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Trust in Master and the Fa Dissolves My Thought Karma

Aug. 17, 2022 |   By Da-chen in China

(Minghui.org) Master Li, the founder of Falun Dafa,  said,

“But thought karma can directly interfere with one’s mind. Therefore, one’s mind has swear words that condemn Teacher and Dafa, and one may think of some evil thoughts or swear words.” (Lecture Six, Zhuan Falun)

I am timid and somewhat introverted, and my third eye was open when I was a child. Sometimes I would have evil thoughts that slandered Master and the Fa, and sometimes I would have bad thoughts about my family and relatives. Terrible devil images sometimes appear in my mind. When these things occurred, I would kneel down before Master’s picture and ask him to forgive me.

I follow Master’s Fa to resist the bad thoughts. I memorize the Fa, copy the Fa, and send righteous thoughts. I have fought arduous and painful battles to resist the thought karma, and our infinitely compassionate Master has removed the stubborn granite-like thought karma bit by bit from my mind.

I read “The Issue of Killing” in Zhuan Falun during Fa study today. I related it to the issue of firmly believing in Master and the Fa. Do I fully believe in Master? Shakyamuni wanted to take a bath and asked his disciple to clean the bathtub. If the disciple had full trust in his master, the disciple would not have repeatedly asked his master about cleaning the bathtub. A disciple should do what his master asks 100 percent.

I searched within myself to see where I have full trust in Master’s Fa and where my conviction is lacking. I trust Master and the Fa in regard to sickness karma. I used to have dozens of chronic health problems. After listening to Master’s Fa teaching, I threw away all the pills in my cabinet. I have been healthy ever since and have not visited any doctors or hospitals for 29 years.

But I still have the attachment of fear. Master said,

“If you are a true practitioner, our Falun will safeguard you. I am rooted in the universe. If anyone can harm you, he or she would be able to harm me. Put simply, that person would be able to harm this universe.” (Lecture One, Zhuan Falun)

Master has clearly instructed us, but I have failed to meet Master’s requirements in many aspects because of fear. When I’m clarifying the truth, I don’t dare to talk to certain types of people, and I don’t speak when the environment doesn’t feel right or when people don’t listen. I know that Master has paved the way for us, but I have been hindered by fear.

When the evil authorities slandered Master and Dafa, I cried a few times. My true self has always had faith in Dafa, but I also know that there is a false self in me, and I have to distinguish the two, expose the false self, and eliminate it.

After I finished writing this draft and sent righteous thoughts at noon, I entered into a state where I saw strips of colors appearing in front of my eyes and saw myself in clothes like those of the Buddha statues in ancient temples. I could even see the patterns on the clothes. I have never encountered such a magnificent scene before. I believe that Master was encouraging me that my enlightenment on trust is correct.

I made a vow in my heart: I will be more diligent, I will be worthy of Master’s compassion and salvation, and every thought of mine must be 100 percent faithful to Master and the Fa.