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Righteous Thoughts Changed My Son

June 25, 2021 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in China

(Minghui.org) My son practiced Falun Dafa with us when he was a child, and he did very well at school. He was a good boy and very popular in our neighborhood.

However, everything changed when my husband and I were persecuted because of our faith in Falun Dafa. It was like the end of the world for my son when both of us were illegally arrested. He was deeply hurt when he unexpectedly lost his home. He could not recover from it, even after we were released.

I did not cultivate well at that time. Even though I still went out to clarify the truth, I developed a lot of fear.

Sometimes I woke my son up and asked him to help me hide our Falun Dafa books in the middle of the night. Sometimes I asked him to get up very early and move our Dafa books to another practitioners’ home.

My husband did not know how to educate him either, and he criticized him for not doing well on his college entrance exams. In this environment, my son became unhappy and stressed out due to the pressure.

He changed and could no longer control himself. He began to lose his temper easily and played games on his cell phone all day long. I was very sad and did not know how to deal with him. He even stopped communicating with us.

When he grew up, it was hard for him to find a girlfriend because we were poor. He was always in a bad mood and spent more time playing games on his cell phone.

I felt guilty because I thought I was the cause of my son’s poor behavior. But the more guilty I felt, the worse my son’s behavior. His temper worsened, and he started smashing things, and I became fearful.

I was also afraid because he had conflicts with his father. I always asked fellow practitioners to come to my home and meditate. This went on for several years.

Fellow practitioners later suggested that I send righteous thoughts. However, I could not let go of my guilt and still thought my son was the victim of this family. Holding onto this attachment and notion, even though I sent forth righteous thoughts, was not good. I believed he was controlled by the bad things in the games he played.

Once he quarreled with his dad and lost control. I was afraid and wanted to ask my father-in-law and the neighbors to come over and help calm him down. When I was about to ask for help, I realized that I was a practitioner and should face this tribulation and solve this issue by myself. I calmed down and spoke to my son quietly. To my surprise, he listened to me.

I realized that Master will help me as long as my thoughts comply with the Fa. This experience was a strong hint that I should treat everything from the perspective of the Fa.

I thought, “I am a Dafa practitioner. How could this abnormal state last so long?” I then sent forth righteous thoughts and said in my mind, “A Dafa disciple’s family members have also come to this world to assist Master to rectify the Fa. Everything that interferes with the Fa-rectification must be disintegrated. Whatever interferes that dares to enter my field will be eliminated immediately.”

After having this righteous thought, my son's attitude improved. One day, he said, “Mom, I won’t play video games anymore. Those things are bad; I will rectify myself from now on.”

Hearing that, I truly felt the power of Dafa. I also realized how important a disciple’s righteous thoughts are.

If it were not for Dafa, my son would not have been able to quit playing games.