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Falun Dafa Practitioners from the Greater New York Area Respectfully Wish Master a Happy New Year

Jan. 2, 2023

(Minghui.org) With the arrival of a new year, Falun Dafa practitioners from New York State send in their Chinese New Year Greetings to Master Li. 

Practitioners from the Flushing, New York truth-clarification site wrote,

“Master, Happy New Year! We are practitioner from the truth-clarification site in Flushing, New York. We would like to wish revered Master a Happy New Year. 

“The pandemic cases in China are surging and we feel that we are shouldering a monumental mission. Time is very tight and we will do our best to save those precious Chinese people. Though we are living overseas, there isn’t a minute in our lives where we don’t think about sentient beings living in China and we wish them to be safe. We will make use of every second to clarify the truth, help Chinese people withdraw from the Chinese Communist Party and its affiliated organizations and not disappoint Master’s compassionate and boundless salvation. We will give our best to fulfill our mission of assisting Master in the Fa-rectification!”

A family of three from upstate New York wrote, 

“Falun Dafa is good! Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good! Master you have endured a lot for us! 

“Master, we have lived in the United States for nine years. During these nine years, my husband has obtained the Fa and realized his historic mission by participating in Dafa projects. My child also gradually understood the meaning of cultivation. He studies the Fa on his own and clarifies the truth at school. He strives to be selected as a Shen Yun member after realizing the importance of saving sentient beings. Master has bestowed everything on us and we experience Master’s protection all the time.”

The well-wishers also include individual practitioners, as well as practitioners in the same family or Fa study groups, truth-clarification projects or group practice sites. Some are practitioners from China who reside in New York. They all express their profound and utmost gratitude to Master.

The greetings come from the following place in New York State:

Upstate New YorkFlushingOrange CountyMiddletownBrooklyn

Falun Dafa practitioners from Orange County, New York, wishing revered Master a Happy New Year!

Greetings from a truth-clarification site in Flushing, New York

A media project group from Orange County, New York and their families wish Master a Happy New Year!

Falun Dafa Practitioners And Their Family Members from New York Wishes Master a Happy New Year!

Falun Dafa practitioners from a group practice site at the Botanical Gardens in Flushing, New York 

Falun Dafa practitioners from Brooklyn, New York

Falun Dafa practitioners from Middletown, New York wish Master a Happy New Year. 

Practitioners from the Tian Guo Marching Band wishing Master a Happy New Year.

Falun Dafa practitioners from New York wish revered Master a Happy New Year!