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New Year Greetings from Falun Dafa Practitioners Incarcerated for Their Faith

Feb. 3, 2022

(Minghui.org) After thirty years of its public introduction, Falun Dafa has spread to almost every corner of the world and is welcomed by people everywhere. But in its home-country, China, it’s still persecuted by the Chinese Communist Party, which has ruled China for seven decades. 

Despite the brutal persecution, Falun Dafa practitioners persevered. They peacefully counteract the persecution by using various grassroots channels to raise awareness. Even when imprisoned, they have remained firm in their faith. 

On the special occasion of the 2022 Chinese New Year, Minghui also receives greetings from practitioners incarcerated for their faith in China’s detention centers or prisons. These practitioners are expressing their heartfelt greetings, mostly sent by their families and friends, to Master Li Hongzhi, the founder of the practice. Many said that despite the high walls around them, they feel Master is right with them and they are determined to clarify the facts about Falun Dafa to people around them and turn the bad situation into a good thing.

One practitioner detained in Suzhou Prison in Jiangsu Province wrote, “While the persecution is still rampant here, it’s absolutely not their playground. With Master’s strengthening, I will validate the Fa here and save sentient beings here, with the dignity of a Dafa cultivator.”

Another practitioner from Shijiazhuang City, Hebei Province said, “After going through the retribution, I cherish Dafa ever more and understand how sacred and serious Dafa cultivation is. I’m even more moved by Master’s compassion. While being detained, I will look within and improve myself based on the Fa.”

More greetings came in from practitioners in the following regions:

TianjinBeijingShanghaiXinjiang ProvinceGuizhou ProvinceYunnan ProvinceZhejiang ProvinceNingxia ProvinceGuangxi ProvinceJiangsu ProvinceChifeng City, Inner MongoliaHengyang City, Hunan ProvinceDaqing City, Jiamusi City, Qiqihar City, Heilongjiang ProvinceDalian City, Sheyang City, Anshan City, Liaoning ProvinceTaiyuan City, Yizhou City, Shanxi ProvinceYanji City, Jiaohe City, Jilin ProvinceBazhong City, Sichuan ProvinceQingyang City and Lanzhou City, Gansu ProvinceWuhan City, Hubei ProvinceXuchang City, Zhengzhou City and Yima City, Henan ProvinceXi’an City, Baoji City, Shaanxi ProvinceLianyungang City and Shijiazhuang City, Hebei ProvinceShengli Oilfield, Shandong Province

As well as the following prisons or detention centers:

Jilin City Detention Center in Jilin ProvinceYanji City Detention Center in Jilin ProvinceDongcheng District Detention Center in BeijingJinxian County Detention Center in Jiangxi ProvinceJilin Province Women’s PrisonShandong Province PrisonShandong Province Women’s PrisonNanjing Prison in Jiangsu ProvinceLiaoning Province Women’s PrisonJilin Province Women’s PrisonHubei Province Women’s PrisonFanjiatai Prison in Hubei ProvinceHangzhou Women’s Prison in Zhejiang ProvinceShujiazhuang Women’s Prison on Hebei ProvinceShaanxi Province Women’s PrisonWeinan Prison in Shaanxi ProvinceChangsha Prison in Hunan Province