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Additional Persecution News from China – June 2, 2021 (29 Reports)

July 2, 2021

(Minghui.org) Today's news from China includes incidents of persecution that took place in 25 cities or counties in 10 provinces, where at least 86 practitioners were recently persecuted for their belief.

1. [Zhangjiakou City, Hebei Province] Ms. Gao Qingxiu and Ms. Sun Runtao Taken to Prison
2. [Mudanjiang City, Heilongjiang Province] Ms. Yao Shuxia’s Original Verdict Upheld
3. [Tianjin] Ms. Guo Yonghong Abused in Brainwashing Center
4. [Zibo City, Shandong Province] Three Practitioners Harassed
5. [Zhangjiakou City, Hebei Province] Several Practitioners Harassed
6. [Songzi City, Hubei Province] Ms. Hu Guorong Harassed
7. [Yanji City, Jilin Province] Cui Qunying’s Case Brought to Court
8. [Jilin City, Jilin Province] Ms. Zhang Fuzhen and Ms. Xu Guifeng Detained
9. [Linyi City, Shandong Province] Ms. Chen Jiafen Faces Trial
10. [Tangshan City, Hebei Province] Ms. Liu Xiuyan Harassed
11. [Shijiazhuang City, Hebei Province] Several Practitioners Harassed
12. [Tangshan City, Hebei Province] Mr. Liu Shangzhu Held in Detention Center
13. [Hefei City, Anhui Province] Mr. Wang Yu Harassed
14. [Dalian City, Liaoning Province] Practitioner Xiaomei Arrested
15. [Jinan City, Shandong Province] Mr. Yan Fulu Arrested
16. [Wuhan City, Hubei Province] Ms. Li Juhua Harassed
17. [Dalian City, Liaoning Province] Practitioner Xu Arrested
18. [Liaocheng City, Shandong Province] Ms. Lu Fengyun Missing
19. [Pengzhou City, Sichuan Province] Ms. Zhong Jifang Harassed
20. [Liangshan City, Shandong Province] Several Practitioners Harassed
21. [Dalian City, Liaoning Province] Ms. Wang Shuying Harassed
22. [Changsha City, Hunan Province] Mr. Dai Xuebing Arrested
23. [Beijing] Mr. Yang Shijie Officially Arrested
24. [Leiyang City, Hunan Province] Several Practitioners Harassed
25. [Jinchang City, Gansu Province] Three Practitioners Held in Detention Center
26. [Hailin City, Heilongjiang Province] Several Practitioners Arrested
27. [Jiamusi City, Heilongjiang Province] Mr. Zhang Xiang and Wife Ms. Luo Guihua Harassed
28. [Harbin City, Heilongjiang Province] Several Practitioners Harassed
29. [Shulan City, Jilin Province] Several Practitioners Arrested

1. [Zhangjiakou City, Hebei Province] Ms. Gao Qingxiu and Ms. Sun Runtao Taken to Prison

Ms. Gao Qingxiu was sentenced to three years in prison and Ms. Sun Runtao to four years in prison. They appealed to the Zhangjiakou City Intermediate Court, which upheld the original verdicts without a normal hearing at the second trial. Ms. Sun’s lawyer was not notified. Both practitioners were taken to the No. 14 Ward, Hebei Women’s Prison in May 2020.

2. [Mudanjiang City, Heilongjiang Province] Ms. Yao Shuxia’s Original Verdict Upheld

Ms. Yao Shuxia from Hailin City was tried by the Hailin City Court on March 30, 2021. In order to frame Ms. Yao, a group of police officers held her hands and pressed them on a telephone pole to stage a scene, and photographed her. Afterward, they claimed that she was photographed while posting Falun Gong informational stickers. The officers hired someone to pretend to be at the scene to report her to the police.

Within eight days, Judge Jiang Xinkun told Ms. Yao’s family that she had been sentenced to six years and three months in prison. Ms. Yao appealed to the Mudanjiang City Intermediate Court. Her daughter Ms. Ai Lijuan represented her. Over a month later, the intermediate court, regardless of the facts presented, issued a notice to Ms. Yao’s daughter and upheld the original verdict.

3. [Tianjin] Ms. Guo Yonghong Abused in Brainwashing Center

Ms. Guo Yonghong from the Binhai New Area was arrested downstairs at her apartment building by people from the Dagang Sub-district Comprehensive Management Office, the Chunhuibeili Residential Committee, and the Banchang Police Station at 10 a.m. on May 29, 2021. She was taken to the residential committee office. These people pressured her to sign three statements, but she refused. Four sturdy men grabbed her arms roughly, held her hand, and pressed her fingerprints. The confrontation lasted until 5:30 p.m. Afterwards she was transferred to the police station, where the officers forcibly collected blood samples from her and her non-practitioner husband. The officers said that the blood samples were for DNA testing.

Ms. Guo’s husband was released at 1 a.m. that night. Ms. Guo was taken to a brainwashing center at 2 a.m. Seven or eight staff members from the sub-district office prevented her from sleeping, grabbed her hands and arms, and tortured her. Both of her hands were swollen, and there were painful bruises on her arms.

At 12 noon on May 30, Ms. Guo was taken home by the police.

4. [Zibo City, Shandong Province] Three Practitioners Harassed

At the end of April 2021, members from the Huantai County 610 Office called three practitioners in Heyatou Village and told them to come to the town office and sign documents.

Ms. Ren signed the paperwork under pressure. Ms. Liu said that she was very busy with work and had no time to go. A few days later, members of the 610 Office went to her workplace and pressured her to sign the three statements. Ms. Liu said, “I didn’t break the law, why should I sign anything?” Seeing that Ms. Liu refused to sign, they left. Before leaving, they said, “If you don’t sign, officers from the police station will come. Then it’s not up to you. Regardless, you will have to go with them.” Another practitioner also refused to sign paperwork.

5. [Zhangjiakou City, Hebei Province] Several Practitioners Harassed

Officers from several police stations in Kangbao County recently went to the homes of Falun Gong practitioners to harass them.

Officers from the Chengguan Police Station, Kangbao Town, went to Ms. Yang Xiumei’s vending stand and took pictures and videos. They knocked on the door of Ms. Chen Xuezhen’s home. Ms. Chen was not there. They called her husband. They also went to Ms. Zhang Yuechun’s home and photographed it.

Officers from the Habiga Township Police Station went to Ms. Zhang Guixiang’s home and pressured her to sign paperwork, which she refused. They asked for her and her son’s cell phone numbers.

Officers from the Lijiadi Town Police Station went to Ms. Huo Zhenping’s home. There was no one at home. Later, the director of the police station called her.

Officers from the Lujiaying Township Police Station went to Ms. Wang Fang’s home and took pictures and videos. They also called Ms. Wang Cuilan’s family and harassed them.

Officers from the Tuchengzi Town Police Station went to Ms. Shi Meiqin’s home and took pictures and videos.

6. [Songzi City, Hubei Province] Ms. Hu Guorong Harassed

On the nights of April 13, April 16, and April 17, 2021, several people, including two from the Baiyun Community Management Office, a residential police officer, and Hu Bing from the Political and Legal Affairs Committee, under instructions of Deng Liangui, head of the 610 Office, went to Ms. Hu Guorong’s home three times, and wanted to take her to a brainwashing center. To avoid brainwashing, Ms. Hu stayed away from her home.

Two community management members went to Ms. Hu’s home again on the afternoon of May 10 and told her to go to the brainwashing center. Ms. Hu refused and asked them to show the relevant legal documents, which they did not have. They were driven out by Ms. Hu’s husband.

7. [Yanji City, Jilin Province] Cui Qunying’s Case Brought to Court

The case of Cui Qunying (gender unknown), from Chaoyangchuan Town, has been brought to the Jilin City Court.

8. [Jilin City, Jilin Province] Ms. Zhang Fuzhen and Ms. Xu Guifeng Detained

Ms. Zhang Fuzhen was arrested by officers from the Zhihe Police Station on May 15, 2021. Her home was ransacked and 16 Falun Dafa books were confiscated. She was detained for 10 days.

To meet the persecution quota, officers from the Changchun Road Police Station in the Chuanying District went to harass Ms. Xu Guifeng at her home in the Xichengshoufu Residential Community on May 14, 2021. Ms. Xu managed to walk away. The police took her non-practitioner son hostage and held him in custody overnight. On May 15, Ms. Xu was arrested and she was detained for 10 days. The officers ransacked her home and confiscated photos of the founder of Falun Gong, a handwritten copy of Falun Gong, over ten copies of Minghui Weekly and Zhengjian Weekly, and audio players. In 2017, the police station detained Ms. Xu for five days in order to meet the persecution quota.

9. [Linyi City, Shandong Province] Ms. Chen Jiafen Faces Trial

Ms. Chen Jiafen from Yishui County will be tried by the Yinan County Court at 9 a.m. on June 1, 2021.

10. [Tangshan City, Hebei Province] Ms. Liu Xiuyan Harassed

Three officers from the Nuzhizhai Police Station, Kaiping District, went to Ms. Liu Xiuyan’s home around 9 a.m. on May 27, 2021. They asked her name, her parents’ names, and her son’s phone number. They asked her husband whose name the house was registered under. They also asked Ms. Liu, “We asked you to give up Falun Gong, have you done so?”

11. [Shijiazhuang City, Hebei Province] Several Practitioners Harassed

In May, several Falun Gong practitioners in Gaoyi County were harassed by the police on the phone or at home.

Practitioners known to have been harassed are: Suying (from Gusi Village), Li Lianying (from Xixihan Village), Xing Zhiping (from Wubai Village), an elderly woman (in her 80s, from Sijiazhuang Village), Wang Guirong (from Donglin Village), Zhi Junai (from Wangtongzhuang Village), Lingju (from Xizhang Village), Nie Baozhen (and her family, from Xinanguan Village), and Liu Yanzhi (from Daifuzhuang Village).

12. [Tangshan City, Hebei Province] Mr. Liu Shangzhu Held in Detention Center

Mr. Liu Shangzhu is being held in the Matoushan Detention Center.

13. [Hefei City, Anhui Province] Mr. Wang Yu Harassed

Three women from a residential committee in Xiaoyaojin Sub-district, Luyang District, went to Mr. Wang Yu’s home on May 29, 2021. They asked him to promise not to go out of town (implying that he must not go to Beijing to petition) and to sign three statements, which he refused.

They claimed that all it took was for Mr. Wang to sign a printout of three statements, or they could sign on his behalf. Mr. Wang sternly refused and said, “I will not write the guarantee statements or sign any statements written by you, and I will not allow you to sign it on my behalf!”

They made further concessions and said that all they wanted was that Mr. Wang would promise not to go out of town during this period. Mr. Wang said, “I am a free person, and I can go anywhere without asking for your consent.”

14. [Dalian City, Liaoning Province] Practitioner Xiaomei Arrested

It was reported that Xiaomei (last name and gender unknown) from Wafangdian City was arrested on the morning of June 1, 2021. Further information is pending.

15. [Jinan City, Shandong Province] Mr. Yan Fulu Arrested

Mr. Yan Fulu from Matoushan Village, Licheng District, was arrested while hanging Falun Gong informational banners around May 20, 2021. Further details are pending.

16. [Wuhan City, Hubei Province] Ms. Li Juhua Harassed

Ms. Li Juhua from Huangpi District has been continuously harassed recently, and the water and power supply to her home has been cut off. Her son’s salary was deducted by 1,000 yuan. Ms. Li has become displaced.

17. [Dalian City, Liaoning Province] Practitioner Xu Arrested

Xu (first name and gender unknown) from Caijia Village, Dengshahe Town, Jinzhou District, was arrested during a large-scale arrest campaign in July 2020. At that time, Xu was sent home after failing the physical exam. Xu was arrested again this year. Further details are being investigated.

18. [Liaocheng City, Shandong Province] Ms. Lu Fengyun Missing

Ms. Lu Fengyun, 85, lived in the family quarters of the Dongchangfu District Pipeline Bureau. She disappeared around the second half of March 2021. That was over two months ago. Details are pending.

On the morning of November 11, 2020, more than twelve officers from the Liaocheng Railway Station Police Station, the Dongchangfu District 610 Office, and Zhou Shengqiao from the Domestic Security Division arrived in police vehicles at the family quarters of the pipeline bureau. They ransacked the homes of Ms. Chen Jun, Ms. Lu Fengyun, and Ms. Lin Haiyan (nearly 80). They confiscated Falun Dafa books and paper bills with Falun Gong facts printed on them. The officers also went to the homes of three other practitioners, but no one was at home. Pressured by her family, Ms. Lin wrote guarantee statements. Ms. Chen was arrested and taken to the police station that afternoon. The officers photographed her. She was released that day.

19. [Pengzhou City, Sichuan Province] Ms. Zhong Jifang Harassed

Staff members from the Mengyang Sub-district Administration Office, Sanjie Village head Yang Yiyou, village administrator Fu Hongmei, and production team leader He Mingzheng went to Ms. Zhong Jifang’s home around 11 a.m. on April 20, 2021.

They asked Ms. Zhong to sign a guarantee statement to give up her practice, and a “confession statement.” Ms. Zhong’s husband was frightened and persuaded her to sign the statements.

20. [Liangshan City, Shandong Province] Several Practitioners Harassed

Since April 2021, many Falun Gong practitioners have been harassed under different circumstances in various towns and villages throughout the county. Some practitioners were harassed over the phone, while others were photographed at home. They were asked to sign three statements. Some practitioners’ families were also harassed over the phone.

Practitioners known to have been harassed are: Chang Qiulin, Ms. Wang Yuzhen, Ms. Zhang Xiuying, Ms. Si Xiumei, Ms. Chen Xianglian, Ms. Ma Yuhong, Ms. Wang Ruijiao, Zhang Xuexian, Du, and Liu.

21. [Dalian City, Liaoning Province] Ms. Wang Shuying Harassed

Ms. Wang Shuying was photographed in recent days by personnel from the Xinfeng Community Residential Committee, Chengguan Sub-district, Zhuanghe City.

22. [Changsha City, Hunan Province] Mr. Dai Xuebing Arrested

Mr. Dai Xuebing was arrested at his home by officers from the Dongjing Police Station at 9 p.m. on May 31, 2021.

23. [Beijing] Mr. Yang Shijie Officially Arrested

Mr. Yang Shijie from the Shunyi District was reported to the police on March 11, 2021, for spending paper bills with Falun Gong facts printed on them. He was arrested and his home was ransacked by officers from the Shayu Police Station. Mr. Yang is being held in the Shunyi District Detention Center. He was officially placed under arrest by the No. 1 Branch of Beijing Municipal Procuratorate on April 14, 2021.

24. [Leiyang City, Hunan Province] Several Practitioners Harassed

Since May 2021, people from various residential committees and police stations in Leiyang City have successively harassed Falun Gong practitioners in their jurisdictions.

Some called to harass practitioners or their family members; some demanded to photograph practitioners; some harassed practitioners at home or at their workplaces; some tricked practitioners to go to residential committee offices and be photographed. They also pressured the practitioners to sign the three statements.

Practitioners known to have been harassed are: Ms. Li Fuying, Ms. Li Meiying, Ms. Lu Xiuhua, Ms. Zheng Aiping, Ms. Chen Manying, Ms. Liang Shuxian, Mr. Luo Hongxing, and Liu Siqing (gender unknown).

25. [Jinchang City, Gansu Province] Three Practitioners Held in Detention Center

Mr. Xu Jinwen was arrested by over 20 people from the Yongchang County Police Department, the Zhuwangpu Town Police Station, and the Justice Agency around 4 p.m. on April 21, 2021. Mr. Xu’s wife Ms. Xu Guixiang escaped.

Ms. Xu was followed and arrested by officers from the Yongchang County Domestic Security Division in Shuangcheng Town, Wuwei City, on May 17. The couple is being held in the Yongchang County Detention Center.

Ms. Li Dexiang was arrested at home on the morning of April 14. She has been held in the Jinchuan District Detention Center.

26. [Hailin City, Heilongjiang Province] Several Practitioners Arrested

Ms. Dongye Guanglan was arrested by officers from the No. 1 Police Station while distributing Falun Gong materials on January 4, 2021. She was detained for 15 days.

Ms. Sun Yanhua and Ms. Gao Guilan were arrested by officers from the No. 2 Police Station on March 31, 2021, for distributing Falun Gong materials. They were taken to the Hailin City Detention Center. Ms. Sun was detained for 15 days and Ms. Gao was detained for 10 days.

Ms. Zhu Fuju was arrested by Gu Liya and other officers from the Forestry Police Department on the evening of May 18, 2021. The officers ransacked her home and confiscated a lot of personal belongings. She was placed under criminal detention at the Forestry Bureau Detention Center.

27. [Jiamusi City, Heilongjiang Province] Mr. Zhang Xiang and Wife Ms. Luo Guihua Harassed

Secretary Zhou of the Tuanshanzi Township Political and Legal Affairs Committee, in Yilan County, and a female police officer located Ms. Luo Guihua who was at work in a shopping mall around 10 a.m. on April 14, 2021. They pressured her to sign guarantee statements. The female officer videotaped her. Secretary Zhou said, “After signing the statements, there will be no Falun Gong marks on your household registration and national ID card. In the future, your children's schooling will not be affected. They can join the army, and take civil service examinations. If you do not sign, it will adversely affect three generations of your family.”

Secretary Zhou also asked about Ms. Luo’s husband Mr. Zhang Xiang. She was questioned for about an hour.

Secretary Zhou identified Mr. Zhang’s workplace in Zhejiang Province. On April 28, Zhou contacted the police station in Zhejiang Province. Mr. Zhang was called to the police station, where the police threatened and coaxed Mr. Zhang to sign guarantee statements.

28. [Harbin City, Heilongjiang Province] Several Practitioners Harassed

Ms. Sun Yafang was harassed over the phone by officers from the local police station in April 2021.

Four officers and police assistants from the Shangyi Police Station went to Mr. Na Zibo’s home at 3 p.m. on May 25. All four of them took videos with their cell phones. They told Mr. Na not to cause trouble.

Three police assistants led by officer Meng Fanlong from the Chengxin Police Station went to Ms. Zhang Shuwen’s home at 9:30 a.m. on May 27. They shouted and demanded that Ms. Zhang open the door, which she refused to do. The confrontation lasted for half an hour. That same day, they also went to the home of another practitioner in the same community to harass them.

Four officers and police assistants from the Chengxin Police Station knocked on the door of Ms. Zhang Yali’s home in a residential building around 9 a.m. on May 27. At about 7 p.m. that day, they went to her single-story house to harass her but failed. Around 10 a.m. the following morning, the four officers went to her single-story house again. They did not enter the yard. All four of them took videos with their cell phones outside the gate.

29. [Shulan City, Jilin Province] Several Practitioners Arrested

On the evening of May 11, 2021, the homes of Falun Gong practitioners in various townships in Shulan City were ransacked by the police. They arrested the practitioners and confiscated their Falun Dafa books. The practitioners were detained for 13 or 15 days and each was fined 700 yuan but were not given a receipt.

Practitioners who have been harassed include: Xu Zhiping (in Chuntian Village, Shujiao Township), Ms. Sun Lingmin (in Taiping Village, Tiande Township), Ms. Li Yajie (in Shulan City), Sun Rui (in Shulan City), and Chen Liping (in Songlin Village, Ping’an Town).

Ms. Wang Yanfen, from the Xiejiadian area, Qili Township, was arrested by officers from the Chaoyang Police Station.

Ms. Wang Chunling and her non-practitioner husband, from Zhuqi Village, Qili Township, were arrested by officers from the Lianhua Police Station.

Ms. Zhao Xiuying from Ping’an Town was arrested by officers from the Fate Police Station.

Gu Guiping from Qili Township was arrested by officers from the Jishu Police Station.

Ms. Lian Shufang and her granddaughter, from Qili Township, were at home, when officers from the Qili Police Station broke the window and smashed the door. The child trembled in fright. Five or six people carried Ms. Lian into the car, and would not even let her put on shoes.

Ms. Zhang Guilan was arrested by officers from the Jinma Police Station.

Officer Han Dong and other officers from the Qili Township Police Station broke into 78-year-old Ms. Liu Shuqin’s home. They broke the windows and smashed the door. Ms. Liu was not taken away as she could barely move. The officers also broke into the home of Liu’s non-practitioner grandson. Several people held him down while he was sleeping, and forced him to say that he was a Falun Gong practitioner.