescue the Practitioners Being Persecuted 

Greetings to Master from practitioner Chen Li-na, City Council Member of Kaohsiung, Taiwan

Greetings to Master from practitioners of the Taiwan Branch of the World Organization to Investigate the Persecution of Falun Gong 

Greetings to Master from practitioners in Macao 

Greetings to Master from practitioners in Macao 

Greetings to Master from practitioners of the DHT platform in Taiwan 

Greetings to Master from practitioners in Huade Practice Site in New Taipei City, Taiwan 

Greetings to Master from practitioners in Keelung, Taiwan

Greetings to Master from practitioners in 902 urgent rescue group of global rescue platform in Penghu, Taiwan

Greetings to Master from practitioners in Penghu, Taiwan

Greetings to Master from a 82-year-old practitioner in Thailand 

Greetings to Master from a practitioner in Hong Kong

Greetings to Master from a dentist practitioner in Luzhou District, New Taipei City, Taiwan

Greetings to Master from practitioners in Hong Kong