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Indonesia: Falun Dafa Practitioners Invited to Participate in Batam's 193rd Anniversary Parade

Dec. 26, 2022 |   By Falun Dafa practitioners in Batam, Indonesia

(Minghui.org) Falun Dafa practitioners were invited to participate in a cultural parade to celebrate the city of Batam's 193rd birthday, held on December 17, 2022

Practitioners participated in a cultural parade celebrating Batam city’s 193rd birthday, held on December 17, 2022

Several thousand participants took part in the parade representing various groups dressed in traditional costumes. They formed a grand, and orderly contingent.

Leading the Falun Gong parade entry was a group of waist drummers, followed by exercise demonstrations and colorful balloons. The group caught the attention of spectators on both sides of the road, with many waving or snapping photos.

Falun Gong group passes the VIP stand during the parade.

Among the VIPs at the parade were Marlin Agustina, Deputy governor of the Riau Islands, Muhammad Rudi mayor of Batam, and Amsakar Ahmad, Deputy mayor of Batam. Practitioners in the waist drum team performed the song “Falun Dafa is Good” while marching past the VIP stand. The organizers gave a brief introduction of Falun Dafa.

A practitioner gave out fliers to spectators along the parade route. Many of them showed quite an interest when reading the Dafa information.

Spectators reading the information on Falun Dafa handed out by practitioners.

Many people asked to learn more about Falun Dafa after watching the parade. According to local media reports, over 10,000 people turned out to watch the parade that day.