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Newcomers to Falun Dafa Wish Master Li Hongzhi a Happy Mid-Autumn Festival

Sept. 11, 2022 |   By a Minghui correspondent

(Minghui.org) Seven years after Master Li Hongzhi introduced Falun Dafa to the public in 1992, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) launched a nationwide campaign against the peaceful practice and the persecution continues unabated today.

Yet the persecution has failed to deter more people from becoming Falun Dafa practitioners. Many newcomers to Falun Dafa have seen their terminal diseases cured and their character improved. Their positive experiences further strengthened their faith in Falun Dafa.

On the special occasion of the Mid-Autumn Festival, many of these new practitioners, including some who took up the practice just a few months ago, sent in their greetings to thank Master for the precious opportunity to learn Falun Dafa and wish Master a happy holiday.

A young practitioner in Zhengzhou City, Henan Province, wrote, “I was born in 1994. I vaguely remember watching people in my village doing the Falun Dafa exercises when I was a child. I felt that Master connected me with Dafa and planted the seeds for me to practice it in the future. After the persecution began, I was inundated with lies about Dafa on TV and believed them. But after I became an adult, I learned how to circumvent the internet blockade and learned the truth. I took up Falun Dafa in the first half of 2021 and am reading Zhuan Falun every day. I wish Master a happy Mid-Autumn festival! Thank you, Master!”

The rest of the well-wishers hail from the following regions:

Gaoyi County, Hebei ProvinceShenyang City and Fuxin City, Liaoning ProvinceChangzhou City, Jiangsu ProvinceWeihai City, Shandong ProvinceChengdu City, Nanchong City and Mianyang City, Sichuan ProvinceGaoping City, Shanxi ProvinceBeijingChongqingSiping City, Jilin ProvinceZhengzhou City, Henan Province