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Clarifying Truth and Saving Sentient Beings Is My Sole Purpose

Oct. 13, 2022 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in Hebei Province, China

(Minghui.org) I started practicing Falun Dafa in 1997 and have gone through many tribulations over the years. With Master Li’s compassionate protection, I’ve walked steadily on my cultivation path of returning to my true self. Below I would like to report to Master and fellow practitioners about my cultivation experiences.

My Top Priority as a Diligent Practitioner

I have studied the Fa and practiced the exercises every day for more than 20 years, including the time I was illegally detained at a detention center. In addition to attending group Fa-study, I also study one lecture of Zhuan Falun and Master’s other articles as long as I have time. I get up at 3 a.m. to do the exercises with Dafa practitioners around the world for 2.5 hours. I then send forth righteous thoughts at 6 a.m. Studying the Fa and practicing the exercises have been my top priority and an indispensable part of my life.

I watched Shen Yun Performing Arts on the Chinese New Year’s eve of 2020 and sent forth righteous thoughts at 12 a.m. I then went to bed but could not fall asleep. I looked within and realized that I forgot my top priority of studying the Fa due to being busy with everyday things to prepare for the New Year. I immediately got up and started studying Zhuan Falun. My mind was distracted at first, and I could not focus. However, the more I studied the Fa, the clearer my mind became. It was really a wonderful experience. I also practiced the exercises for 2.5 hours afterwards without going to sleep. After I finished, my children returned home, and we ushered in the new year.

Saving Sentient Beings Is My Sole Purpose

Saving sentient beings is a Dafa practitioner’s sole purpose for coming to this world. Since Master asks us to clarify the truth and save sentient beings, I’ve always focused on doing this. Our practitioners divided our village into several parts and assigned practitioners to cover each part without missing a single family. Most of the people in my village understand the truth and have withdrawn from the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and its affiliated organizations. Many families have our truth-clarification calendars and informational brochures. Some people put Dafa amulets in their cars or carry them wherever they go.

As more and more people in the village learned the truth, some asked us as soon as they saw us, “Is there anything new? I really love to read the brochures you give us, as what they say is true. Take Zhou Yongkang as an example, you said Zhou would be arrested in the future. I didn’t believe it at first, as how could such a powerful official be arrested? But when I saw the news that Zhou really was arrested and was in prison, I truly believe your reports since then!”

My granddaughter studied at a school in the city. She once told me, “Over 60 students in my class were sent home due to the swine flu infection. There were only five students in the class, including me, who were not infected. It’s because I wear a Falun Dafa amulet, and Dafa protects me. I truly believe Falun Dafa is good!”

A villager in his 40s had cancer, and the hospital had already issued a critical condition notice. He went home to hopelessly await his death. A practitioner and I clarified the truth to him, and he accepted it very well. He installed a satellite dish and watched NTD television programs every day. He also told others about the news he saw on NTD and helped many people learn the truth. He soon started to feel that his physical pain became less and less and, eventually, did not feel much pain at all. He became energetic and could eat well. When his children took him to the hospital for a physical exam, it showed the cancer cells had totally disappeared. The doctor could not believe his eyes and said to himself, “Could it have been a misdiagnosis?"

The villager went to see practitioners after returning from the hospital. He was very grateful to Dafa, “Thank you for telling me the truth about Dafa. It has given me a second life!” He has been healthy and energetic since then.

We also went to many farmer’s markets around the county to clarify the truth, in addition to talking to people in our village and surrounding areas. We made a list of dates of various markets, and four to five practitioners usually drove to one market at a time. We continued doing so until two fellow practitioners were reported to the police by someone who did not know the truth. Those practitioners were arrested.

I paid all the gas expenses for driving to the farmer’s markets during the past few years, which amounted to over 10,000 yuan. Although I have a pension, I live a simple life and save money on food and clothing in order to have more to spend on Dafa projects to save sentient beings. My life was given to me by Dafa, and my money will naturally be used for Dafa.

Clarifying Truth During the Pandemic

I really felt a sense of urgency to save sentient beings when the CCP virus (COVID) broke out in 2020. Our fellow practitioners also realized we were racing against time to save people. We mass-produced truth-clarification brochures and booklets about the pandemic. However, when the villages and roads were shut down, it created a lot of difficulties for our efforts. 

We first distributed brochures to all the households in our village, then overcame the obstacles at night to distribute them in surrounding villages. We’ve all encountered varying degrees of difficulty. Some of us got lost on the road, some were bitten by dogs, and some had family tribulations. We all managed to break through the tribulations with Master’s compassionate protection.

After the lockdown was lifted, an elderly practitioner and I resumed going to the farmer’s markets to clarify the truth. We are both in our 70s, but we have no concept of being old. I took her on an electric bike to the markets. At first, people relaxed a little as the lockdown was lifted, as they thought the disaster was far from them. Some people did not understand why we clarified the truth to them, “You are in your 70s. Why don’t you rest at home instead of coming out to tell us this? How much do you get paid?”

We were not moved by their cold words. We told them, “We cultivate Buddha Fa, and we made these materials with our own money in order to tell people how to keep safe during the pandemic. We did this solely to benefit all of you. It would be very comfortable for me to sit in my air-conditioned place with my pension. However, we cannot do that. Did you see the reports about the tsunami that hit Southeast Asia in 2004? The locals told the tourists to hurry up and leave as the tsunami was coming. But most people did not believe it. As a result, a lot of people died within a few minutes! It was very sad.”

Someone nearby said, “It makes sense. They [practitioners] don’t want a penny from us and give us something to keep us safe for free. They are really good people!” Eventually, many people readily accepted the truth-clarification brochures and agreed to withdraw from the CCP and its affiliated organizations.

I once gave out the brochure “Blessing from Heaven” at a market and met two elderly people. “You are so lucky. I’ll give you a copy of ‘Blessings from Heaven.’ May heaven bestow great blessings on you.” One man accepted it, but the other refused. I did not give up, “This is really a great book. It’s for your own good!” He suddenly coughed loudly, and I left. Unexpectedly, he caught up to me a few minutes later with tears streaming down his face and asked for the booklet. He explained, “I said something wrong to you, which made me cough and vomit badly. I know I received retribution. I was wrong. I will accept all Falun Dafa materials in the future. You are doing this for the good of other people!”

I told him, “You really have good enlightenment quality. If you had not understood this now, you may have encountered other troubles in the future, and it may have been too late for regret. Dafa’s Master Li is merciful to you; you should really thank Him.”

The fellow practitioner and I went to all the farmer’s markets to clarify the truth and save sentient beings. We typically persuaded 20 to 30 people to withdraw from the CCP and its affiliated organizations each time. My partner was energetic and passionate to clarify the truth to the public. Her behavior and attitude greatly moved me.

Our Village Is Rewarded with Goodness

We have consistently distributed Dafa materials and clarified the truth to people in our village. Meanwhile, local practitioners also demonstrated virtue by treating people with kindness, being filial to the elderly, and caring for the children. Most of the villagers understand the truth and have withdrawn from the CCP and its affiliated organizations. They greatly admire Dafa practitioners. Our village has good weather and good harvests year after year. While the weather has been dry in recent years for the region, our village often got rain and snow. Sometimes, it rained in our village, while the precipitation was sparse outside the village boundary.

A hurricane once knocked down large areas of wheat fields. But, surprisingly, the wheat field in our village did not suffer any damage. On another occasion, my niece visited me on November 24, 2019. I asked her how she got here, since it was snowing and the road condition was bad. She told me it snowed only in our village; no other villages had snow. More surprisingly, some people told me there was no snow beyond the northern and southern boundaries of our village. People felt this was strange and gossiped about it. Then someone stepped forward, “We all benefited from Falun Dafa. Our villagers believe Dafa is good. Heaven rewards us with snow!” 

Snow is very important for the growth of winter wheat. It not only kills insects, but also helps seedlings turn green in spring. 

I am very grateful for Master’s compassionate salvation and protection. There is nothing we can do to repay His infinite grace. We must truly cultivate ourselves, study the Fa well, save more sentient beings, keep up with the pace of Fa-Rectification progress, and follow Master to return to our true selves.