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Stirred by the Chaos in the World

Jan. 28, 2022 |   By Meizi, a Falun Dafa practitioner in Liaoning Province, China

(Minghui.org) My sister-in-law and I work together. She told me: “The logistic company where your brother works have told their employees that gasoline prices would be rising. The company may even close down if prices continue to rise. All employees should prepare for this.”

I started to panic, thinking I should go to the store for more supplies and ask my daughter to gas up the car. 

My daughter and I refueled the car a couple of days later. I sat in the passenger seat. The sun was bright. Our car was hit by a truck at an intersection, from the right. I passed out. 

When I woke up my daughter asked me if I was okay. Then, I remembered the accident. My first thought was “What a waste. We filled up the gas tank for nothing.” I began to question my daughter’s driving ability. 

Looking within after this incident, I felt it was due to my lack of belief in Master and Dafa. We rushed to refuel the car because we were worried that gasoline prices would rise. I worried about food shortages rushed to buy more, and ended up being in a car accident. I was stirred by the chaos in the world.

Master said, 

“Dafa disciples, don’t get caught up in the chaos. Hold on to the fundamentals—only then will you be able to see the chaos for what it is.” (“Rationality”)

My first thought after the accident was that we put gas in the car in vain, rather than looking within for the root cause. It was because I was obsessed with money and the attachment to personal gains. We are all indoctrinated by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). I forgot the fundamentals of Dafa practitioners. Then my next thought was to blame and complain about others, rather than looking within to see if I had done wrong.

Master also said, 

“Those among Dafa disciples who are not diligent or have gone to extremes, hurry and set yourselves straight; study the Fa and cultivate yourselves sincerely because you are amid the gravest danger.” (“Rationality”)

This is my recent understanding of Dafa that I wanted to share with fellow practitioners.