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Falun Dafa Practitioners in Singapore, Vietnam and Thailand Respectfully Wish Master Li Hongzhi a Happy New Year

Jan. 2, 2023


Falun Dafa Practitioners in Singapore Respectfully Wish Benevolent Great Master a Happy New Year!

Falun Dafa Practitioners from China Who Are Temporarily Staying in Thailand Respectfully Wish Master a Happy New Year!

Falun Dafa Practitioners in Chiang Mai, Thailand Respectfully Wish Benevolent Great Master a Happy New Year!

Practitioners from a practice site in a park respectfully wish benevolent great Master a happy new year!

Under Master’s benevolent protection, the number of practitioners at our site increased from the initial three practitioners to more than 10 over just a short four months. At the same time, we hope that the Chinese practitioners in Chiang Mai will join us at our practice site soon to cultivate diligently and assist Master in Fa- rectification together!

A Practitioner Who Is Temporarily Staying in Thailand Respectfully Wishes Master a Happy New Year!

New year comes again and I wish great Master a happy festival! Many thanks to Master’s protection that his disciple is able to obtain good health, wisdom and bliss. As a disciple, I can only cultivate diligently to thank Master with gratitude.

A Family of Four Falun Dafa Practitioners from Jilin, China Who Temporarily Stays in Thailand Respectfully Wishes Master a Happy New Year!

With the 2023 new year here, our whole family thanks Master for his benevolent salvation! We will study the Fa more, cultivate ourselves well, make good use of the opportunities to do well in the three things, save more people and accomplish our prehistoric vow!

Yours Sincerely, A family of four Dafa practitioners from Jilin, China, who is temporarily staying in Thailand

Elderly Falun Dafa Practitioners from a Fa Study Group Who Are Temporarily Staying in Thailand, Respectfully Wish Master a Happy New Year!

A Practitioner from Yunnan, China, Who Is Temporarily Staying in Thailand Respectfully Wishes Master a Happy New Year!

A Practitioner from Qinghai, China Who Is Temporarily Staying in Thailand Respectfully Wishes Master a Happy New Year! Thank You Master for His Benevolent Salvation!

All the Falun Dafa Practitioners from China Who Are Temporarily Staying in Thailand Respectfully Wish Benevolent Great Master a Happy New Year!

A Practitioner from Zhuhai, Guangdong Province, China Who Is Temporarily Staying in Thailand Respectfully Wishes Master a Happy New Year!

A Practitioner from Shanghai, China Who Is Temporarily Staying in Bangkok, Thailand Respectfully Wishes Master a Happy New Year!

A Family of Three Falun Dafa Practitioners from Guangdong, China Who Is Staying in Thailand Respectfully Wishes Master a Happy New Year!

Heed Master’s WordsThe sentient beings are in danger when the calamity strikes,Disciples hurry to assist Master in saving sentient beings.Do not slack in studying the Fa and cultivating xinxingDo not hesitate to accomplish our mission and return back to where we came from.

An Elderly Practitioner from Sichuan, China Who Is Temporarily Staying in Singapore Respectfully Wishes Benevolent Great Master a Happy New Year!

With the 2023 new year arriving, I send my greetings and gratitude to great Master from afar! Master, you have worked hard. My family, relatives, friends and I kowtow in thanks to Master for your benevolent salvation!

Yours Sincerely,an elderly Dafa practitioner who is temporarily staying in SingaporeDecember 24, 2022

A Family of Three Falun Dafa Practitioner Who Is Temporarily Staying in Thailand Respectfully Wishes Master a Happy New Year! We Miss Master!

Falun Dafa Practitioner and Family from Shenyang, Liaoning Province Who Are Temporarily Staying in Thailand Respectfully Wish Master a Happy New Year!

A Practitioner’s Family of Four from Vietnam Respectfully Wishes Master a Happy 2023 New Year!

Time flies and a new year approaches in the blink of an eyeThank you, Master, for saving the universe before it destructsThank you, Master, for giving his disciples an affinity to fulfill our vowsThe current CCP virus harms the sentient beings and puts them on the brink of deathMy family of four Falun Dafa practitioners abide by Master’s instructionsTo clarify the truth to the people in China every day continuouslyClarify the truth, save sentient beings and fulfill our prehistoric great vowsWith the Fa-rectification approaching, the sentient beings who have been saved are going to board the Fa boatAt that time, when I face Master, I hope to see Master smile

A practitioner’s family of 4 from Vietnam respectfully wishes Master a happy 2023 new year!

Two Chinese Falun Dafa Practitioners Who Are Temporarily Staying in Thailand Respectfully Wish Benevolent Great Master a Happy New Year! 

Having gone through a lot from the ancient times till now, this is the moment of Fa- rectification.Disciples follow Master in Fa-rectification and hurry to save sentient beings at the end.A beam of light emerges from the dark, the Fa boat that ferries the sentient beings take off.We hope that Master can take some load off his shoulders and the sentient world changes for the better.

A Youth Falun Dafa Practitioner Who Is Studying in Singapore Respectfully Wishes Master a Happy New Year!

I started listening to Master’s Fa when I was still in my mother’s womb. Having gone till this far today, I no longer fight for fame and benefits nor do I participate in those affairs. Although I am not cultivating diligently, benevolent Master did not give up on me. I can feel Master’s protection, enlightenment and empowerment clearly all the time. Thank you, Master!

I can only cultivate even more diligently and abide by Master’s requirement to do well in what I should do.

Kowtow in thanks to Master!

Practitioners in a Fa Memorizing Group in Singapore Respectfully Wish Master a Happy New Year!

Thank you, Master, for your empowerment and protection everywhere! Master, you have worked hard!

Falun Dafa Practitioners from Chiang Mai, Thailand Respectfully Wish Master a Happy New Year!