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Shandong Man Imprisoned Twice for 17.5 Years for Upholding His Faith

July 20, 2022 |   By a Minghui correspondent in Shandong Province, China

(Minghui.org) Since the Chinese Communist Party ordered the persecution of Falun Gong in July 1999, a Zibo City, Shandong Province resident in his late 40s has spent 17.5 years in prison for upholding his faith. He endured brutal torture at the 11th ward at Shandong Province Prison and barely survived.

10-Year Prison Term

Mr. Wang Liang was first sentenced to ten years in 2004 for talking to people about Falun Gong. He was taken to Shandong Province Prison in April 2004. Between his admission and June 2005, the inmates at the 11th ward often physically and verbally abused him. They deprived him of sleep, whipped him with a leather belt, and beat him on the head and face with their shoes. His toes suffered bone fractures and his toenails fell off after the inmates smashed his feet with chairs.

Mr. Wang was later transferred to the 2nd ward. The guards held him in solitary confinement and also deprived him of sleep. Starved by the guards, he fell several times and injured his head. The inmates monitored him around the clock and forced him to do intensive hard labor for long hours without pay.

The guards once instigated seven inmates to beat Mr. Wang. His legs were severely swollen and his toenails fell off again.

Torture illustration: held in a metal cage

Mr. Wang was also held in a metal cage and placed under the scorching sun for several days without being given any water. He was released on May 2, 2013.

7.5 Year Prison Term

Mr. Wang was arrested again on March 21, 2016, three years after his first prison release. He stood trial at the Zhangdian District Court on September 20, 2016, and was later sentenced to 7.5 years. He was taken to the same prison on February 9, 2017.

Liang Jingda, the director of the 11th ward, arranged the flag-raising ceremony every day and forced all detainees to attend and pay tribute to the Chinese Communist Party’s flag.

During the flag raising ceremony on January 1, 2022, he ordered all detainees to make a vow to dedicate their lives to the Chinese Communist Party. Many Falun Gong practitioners refused to comply. Liang became infuriated. He ordered his fellows to select eight practitioners who didn’t make the vow and subject them to “patriotic education.”

While playing the propaganda videos, inmate Li Mingliang suddenly held Mr. Wang’s collar and dragged him to the restroom. Together with three more inmates, Wang Zhiyong (no relation to Mr. Wang), Sun Youda, and Gui Keqiu beat him on the chest, back, and head. Wang Zhiyong also grabbed Mr. Wang’s private part. Mr. Wang suffered pain all over his body and was unable to turn his body while sleeping.

Other torture methods the practitioners were subjected to at the 11th ward included electric shocks, burning with a lighter, and being hit on the ribs with steel bars.

Perpetrators’ information:

Liang Jingda (梁敬达), director of 11th ward at Shandong Province Prison: +86-18053102072Chen Shuo (陈烁), deputy director of 11th ward at Shandong Province PrisonZheng Jie (郑杰), instructor of 11th ward at Shandong Province PrisonShi Qiang (时强), prison guardYan Fei (闫飞), prison guardWang Dong (王栋), prison guardWang Qingmao (王青茂), prison guard

(More perpetrators’ information is available in the original Chinese article.)

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