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Saving Sentient Beings: Holding Righteous Thoughts and Compassion

Oct. 22, 2022 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in Shandong Province, China

(Minghui.org) I started to practice Falun Dafa in 1997 and have cultivated it ever since. During the last 25 years, I have been diligently doing what a Dafa practitioner is supposed to. But without Master’s guidance and protection, I couldn’t have made any real progress.

I would like to share two incidents of clarifying the truth about Falun Dafa.

Sentient Beings Are Waiting to Be Saved

One day, I noticed a group of women sitting on the sidewalk. I asked them where they were from, and they said they were from the countryside and had been contracted to help with seasonal work at a public garden. Sensing that they were all genuine and kind, I naturally thought of telling them about Dafa. But I was nervous—I had never clarified the truth to such a big group before. “Even if just one of them is prejudiced against Dafa, won’t there be negative consequences?” Given my concern, I quickly moved on.

But that just didn’t feel right. I told myself, “Am I not here to clarify the truth? Dafa practitioners have righteous thoughts. It is no coincidence that I ran into them today. Isn’t it Master’s arrangement for these predestined people to learn about Dafa?” I apologized to Master, “Master, it was my fault. I shouldn’t have let my human notions get in the way of saving sentient beings. I will not miss this opportunity. Please help divide them into smaller groups so I can clarify the truth to each separately.”

I turned around and walked back. As I got closer, I saw that the women had formed two smaller groups and resumed working. Four of them were working on the north side of the road and three on the south. I was so happy. Master knows exactly what is on each practitioner’s mind.

I first clarified the truth to the four women working on the north side. “You’ve worked all over and have met many people. Has anyone told you ‘Falun Dafa is good?’ Do you know why quitting the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and its youth organizations could help you stay safe?” They all shook their heads, so I continued. “When you were in school, did you ever join the Young Pioneers and the Youth League?” One said, “We’ve joined the Young Pioneers, but that was a long time ago. We were only kids then.”

I said, “Please distance yourself from the CCP and its youth organizations. Jiang Zemin, the then leader of the CCP, used his power within the Party to mobilize the country’s entire law enforcement to persecute Falun Dafa. They fabricated lies and broadcast them on television to incite hatred for Dafa. The Tiananmen self-immolation was a staged hoax. They also harvest organs from living practitioners to supply a lucrative state-sanctioned organ transplant industry. It’s heaven’s law that good deeds will be rewarded while bad deeds will incur retribution. Nobody can escape it.

“Falun Dafa is the Great Buddha Fa. Dafa practitioners follow the principles of Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance to be good people. Whoever persecutes a cultivator of the Buddha Fa will be punished by the heavens. I hope all of you can enjoy a good future. Therefore, please quit the CCP.” After learning the truth, all four of them agreed to quit the Party. One said, “You are so right. We all quit. The CCP is evil. What’s wrong with wanting to be good people?”

A young woman approached me and said, “I enjoy reading Dafa books. Someone gave my father a copy of a Dafa book when he went to the market. I really enjoy reading it—the principles in the book are so true. I am usually away from home for short-term work, but when I go home in between, I read the Dafa book.”

Her smile froze, “My mother got upset with me one time because I was too focused on reading the book and didn’t help her with the chores. She burned the book. I was so upset that I cried.” I was moved by what she said and gave her a truth-clarification booklet. She was overjoyed. I also gave each of them a Dafa amulet and told them to seriously recite, “Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good.” I told them they would all be blessed. The four of them thanked me over and over again. I then clarified the truth to the three women working on the south side of the road. They were all very receptive and agreed to quit the Young Pioneers.

On my way home, I walked by a group of landscapers planting trees and heard a voice, “What should I do if I wore the red scarf of the Young Pioneers?” I didn’t get the question right away but slowed down to look for the source of the voice. I turned around and saw a man in his 50s leaning against a tree. He asked the question again, “What should we do if we have worn the red scarf of the Young Pioneers?” I realized that Master had arranged for me to clarify the truth to them. They were waiting to be saved.

I strengthened my righteous thoughts and said to the man, “Just quit the Young Pioneers.” He looked up and asked, “How?” I said, “I’ll help you.” Other landscapers came over to listen to me clarify the truth. There were six of them. One had joined the CCP, and the others were members of the Young Pioneers. All of them chose to quit the CCP and its youth organizations that day. Before I left, I reminded them to sincerely recite “Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good.” I told them to be good, and they all said they would.

The two groups of people I ran into that day confirmed to me that sentient beings are waiting to be saved. Every one of them told me that they wanted to quit the Party and its youth organizations. As a Dafa practitioner, how can I not hurry to save more sentient beings? How can I not help them distance themselves from the evil CCP sooner so they can have a bright future?

Letting Go of All Notions and Saving People with Compassion

As I got on the bus to go home one day in 2016, I saw a man in his 60s reading a truth-clarification booklet. He was very focused. There weren’t a lot of people on the bus, so I sat down next to him and asked him what he was reading. He showed it to me, “It’s a Falun Dafa book.” I said, “Wow. You’re so fortunate to get a copy of such a precious book.” He smiled, “I just like reading Falun Dafa books. They’re so right about things.”

The bus stopped and a man who was about 70 years old got on. He sat down on the other side of the 60-year-old man. The 60-year-old continued, “Falun Dafa (also called Falun Gong) explains things so well. It tells people how to be good.” I was truly happy for him. Thanks to the fellow practitioner who clarified the truth to him.

The older man overheard our conversation and became concerned: “You have to know what you’re talking about. Falun Gong is against the CCP. You can’t read Falun Gong books.” The first man was annoyed and raised his voice, “What happens if I read Falun Gong books? It’s none of your business.” The older man said, “It’s for your own good.” The 60-year-old said, “You don’t have to worry about me. What Falun Gong says is true. When has the CCP ever told the truth? They only know how to lie and deceive people. Their officials are corrupt. When have they ever considered the people?” All the passengers stopped talking and listened to their conversation.

I sent righteous thoughts to eliminate the evil elements of the CCP behind the 70-year-old man and to stop them from poisoning the minds of sentient beings. I decided to save him. But, there were a lot of people on the bus and I could not talk to him at that moment. I asked Master for help.

As more people got off the bus, I moved to an empty seat next to the older man. Regardless of his intention and belief, I would not let it affect me. Everybody in this world is family to Master, and I would try my best to save him. I just needed to be kind and treat him with compassion.

In a friendly tone of voice, I made small talk, “What goodies did you get at the market?” He smiled, “My wife loves peaches. so I bought some peaches.” I said, “True. As retirees, you should eat whatever you enjoy.” He smiled and we kept talking. I asked him where he was going to get off and decided to get off with him, even though it was still a distance away from my home.

He got off the bus and headed toward a residential community. I called out to him and he turned around. When he saw me, he smiled, “You live here, too?” I said, “Not really. I just wanted to tell you something. What you said on the bus was not right.” He was curious but confused, “What did I say?” I said, “You said that Falun Gong is against the CCP.” He said, “Isn’t that true? I was waiting for the bus this morning and someone told me to quit the CCP. Isn’t that going against the Party? I am a mid-level Party official and have been a member of the CCP for more than 40 years. How could I quit the Party?”

I said, “That person had your best interests in mind. People your age lived through the Cultural Revolution and know that many good people were killed during that movement. How many students were killed on Tiananmen Square on June 4, 1999? Three Anti’s and Five Anti’s—you also lived through those political movements, right?” He said, “Yes. Many people died during each of those movements. But it is all in the past. What about now? Are they still killing people now?”

I said, “Those who practice Falun Gong are all good people. They try to live up to the standards of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance. What have they done wrong? Jiang Zemin, the then leader of the CCP, was jealous that Falun Gong practitioners outnumbered Party members. He fabricated lies and slandered Falun Gong. He staged the Tiananmen self-immolation hoax. Now, even worse, he sanctions the harvesting of organs from living practitioners. He makes money off of organ transplants. Heaven will not tolerate such a grotesque crime.”

The old man was shocked, “I thought all the killing was in the past, but I guess it has not stopped.”

I continued, “The CCP is evil by nature. How could it ever change? You’re a member of the CCP. Please separate yourself from it. You’ve worked your entire life and now it’s time for you to enjoy your retirement. Don’t become a victim when the CCP goes down.”

The old man immediately agreed, “Okay, I’ll listen to you. You seem to really care.” I told him, “Our Master told us to always consider others.” I gave him a truth-clarification flier and a Dafa amulet and told him to recite “Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good.” I wished him good health and longevity. He was happy and insisted that I join him and his family for dinner. I thanked him with a smile and turned down the offer politely.

People in this world are waiting to be saved. As Dafa practitioners, we came here with a mission and should regard each and every sentient being we meet seriously. Although there are many obstacles on our paths as we clarify the truth, as long as we let go of everything, save people with compassion, and place our complete faith in Master and the Fa, we’ll be able to overcome them all and save sentient beings.