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Clarifying the Facts to People Directly Involved in the Persecution

Jan. 11, 2023 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in Taiwan

(Minghui.org) I encountered various situations when I recently phoned staff in China’s law enforcement, Procuratorate, justice, and government agencies. I tried to look inward based on the Fa, so that I could do better in the future.

We Should Focus on Clarifying the Facts to People Who Work in Places Directly Involved in the Persecution

I was part of a team that called people in these agencies. I called two numbers of the 610 Office of the Political and Legal Affairs Committee. The first number was the director’s. He answered and the call lasted for 1 minute and 3 seconds. I told him the persecution of Falun Dafa is an international felony, and Jiang Zemin (the former CCP head) launched the persecution because he was jealous of Falun Dafa’s popularity. I asked him to not carry out Jiang’s orders, and told him that there was no law in China that prohibited the practice of Falun Dafa. I asked him to not be a scapegoat, because the people above him will not take responsibility. When I then talked about the fact that before Jiang launched the persecution, persecuting the practice was met with strong opposition from within the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), he hung up.

The second phone call lasted for 9 minutes and 13 seconds. Although he did not say anything, he coughed once, which seemed to purposely signal me that he was still listening. So after explaining the basic facts, I asked him to withdraw from the CCP. The director then immediately hung up.

The third time, he only listened to the call for 17 seconds. I wanted to clarify the truth to him in depth, but he stopped answering the phone.

The other number was the deputy director’s. The first time I called, he answered it himself. We chatted for 2 minutes and 19 seconds. I told him the truth about the persecution, and he spoke in a friendly tone.

The second time I called, a female staff member answered the call. After I greeted her, she said, “Go ahead.” So I clarified the truth to her for more than 8 minutes, and she listened quietly. After I finished explaining the three ways to avoid the plague, I told her the phone number for withdrawing from the CCP and its affiliated organizations. She said okay. Hearing her kind response, I felt that she understood, so I asked her to withdraw from the CCP. I suddenly heard the voice of the deputy director talking to her in a rushed tone, and then she hung up.

I thought to myself, “I haven’t given her the link yet!” So I called again, and this time the deputy director answered the call. His tone changed from friendly to angry, “Where are you calling from? How many of you are there? Why are you slandering China? Aren’t you cultivating Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance? How can you do such an immoral thing? How do I know what you say is true?” I tried to tell him to take a look at the website link I gave him, but he kept talking over me. So while he was still talking, I told him loudly, “The CCP is not equivalent to China.” I then tried to talk about the evil nature of the CCP, and he hung up and would not answer the phone again.

I felt a little regretful after dialing these two numbers. I reviewed my cultivation state at that time. I was not patient enough. Before I made sure that they understood the truth, I started talking to them about withdrawing from the CCP. As a result, they either hung up the phone or said bad words. I think that if I didn’t rush like that, maybe they would listen.

Master said,

“You are here not to alter history but to save people amid history’s gravest peril. Things such as clarifying the truth and encouraging people to quit the CCP and its affiliated organizations and to sincerely repeat the true words are the best panacea and the best ways to save people.” (“Stay Rational” Team Blue Translation)

Master put “clarifying the truth” as the first among the three panaceas for saving people. From this, I realized that clarifying the truth is still the most important. Especially for the people in these agencies who are directly involved in the persecution, we should focus on clarifying the truth. When people understand the truth, we can then ask them to withdraw from the CCP and they may be able to accept it.

Treating People’s Responses with Tolerance and Understanding

I called the deputy director of a police station. After picking up the phone, he said, “I’m very tired now, and I need to rest.” Then he yawned and said, “Very sleepy,” and hung up the phone. I looked at the time on my side, and it was not even 10 p.m. yet. I thought, “Police in China go to bed this early?” I had encountered a similar situation before. After the calls were connected, people said to me, “You are calling me too late. It’s interfering with my rest.” At the time, I didn’t believe them. I thought they were just using it as an excuse.

But with this deputy director, I could clearly tell from his tone that he was exhausted. I wondered if there was a time difference. I figured out the province from the phone number and found that his time zone was indeed an hour ahead of mine. So it was almost 11 p.m. at his place and my call indeed interfered with his rest.

Another time, I dialed the number for a workplace related to the persecution. After the call was connected, the person told me that the signal was too weak and he couldn’t hear what I was saying. He asked me to call again. Although his tone was friendly, I was still hesitant. I thought to myself, “He is a staff of this workplace that is related to the persecution. He is probably just making up an excuse so he doesn’t have to listen to me. It took me a while to reach him. If I hang up and dial again, will he answer the phone?” I was worried, so I confirmed with him. He replied with certainty, “Yes. Yes.” It turned out that when I called again, he indeed answered.

From these two interactions, I realized that I didn’t trust people. This is the attachment of suspicion. It was formed from the many phone calls where I encountered unreasonable behaviors and words from the people working in these agencies. As a result, I often felt indifferent for their responses and treated their words with disapproval or even distrust. But after these two calls, I found that things were not always what I imagined. I also realized that if I had a distrusting mentality for sentient beings, this bad thought would be passed to them, and they in turn would not trust me, because the dimensional fields on both sides are connected. Therefore, I should treat their responses with tolerance and understanding, instead of distrust and disapproval.

Make Sure to Thoroughly Clarify the Truth

We often encounter situations where after the call connects, the other side remains silent, but doesn’t hang up, and we are not sure whether the person is listening. This has always been an issue. I think it is not accidental, and perhaps there are things that we need to improve on in our cultivation. When we discussed this situation, most practitioners said that they focus on whether the call is truly connected, and whether the other side is listening, instead of thinking about it from a cultivation perspective.

I think that if this situation happens frequently it’s a type of interference. I realized that it is necessary to think about this problem from the root. Master told us in the Fa that we need to look within ourselves when there is interference and problems. Before making a phone call, we should first look inward, “Am I attached to whether the call is successful?” We should not allow the negative factors to take advantage of any loopholes in our thoughts.

This situation kept happening to me for a period of time. I had to spend time determining whether the call was truly connected, and many times found that it was not connected. So I looked within myself… Why did I encounter this problem? Am I obsessed with the length of time I talk and the answer rate, and was I interfered with as a result? Making phone calls to clarify the truth isn’t the same as talking to the person face-to-face. It is more difficult to grasp the other person’s thoughts and real situation. If we are attached to getting longer talking times, the evil factors may manipulate this to create the illusion that we’ve talked for a long time on the phone.

Master told us to clarify the truth. My understanding is that during a phone call, we need to make sure that the person understands the truth. When I approached the situation from this perspective, I found that there was almost no interference.

I also used to think that as long as the person said something, the call was effective. But then I encountered a situation several times where the person remained silent, yet the phone was not hung up. After this happened a few times I realized that when I was attached to a certain idea, the evil factors took advantage of my loopholes.

Master told us to conform to the state of ordinary people in our cultivation as much as possible. My understanding is that we must also conform to the state of ordinary people when clarifying the truth. So when we make phone calls to clarify the truth, it should be similar to when non-practitioners make normal phone calls. If the other side is silent for a long time, it means that there is interference. In addition to completely negating the interference, we should also think about the situation in this regard, cultivate ourselves, and make breakthroughs on the issue.

I also realized that in addition to making sure we clarify the truth thoroughly, we should also be clear when we communicate and share amongst ourselves. We should be humble and talk about what we have truly done. For example, I often hear practitioners say things like, “I think he understood it.” There are often times that we have talked a lot on a call but the person did not respond, or did not say that he understood it. In this case, we can only talk about how long we have been talking, but it is unknown whether the person understood it or not.

Master said in the past that withdrawing from the CCP only counts when people clearly state their stance. When sentient beings clearly say that they understand, we can then say that they have understood the truth. Making phone calls is not just about the answer rate and the length of time we talk, but whether we have achieved our real purpose.

Final Remarks

Some practitioners mentioned “clarifying the truth with divine thoughts.” They gave many examples of getting through tribulations in critical times and overcoming difficulties with their righteous thoughts. How do we use divine thoughts to clarify the truth? It sounds unbelievable, because this is achieving things in other dimensions. I thought about it, too. What is a divine thought? How do we achieve a divine mindset? I think that compassion is most important when clarifying the truth. Our divine thoughts will then manifest at very high levels.

My understanding is that no matter how we clarify the truth, the essence is cultivation. We must continue to eliminate our attachments, cultivate our xinxing, constantly improve based on the Fa’s principles, and we will then gradually reach a divine state.

Master has given us is a cultivating process in Dafa cultivation, and I realized that making phone calls to clarify the truth is not only a process of clarifying the truth, but also a process of cultivation.

The above is based on my personal understanding in making rescuing phone calls. If anything is inappropriate, please kindly point it out.