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Do Not Harbor the Notion That “Minghui Can be Blocked”

Oct. 21, 2022 |   By Jing Hua, a Falun Dafa practitioner in Liaoning Province, China

(Minghui.org) I learned how to access the Minghui website in 2006, and have never had any trouble accessing it, even after setting up a material production site at my home. There were times when the internet was not stable or had some other glitches, but I could always visit the website eventually.

I feel it’s important for us to get rid of the notion of “internet blockade” of Minghui. We simply shouldn’t acknowledge it. The software created by Dafa disciples to browse the Internet, such as Free Gate and Unbounded, is strengthened by Master. It should not be interfered with by ordinary methods, nor should anything be able to alter or obstruct it. Just as we negate the persecution by the old forces, we should not acknowledge the internet blockade.

Master told us,

“They have never been able to block the Minghui website!” (“Teachings Given on Lantern Festival Day, 2003”)

I enlightened that since the evil has never been able to block the Minghui website, why do I still think about the internet blockade? I should just access the Minghui website normally, as this is required by Fa-rectification and cultivation. This is our freedom. When we use our righteous thoughts to access he Minghui website, Master will help us.

When the internet was unstable, I was never anxious, nor did I take it as “internet blockade,” as I never had any issue browsing the website with my cellphone and I was confident I could access the website on my computer as well. Even non-practitioners may experience internet connection issues from time to time. So I would usually just wait a while and try accessing Minghui at a later time. I used the time I waited to do other things. When I got back to the computer again later, I was able to connect to Minghui then.

The above is my limited understanding on accessing the Minghui website. If there is anything inappropriate, please kindly point it out.