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Falun Dafa Practitioners From the Countryside in China Wish Master Li Hongzhi a Happy New Year (26 Greetings)

Dec. 30, 2022

(Minghui.org) “Encountering Falun Dafa in this lifetime is truly my blessing. I have obtained a new life and during my twenty years of cultivation, Master has been holding my hand all along. Thank you Master for your compassionate salvation! I will cultivate diligently and fulfill my historic vow,” said an elderly Falun Dafa practitioner from Chaonan District, Guangdong Province.

With the new year unveiling, countless Falun Dafa practitioners in China sent in their greetings to Master Li Hongzhi, the founder of Falun Dafa. Cultivating Falun Dafa has made them better people, and they have benefitted both mentally and physically. Practitioners expressed their sincere gratitude for Master’s compassionate salvation. They promised to abide by Master’s teachings and follow Master back home.

In this report, we present a total of 26 greetings wishing Master a Happy New Year.

These well-wishers come from the following regions:

Xinbin County, Fushun City, Liaoning ProvinceKaijiang County, Dazhou City, Sichuan provinceJixian County, Shuangyashan City, Heilongjiang ProvinceA village in Hebei ProvinceLiushan, Linqu County, Weifang City, Shandong ProvinceXinji County, Shiajiazhuang City, Hebei ProvinceBoxian County, Baoding City, Hebei ProvinceSuizhong County, Huludao City, Liaoning ProvinceLaiyang City, Yantai City, Shandong ProvinceHeishan County, Jinzhou City, Liaoning ProvinceLiuhe County, Tonghua City, Jilin ProvinceNanpi County, Cangzhou City, Hebei ProvincePenglai District, Yangtai City, Shandong ProvinceLaixi County, Qingdao City, Shandong ProvinceChaonan District, Guangdong Province.Guangning County, Zhaoqing, Guangdong ProvinceDazu District, Chongqing

Falun Dafa Practitioners from Rural Areas of China Wish Revered Master a Happy New Year!