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Do Not Choose What Truth-clarification Materials to Distribute Based on Our Personal Preferences

Oct. 19, 2022 |   By Ying Jun in China

(Minghui.org) One prominent problem I have noticed among fellow practitioners around me was that they chose truth-clarification materials for distribution based on their personal preferences.

For example, some practitioners liked the flyers about ancient sage Liu Bowen’s prophecy and the boulder in Guizhou Province that is naturally engraved with the words “Chinese Communist Party Doomed.” They kept distributing the flyers for years and refused to try anything else.

Some practitioners had been putting up self-adhesive stickers bearing WOIPFG (World Organization to Investigate the Persecution of Falun Gong)’s announcement about suing Jiang Zemin for 7 or 8 years, even though the information is outdated.

Some only distributed booklets about Dafa’s health benefits, but not anything that exposes the persecution or urges people to withdraw from the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), with the excuse that ordinary people would be afraid to accept it.

I also know a few practitioners who still distributed New Year calendars even though the New Year has long passed, because they believed that the calendars had good stories and beautiful pictures.

There are also some practitioners who go out daily to clarify the truth, but they do not bring any truth-clarification material with them, except for some Dafa amulets or some cards with QR code links.

The Purpose of Clarifying the Truth

Master clearly pointed out the purpose of clarifying the truth:

“The goal is to get rid of the evil’s lies, to enable people to see the CCP’s true face, to clear away the sins committed by people against Gods and Buddhas, and to thereby save the world’s people.” (“The Ultimate Goal of Clarifying the Truth,” The Essentials of Diligent Progress III)

We all know that Master is here to rectify the Fa and save the world’s people. Understanding the truth of Dafa is essential for people to gain salvation. If we do not tell people the wonder of Dafa, how can they be saved?

At the same time, we also know that the CCP is the demon of the cosmos. It is created to destroy humanity, and it is doomed. So we need to expose its evil nature to awaken people and prevent people from going down with it.

Dafa disciples are beings created and forged by Dafa. What Master wanted of us was that “whatever you do, you should consider others first, so as to attain the righteous Enlightenment of selflessness and altruism.” (“Non-Omission in Buddha-Nature,” Essentials for Further Advancement)

Our basic point of doing things should be for the sake of sentient beings. Distributing truth-clarifying material in itself isn’t the purpose, nor is it to satisfy our own preferences or seek our own consummation. It should be for the sake of saving sentient beings.

We should put ourselves in the shoes of all sentient beings and clarify the truth from different angles. We need to think about what’s best for them, what misunderstandings they have and how to address their questions or concerns. Only then can we clarify the truth effectively.

Expand Our Horizons and Make the Best Use of Various Truth-clarification Materials

Over the years, practitioners working at Minghui have made great efforts to provide a variety of fliers and pamphlets with different content for us in China to distribute. These materials serve different groups of readers, from intellectuals to farmers. Each type of the pamphlets also has a different focus, such as Dafa’s health benefits, how to break away from atheism, as well as some basic facts about Dafa. There are also materials that expose the evil nature of the CCP and urge people to stay away from it.

All of the materials are carefully designed and they complement each other in helping us to open the hearts of people with different cultural backgrounds, social status, and different experiences. Minghui is also constantly updating the content, and incorporating newest development of the world’s affairs to help people see things for what they truly are.

When we think only a certain type of material is good for distribution, we make the judgment based on our own, limited understandings and personal preferences. But if we expand our horizon and choose the materials with an open mind, we may be able to clarify the truth more effectively and save more people.

Eliminate the Hidden Attachments

I believe one’s distributing only certain specific types of materials also reflects some hidden attachments.

When practitioners argued that sentient beings may not accept the materials that expose the CCP’s evilness, maybe they need to examine whether they still harbor fear of the CCP.

For those who insisted on posting the announcement of suing Jiang, maybe they had the motivation of retaliating against the CCP and its officials. Such resentment would further affect the result of our truth-clarification.

And in terms of practitioners who didn’t bring any materials with them when going out to talk to people, I’m not sure if they were trying to avoid having materials confiscated from them, as the materials would be used as prosecution evidence by the police should they get arrested.

I know many practitioners are doing a great job clarifying the truth face to face and they have persuaded many people to quit the CCP and its affiliated organizations. If they could give sentient beings some materials to read after the conversation, it would help them understand the facts better and people may also share the materials with their family members, which would then help more people to learn the truth.

After all, truth-clarification is an important part of our cultivation. Anything that happens in the process is something for us to cultivate, whether it’s people rejecting materials from us, refusing to listen to us or not agreeing with something we say.

Of course, practitioners’ stepping forward to distribute materials and clarify the facts in such an evil environment, despite the danger they are facing, is in itself the most courageous action. If we can all take one more step, let go of our attachments to self and do things with a purer mind, I believe we can better save people and accomplish our mission.

This is my understanding at the current level. Please kindly point out anything inappropriate.

Editor’s note: This article only represents the author’s understanding in their current cultivation state meant for sharing among practitioners so that we can “Compare in studying, compare in cultivating.” (“Solid Cultivation,” Hong Yin)