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Involuntary Drug Administration of Falun Dafa Practitioners Held in Sanshui Forced Labor Camp

Dec. 13, 2022 |   By a Minghui correspondent in Guangdong Province, China

(Minghui.org) Before the labor camp system was abolished in China in 2013, many Falun Dafa practitioners in Guangdong Province who refused to renounce their faith were held in Sanhui Forced Labor Camp (which had two separate divisions, one for women and the other for men).

Falun Dafa, also known as Falun Gong, is a spiritual and meditation practice that has been persecuted in China for the past 23 years.

Many practitioners in the labor camp were subjected to the involuntary administration of toxic drugs, as a part of the guards’ efforts to destroy their health and will, and force them to give up Falun Gong.

In the following two cases, one practitioner died soon after release, and the other lost a tremendous amount of body weight as a result of the drug administration.

Mr. Huang Wei Dies Resulting from Torture

The police arrested Mr. Huang Wei from Huazhou City on April 6, 2009, and took him to the Sanshui Forced Labor Camp. Because he refused to renounce his belief, the head guard, Guo Baosi, accused him of having a mental illness. Guo locked Mr. Huang in an isolated cell and arranged for another detainee to bring him food. One time Guo called a detainee to his office and put an unknown substance in the food before having the detainee deliver the food to Mr. Huang.

Ten days before Mr. Huang was scheduled to be released, Guo injected him with a shot of an unknown drug. He began to be mentally confused. His mind was muddled and he started to lose his memory. He also had difficulty breathing and walking.

When Mr. Huang was released on April 17, 2011, he was emaciated, weak, and mentally incoherent. His health condition kept deteriorating, and he passed away on April 29, 2011. He was 44 years old.

Mr. Wu Xianjin Loses Tremendous Amount of Weight

Mr. Wu Xianjin was arrested in January 2000 for going to Beijing to appeal for Falun Gong. After 15 days of administrative detention, he was expelled by Shantou University, where he was enrolled.

The police summoned Mr. Wu to their office in February 2004 and interrogated him. While he was at the police station, other officers searched his home. Upon seeing his computer, one officer said, “I actually need a computer for my son.” “Why don’t you just take it?” another officer said.

Shortly after, Mr. Wu was given three years at the Sanshui Forced Labor Camp. He went on a hunger strike and shouted “Falun Dafa is good” in protest. A guard taped his mouth shut and put him in solitary confinement. Another official brought him food and shortly after he ate it, he suffered severe diarrhea. Once a healthy young man, he became exhausted and could barely do any labor. Another official later saw him and said, “he has become much quieter.”

When Mr. Wu left the labor camp in February 2007, he didn’t even have the strength to carry his backpack while walking.

Three months later, before he could recover, the police arrested him on May 12, 2007 when he was taking the train for a business trip. They put him in Nanhu Forced Labor Camp in Anhui Province, where he suffered unspeakable torture for two years. When he was released, with a coat on, he weighted less than 90 pounds.

He was given another one-year term in Sanhui Forced Labor Camp in 2010.

Related reports:

Mr. Huang Wei from Huazhou City, Guangdong Province Dies as a Result of Torture

Recount of Mr. Huang Wei's Death 12 Days After His Release from Labor Camp (Photo)