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My Cultivation Journey: Clarifying the Truth Over the Phone

Feb. 21, 2022 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in Taiwan

(Minghui.org) I wanted to read the Falun Dafa teachings with other practitioners, so I asked another practitioner who she read with. She told me about a software she used to go online and read the Fa with others. All I had was a cell phone. Another practitioner helped me install the software on my phone, and I was able to join an online group Fa study every day.

A few weeks later a local practitioner posted a message about a special phone calling project. She said she hoped I could join in by sending forth righteous thoughts. I immediately did. I was soon invited to make phone calls to people in China and clarify the truth about the persecution.

Overcoming Anxiety: Making Truth-clarifying Phone Calls

The first time I made a truth-clarification phone call, I broke into a sweat as soon as the phone rang. I was so nervous that I stammered and forgot what I planned to say—which was the “Solemn Statement” published on the Epoch Times. To overcome my nervousness, I read it out loud to myself before my call was picked up. But, as soon as the person answered, I stammered again. This situation went on for a few months, but I did not give up.

When one man answered my call, as soon as I greeted him he hung up. When I called again he cursed at me. I called again and told him how millions of people around the world practice Falun Dafa, how the the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) staged the self-immolation in Tiananmen Square to slander Dafa, and why millions of people have already quit the CCP and its youth organizations.

I dialed more than 20 times before finishing what I had to say. The man asked me why I kept calling him. I said, “I will stop calling you as soon as you withdraw from the CCP organizations.” He said, “Okay! I will quit!” I felt like the process was a battle between good and evil.

After a few weeks the team lead suggested that I become certified so I could officially go on the rescue platform to make phone calls. My human thoughts surfaced and I looked for all kinds of excuses to say no. The team lead encouraged me, and I agreed.

Cultivating Oneself

During the certification process I was slow turning on my computer, and the practitioner in charge told me to hurry up. I didn’t like his attitude, and thought, “I’m a novice with no experience. You have no compassion!”

It occurred to me afterwards that this was an opportunity to cultivate myself—wasn’t everything others say helping me to improve? Instead of developing a grudge I should thank him! He was pointing out that I should hurry up and save people!

Another special case project was soon launched. My human thoughts surfaced again, and it felt like my body weighed 1,000 pounds. I sat in front of the computer, but did not take an assignment—instead I comforted myself by thinking it was good enough to just send righteous thoughts.

After the situation went on for a while I told myself it would not do. I was not cultivating myself. I overcame my human thoughts and took a case. I felt that the process was a battle between good and evil. From being computer illiterate to being able to operate a computer on my own, I truly thank Master and practitioners for pushing me forward, and helping me cultivate myself.

Improving Through Experience Sharing

I am very grateful for the half-hour experience sharing every evening. I learned a lot from the other practitioners and saw where I fell short. I took notes on how the others clarified the truth, and gradually learned how to clarify the truth to the public security staff, and people who work for the Procuratorate and courts. I was no longer nervous on the phone.

At one point the dialing tool I was using was frequently blocked. I stopped making phone calls because I was inexperienced and could not think of other ways to deal with the issue. Then, it just so happened that another practitioner in my area was also assigned to make phone calls during my time slot.

She told me that she made phone calls using the Internet and a computer, not the dialing tool. I thought, “Isn’t this exactly what I need?” The next morning, I reached out to a technical practitioner and had the software installed on my computer. Everything went smoothly.

Practitioners Bring Blessings

I remember one phone call very clearly. A female police officer answered the phone. I said, “I am from Taiwan, and I am calling to help you and your family. I have three important messages for you: protecting Falun Dafa practitioners will bring you blessings, by quitting the three CCP organizations you will avoid being implicated for its crimes, and Falun Dafa is the Buddha Fa.

“I am sharing with you two phrases which will turn into blessings for you: Falun Dafa is good! and Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good. In this persecution, not only Falun Dafa practitioners are being persecuted, but also the people who work for the 610 Office, public security, the Procuratorate, and the people’s courts. By carrying out the persecution, they are also victims. Why? You may not know the real situation because of the Internet blockade in China. I have four URLs for you.”

The policewoman said, “I’ve talked to other practitioners who said they would pass along some URLs to me, but I didn’t receive them.”

I asked her to write them down. I listened as she attentively took notes. I knew she had been waiting for us.

I told her, “Practitioners are good people who practice Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance. Every life is precious, and we are concerned about you. Don’t let a wrong thought lead to a bad choice. Please remember that Falun Dafa is good, and Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good, and treat Falun Dafa practitioners well.” She said she would.

I also told her some basic truths and asked her to share the URLs with her colleagues, friends, and family, and she agreed. I told her that she was very kind, and asked her if she had withdrawn from the CCP organizations. She said she would decide after reading about it. We bid each other farewell.

Being Responsible for the One Body

I learned during this phone call that behind every phone call there is groundwork laid by every practitioner on the rescue platform. It cannot be done by just one person. Being responsible for the project, for one’s own cultivation, and for fellow practitioners, is being responsible for the one body as a whole.

In the past year of making truth-clarification phone calls on the rescue platform, I have improved my xinxing a lot. Master has opened my wisdom and allowed me to understand a lot of the inner meaning of the Fa. I encountered a lot of difficulties and tribulations during this past year too, but as long as I was grounded in the Fa and looked inward, I was able to overcome them.