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Additional Persecution News from China – December 22, 2021 (17 Reports)

Jan. 15, 2022

(Minghui.org) Today's news from China includes incidents of persecution that took place in 16 cities or counties in 9 provinces, where at least 27 practitioners were recently persecuted for their belief.

1. [Hefei City, Anhui Province] Mr. Wang Dunlong and Ms. Hu Wenye Sentenced to Prison
2. [Xiangtan City, Hunan Province] Ms. Mo Liqiong Faces Trial
3. [Zhangjiakou City, Hebei Province] Mr. Sun Wanshuai Tried
4. [Kaifeng City, Henan Province] Ms. Zhang Guimei Faces Trial
5. [Chongqing] Four Practitioners Harassed
6. [Jiujiang City, Jiangxi Province] Ms. Mao Xianhua and Another Practitioner Arrested
7. [Taiyuan City, Shanxi Province] Ms. Ji Guorong Arrested
8. [Beijing] Mr. Li Xiushan Arrested
9. [Xichang City, Sichuan Province] Practitioner’s Daughter Ms. Lu Chunqiong Arrested
10. [Wuhan City, Hubei Province] Ms. Jiang Dailan Arrested
11. [Beijing] Mr. Zhang Licheng Taken Into Custody
12. [Jinzhou City, Liaoning Province] Ms. Xu Qingfang and Family Members Arrested
13. [Changsha City, Hunan Province] Yao Peishan Arrested
14. [Huludao City, Liaoning Province] Five Practitioners Held in Detention Center
15. [Dalian City, Liaoning Province] Xu Yinghua Held in Detention Center
16. [Zhengzhou City, Henan Province] Ms. Li Guixiang’s Home Ransacked
17. [Pengzhou City, Sichuan Province] Ms. Yang Dingyu Harassed

1. [Hefei City, Anhui Province] Mr. Wang Dunlong and Ms. Hu Wenye Sentenced to Prison

Mr. Wang Dunlong, 64, was sentenced to two years and four months in prison and fined 4,000 yuan by the Shushan District Court on December 6, 2021. His prison term began on July 22, 2020, and ends November 21, 2022. Mr. Wang has appealed his sentence.

Ms. Hu Wenye, 65, was sentenced to one year and four months in prison with one year and six months of probation and fined 2,000 yuan.

2. [Xiangtan City, Hunan Province] Ms. Mo Liqiong Faces Trial

On the evening of February 5, 2021, Ms. Mo Liqiong picked up a few truth-clarifying booklets when she was out and distributed them along the way. She was spotted by police assistant Zhang Yong and others, who were staked out nearby. They arrested her and took her to the Yangjiaqiao Police Station in Xiangtan County. She was later transferred to the Xiangtan City Detention Center. The Xiangtan City Court was scheduled to try Ms. Mo in the Xiangtan City Detention Center on the morning of December 24, 2021.

3. [Zhangjiakou City, Hebei Province] Mr. Sun Wanshuai Tried

On December 11, 2021, Mr. Sun Wanshuai, who opened a studio at home to teach painting, was tried in the Jianxi District Court of Luoyang City, Henan Province, for sending sensitive information over WeChat, a popular social media app.

The court did not allow Mr. Sun’s defense lawyer to represent him. The lawyer had previously entered a not guilty plea. In the courtroom, Mr. Sun was handcuffed and shackled. He gave a five-minute defense. The judge did not pronounce a sentence at the time.

4. [Kaifeng City, Henan Province] Ms. Zhang Guimei Faces Trial

Ms. Zhang Guimei was reported to the police for distributing Falun Gong materials and was arrested. Her case will be heard at the Shunhe Hui District Court on the morning of December 23, 2021. Ms. Zhang is still at home due to health reasons.

5. [Chongqing] Four Practitioners Harassed

From December 9 to 13, 2021, people from the Jingguan Town Police Station and 610 Office harassed Ms. Zhou Zulan, Mr. Zhou Yichun, Mr. Wang Kunfu, and Ms. Zhou Xianfeng. Ms. Zhou Zulan’s home was ransacked.

On December 16, people from the town police station and the 610 Office went to Ms. Zhou Xianfeng’s home and harassed her.

6. [Jiujiang City, Jiangxi Province] Ms. Mao Xianhua and Another Practitioner Arrested

Ms. Mao Xianhua and another practitioner were arrested by officers from the Shizi Police Station in the Chaisang District on December 17, 2021.

7. [Taiyuan City, Shanxi Province] Ms. Ji Guorong Arrested

Ms. Ji Guorong was reported to the police while talking to people about Falun Gong on December 14, 2021. She was arrested by officers from the Jinsheng Police Station and the Puyuan District Police Department.

8. [Beijing] Mr. Li Xiushan Arrested

Mr. Li Xiushan, 70, from Dachengzi Town in the Miyun District was arrested by Dachengzi Police Station officers on December 18, 2021, as part of a new round of persecution initiated prior to the upcoming Winter Olympic Games. The officers confiscated three Falun Gong books.

9. [Xichang City, Sichuan Province] Practitioner’s Daughter Ms. Lu Chunqiong Arrested

In May 2021, Ms. Zhang Jiacheng’s daughter Ms. Lu Chunqiong, 56, was taken into custody by the Xichang City Domestic Security Division. Her mother had already been arrested.

When the police interrogated Ms. Lu in May, she was not allowed any water for two days. The officers forcibly collected her fingerprints and footprints. They photographed her and made audio and video recordings of her. They pressured her to write and sign guarantee statements. They also confiscated her cell phone. She was subsequently released.

After June 2021, the Domestic Security Division deducted Ms. Lu’s pension and medical reimbursements in exchange for releasing her mother Ms. Zhang Jiacheng.

10. [Wuhan City, Hubei Province] Ms. Jiang Dailan Arrested

Ms. Jiang Dailan was arrested by plainclothes officers while distributing Falun Gong materials in Jiahai Industrial Park on June 14, 2019. She was taken to the Dongxihu Police Station and held in custody.

In the meantime, Ms. Jiang’s husband passed away and her only son was diagnosed with late-stage cancer, yet the police did not let her see them. Ms. Jiang was later taken to prison and held for one year. The prison officials still did not allow her son to visit her. On December 13, 2021, when her sentence ended, her family went to pick her up, but the prison officials instead took her to a brainwashing center to continue persecuting her. Ms. Jiang was not allowed to go home.

11. [Beijing] Mr. Zhang Licheng Taken Into Custody

Mr. Zhang Licheng from the Shijingshan District was arrested at home by officers from the Shijingshan Police Department on December 8, 2021. He is being held in the police department.

12. [Jinzhou City, Liaoning Province] Ms. Xu Qingfang and Family Members Arrested

Ms. Xu Qingfang was arrested on December 12, 2021. Her non-practitioner daughter Ms. Meng Tao and non-practitioner nephew Mr. Xu Chi went to the Daxue Police Station and demanded Ms. Xu’s release. They were both arrested and placed in criminal detention. It is not known where Ms. Meng and Mr. Xu are being held.

13. [Changsha City, Hunan Province] Yao Peishan Arrested

Yao Peishan (gender unknown) was arrested on December 10, 2021. The police ransacked Yao’s home and confiscated Falun Gong books. Yao is being held in Cell 102 in the Changqiao Police Station.

14. [Huludao City, Liaoning Province] Five Practitioners Held in Detention Center

Zhou Liyun, Zu Xiangchun, Wang Jing, Liu Yuhua, and Liu Yanhui from Xingcheng City were arrested by Baita Township Police Station officers while talking to people about Falun Gong on the evening of December 18, 2021.

The five practitioners were taken to the Huludao City Detention Center the following day. Their families sent in clothes and daily necessities but the detention center refused to take them. The detention center officials told them that they could only deposit money.

Zhou and another practitioner have been taken to the Huludao City Hospital in the old district. Zhou is on the third floor of the hospital building.

15. [Dalian City, Liaoning Province] Xu Yinghua Held in Detention Center

Xu Yinghua (gender unknown) from the Hongling Residential Community in the Malanzi area was arrested at home by Hongqi Town Police Station officers around 7 p.m. on June 2, 2021. Xu’s home was ransacked. Xu was held in the Jinjiajie Drug Rehabilitation Center and then transferred to the Yaojia Detention Center on June 20. Xu has since remained in custody at the detention center.

16. [Zhengzhou City, Henan Province] Ms. Li Guixiang’s Home Ransacked

On November 6, 2021, officer Li Panfeng from the Daxue Road Police Station and more than 20 officers from the Xinmi City Police Department, the Zhengzhou City Police Department, and the Wulipu Police Department went to the home of Ms. Li Guixiang and ransacked it.

17. [Pengzhou City, Sichuan Province] Ms. Yang Dingyu Harassed

On November 25, 2021, Zhou Weixin, a team leader of Baozhu Village, Mengyang Town; two women; and Mengyang Police Station officers went to elderly Ms. Yang Dingyu’s home. They demanded that she give up practicing Falun Gong. Ms. Yang did not cooperate. Two officers grabbed her hands and tried to put her fingerprints on a sheet of paper. Ms. Yang shouted, “No fingerprints! No fingerprints! Master, please help me!” The two officers let go of her, and they all left.