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Some Thoughts on Being Released on Bail

Nov. 4, 2022 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in China

(Minghui.org) In recent years, many practitioners in my region have been arrested for practicing Falun Dafa but soon released on bail. Although they returned home, most of them are still facing prosecution, which is no surprise since being released on bail doesn’t clear one of potential prosecution. As long as the cases still rest with the police, they could submit them to the procuratorate at any time.

As far as I know, some of our local practitioners were sentenced years or decades after they were released on bail. While in prison, a majority of them were unable to maintain righteous thoughts and gave in to the evil, causing various degrees of losses to Dafa and their own cultivation. There were also some who renounced Dafa and turned against it. It was very sad to see that!

Whatever the reason for fellow practitioners to be released on bail, be it a medical condition or an outbreak of COVID cases, I believe Master was giving these practitioners opportunities to identify and remove their attachments while on bail in a relatively free environment.

I think it’s very important for fellow practitioners to focus on Fa study with a tranquil mind and look within after being released on bail. In addition, it’s equally important to spend more effort sending forth righteous thoughts to eliminate the rotten demons and communist specter that are behind the persecution. Only when we eliminate the evil beings in the other dimension, will the persecution on the human level be truly dissolved.

But in reality, some practitioners became relaxed after they were released on bail. They thought that they had passed the test and negated the persecution. They went about their lives as usual and didn’t seriously think about the reason why they were arrested in the first place. When others reminded them to look within, they became upset and blamed the former for strengthening the persecution by talking about it.

I believe that if we’ve truly disintegrated the persecution, there should be certain events that happen in the human dimension, such as the police closing the case or the prosecutor returning the case and refusing to indict the practitioners. But I haven’t heard anything like that in my local area. If that didn’t happen, think about it, the cases are still with the police, how can they just stop the persecution so easily?

A practitioner once shared with me that the police were looking for him. He sent forth righteous thoughts for a week. After that, he felt that his dimension was cleared and that the factors behind the persecutions were disintegrated. He turned on his cellphone and called the police officer who had been looking for him. The police responded politely that it’s alright now.

Another key issue after being released on bail is to clarify the truth.

Master taught us, “Clarifying the truth is the master key.” (“Fa Teaching Given at the 2003 Atlanta Fa Conference,” Collected Teachings Given Around the World Volume IV)

I remember reading a sharing article that after a practitioner was released on bail, he kept writing to the authorities to clarify the facts and eventually dissolved the persecution.

When we write truth-clarification letters, we should avoid writing things that are too general. It’s best to incorporate details from our own case or how we’ve benefited from Dafa. We need to mind our tone, which has to be kind and compassionate. If we have the competitive mentality or bear resentment towards the perpetrators, the effects wouldn’t be good.

The above is just my personal understanding. I hope it can provide some reference to fellow practitioners.

Editor’s note: This article only represents the author’s understanding in their current cultivation state meant for sharing among practitioners so that we can “Compare in studying, compare in cultivating.” (“Solid Cultivation,” Hong Yin)