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New Falun Dafa Practitioners Across China Respectfully Wish Master Li a Happy New Year (23 Greetings)

Jan. 1, 2022

(Minghui.org) Falun Dafa has been spreading far and wide for 29 years. Master Li’s (Falun Dafa’s founder) broad mind and compassionate Buddha light have illuminated the whole world. As the Fa is about to rectify the human world, more and more newcomers are drawn to Dafa cultivation. Many of them experienced quick improvements in their health and character. They are immensely grateful to Master. To celebrate the 2022 New Year, new Dafa practitioners sent in their greetings to Master.

A Poem by a New Practitioner in Changchun, Jilin Province

Master’s Grace

The tiger and the dragon roar to welcome the New YearEmphasize morality and cultivate the heart, energy power increasesThe universe assimilates to Truthfulness-Compassion-ForbearanceAll sentient beings extol Master and thank him for his grace

A New Practitioner in China

Happy New Year, Master!

Thank you, Master, for giving us the heavenly Fa that can cleanse our souls and return us to our home in heaven. Countless lives are saved and Buddha’s grace has created a new cosmos. We hope Master can return to China soon!

New Practitioners in the Yubei District of Chongqing Wish Master a Happy New Year

Master, we will firmly follow you on the path of cultivation, study the Fa well, be good disciples, and follow Master to save more sentient beings. Thank you, Master, for your compassionate salvation!

A New Practitioner in Beijing

I am a little Dafa disciple who has been practicing for just a year. Master has given me a lot in the past year, and I can't express it in words. I will follow Master’s teachings and be a little Dafa disciple who will not worry Master. I will do all I can to please Master!

In addition to the above-mentioned well-wishers, greetings were also received from the following regions:

Weifang City in Shangdong ProvinceBenxi City and Benxi County, Wushun City, and Huludao City in Liaoning ProvinceChengdu City, Yingshan County Nanchong City, Sichuan ProvinceShifang City in Sichuang ProvinceChangchun City in Jilin ProvinceBeijingShenze County, Shijiazhuang City, Hebei ProvinceKunming City, Yunnan ProvinceGuiyang City, Guizhou ProvinceJiujiang City, Jiangxi ProvinceLoudi City, Hunan Province