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A Compassionate Thought to Save Police Officers

Dec. 1, 2022 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in Heilongjiang Province, China

(Minghui.org) Police officers in many cities and counties in Heilongjiang Province have carried out a unified campaign to arrest over 20 Falun Dafa practitioners since July 11, 2022. The police ransacked their homes and detained the practitioners. During the process, several practitioners felt compassion for their oppressors. They maintained righteous thoughts, did not give in to the police’s threats, and clarified the truth to the officers in an attempt to have them understand Falun Dafa.

Master Li (Falun Dafa’s founder) helped these practitioners resolve the tribulation of facing arrest. I would like to share with fellow practitioners the experience of one married couple.

On the morning of July 11, the deputy director of the municipal police department, the domestic security chief and another chief (maybe from the criminal police team), along with over 20 police officers went to this couple’s house. 

This was the first time the couple had seen so many police at their house, but they were not daunted by the large numbers. They thought: We have Master by our side, so let us let go of our attachments, make use of this opportunity and treat the police as people who have come to listen to the truth and be saved. The compassionate thought of not letting these officers commit crimes against innocent people came into their minds.

The two rooms of their house were filled with police officers, and the practitioners stood one in each room, and started to clarify the truth to them. They told the police that Falun Dafa teaches people to be good and follow the principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance, and to think of others first. They said that if everyone were to abide by these standards to be a good person, society would be harmonious, and people would be more civilized and care about morals and virtue. This way, there would be no corruption, fighting or murders. There wouldn’t be drug addiction, prostitution and gambling. Falun Dafa is full of benefits and does no harm to society. How good would that be?

One of the practitioners said, “The Constitution states that all citizens have the right to have their beliefs, so we did not commit any crime in having our belief in Falun Dafa. We are abiding by Heaven’s laws to be good people. Persecuting good people is a crime against Heaven’s law. The pandemic is here to eliminate people who go against Heaven’s law!”

The couple also told the officers about the staged Tiananmen Square self-immolation incident, and how it was used to frame Dafa practitioners. They also talked about how people who have participated in persecuting practitioners have received karmic retribution. The couple cited the example of Zhou Yongkang, whose karmic retribution affected more than 20 people in his family. They used many other examples of people all over China receiving retribution for persecuting practitioners.

As the couple clarified the truth, they asked for Master’s empowerment. The police officers listened quietly. From the bottom of their hearts, the couple really wanted good for the officers. Both of them spoke openly and righteously, with strong righteous thoughts for seven to eight hours.

The officers found the wife’s manuscript of an article that was sent to the Minghui website more than 20 years earlier to expose the persecution. The officer asked, “What is this?”

She replied, “This is the record of the persecution that I suffered at that time. I have recorded all of the perpetrators in the article and have already submitted it to the international website. The records are all stored there. In the future, those who have participated in the persecution will be found and dealt with accordingly, including the things that you all are doing today. They will all be submitted to be exposed and recorded.”

The husband said, “Dafa practitioners’ homes have their own printers. We print the materials ourselves and distribute them.”

The officer asked, “What materials?”

He said, “Things like The Heavens Bestow Blessings. It’s the one with a pink cover and two small children on it.”

One of the chiefs said, “I have read that. The content is very good.”

The husband continued, “If you take away our equipment, I will buy new equipment. But since you have blocked us from saving people, you have already committed a crime.”

During the process of clarifying the truth, the couple’s righteous thoughts strengthened more and more and they had no fear. The more they spoke, the more they felt that the officers are the most pitiable as they have been deceived by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). The officers understood what the couple was trying to tell them, and the deputy chief became friendly and most of the officers were no longer threatening.

The police tried to arrest the wife, but she refused to go with them, so they only took the husband. A few hours later, they release him. The husband cultivated himself in this process. He recovered from the stomachaches that he’d had for quite some time.

The wife said to the deputy chief, “You should not come and harass Dafa practitioners anymore as this is really not good for you.”

The deputy chief replied, “We won’t be coming again.”

These two practitioners noted that when we change our notions, treat sentient beings with kindness and comply with Dafa’s requirements, Master will help us.