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Cultivating True Compassion and Awakening the Conscience of Police While Calling China to Clarify the Truth

March 4, 2021 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in the U.S.

(Minghui.org) Because the Public Security, Prosecution, Court and Justice departments in China continue to carry out the persecution against Falun Dafa practitioners, the Rescue Platform Telephone Team focuses on calling them and clarifying the truth to them. Most of the staff members within these departments are directly or indirectly involved in persecuting Dafa, and most of them are deeply poisoned.

Making phone calls to China has been a wonderful cultivation opportunity—one that points out my attachments. As I keep improving myself I’ve gradually done a better job in clarifying the truth. I’d like to share with you some of my experiences while calling people in China.

Changing My Mindset

After participating in the phone team for nine months, my cultivation gradually became more stable. I no longer became emotional or wanted to argue.

After listening for a while, one policeman said, “If you want to talk about Falun Dafa, first tell me your phone number, ID, and address. I will come to you and we will talk face to face.” His tone was rude and his wish to intimidate me was obvious. In the past I would have argued with him. But I understood that he was poisoned by the CCP’s (Chinese Communist Party) lies, so I should help him and awaken his conscience.

I was not moved and calmly said, “Don’t do bad things. It’s not against the law in China to practice Falun Dafa. Practitioners do not break any laws; instead they try to be good people. The CCP’s persecution of Falun Dafa is a crime against good people. Our Chinese ancestors believed in the divine principle that good is rewarded and evil is punished. Even if the CCP is atheist, the gods are watching us.”

“The disintegration of the CCP is just around the corner. When the injustices against Falun Dafa are redressed what will happen to you? Will the CCP save you? Don’t persecute practitioners and don’t lose this chance to save yourself.” My voice was calm and peaceful. He listened until I finished speaking and hung up without saying anything else.

Sometimes I phone people who say nasty things or curse at me. When an officer at a police station in Chengdu city answered the phone he shouted, “You’ve called several times! Are you done now?” I smiled and said, “When you are safe, I will stop calling.” He quieted down and listened.

Letting Go of Impatience and Calmly Clarifying the Truth

When I began phoning China I was afraid that the other party would hang up, so I spoke quickly and forcefully, without thinking about whether they understood or listened to what I was saying. I’m no longer so anxious when I get on the phone. I speak calmly, remember to have compassion and pay attention to what the other person is saying.

For example, when I called a district police department detention center in Chengdu city, a female police officer answered the phone. She listened for 7 minutes and 54 seconds. After greeting her, I said, “Madam, you work in a detention center and have come into contact with many Falun Dafa practitioners, so you know that they are good people who do not fight back or curse, and they cultivate Truthfulness- Compassion-Forbearance.” She said, “Yes.” I said, “I hope you will remember your conscience and not persecute them. If you treat them well you and your family will be blessed.”

When she agreed I said, “Can I tell you a few things?” I said that Falun Dafa is openly practiced around the world. I explained that the “Tiananmen self-immolation” was a hoax, and told her how the CCP removes the organs of Falun Dafa practitioners while they are alive. She said she understood.

I told her that the persecution of Christians in ancient Rome brought four big plagues, and countless people died. I said that many people feel this CCP virus (coronavirus) pandemic was brought on by the CCP’s persecution of Falun Dafa. The fourth plague in Rome disappeared because the ancient Romans finally awakened to the fact that they were punished for persecuting the Christians. The plagues ended when they sincerely repented to God.

I said, “Now the Chinese people are awakening to the evil nature of the CCP and know that persecuting Falun Dafa is a crime. More than 370 million people have already quit the CCP so they won’t be held accountable for its crimes. For your own safety, please quit the Party and protect yourself.”

She was very happy and said, “Yes! I will!” I said, “Please remember that Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good, and Falun Dafa is good, and that when you say it with sincerity, you will be able to stay away from the pandemic.” She said, “I’ll remember.” Before we said goodbye I gave her the information for a website to break through the CCP’s Internet firewall. She wrote it down and asked me to repeat it again before she hung up. I said, “You are blessed and you will keep safe now. You are very kind. Please tell your family, friends, relatives and colleagues the facts and about the website, so that they can be safe and be blessed, okay?” She said she would.

During this phone call I kept reminding myself not to rush her. My focus was on saving her. She kept listening and also agreed to quit the CCP. I know that she was saved probably because other practitioners had called her many times, clarified the truth to her, and laid the foundation for what I said to her that day.

I learned that the key to clarifying the truth and awakening sentient beings depends on our mindset. If we have compassion the effect will be good.

Master said,

“Cultivation depends on one’s own efforts, while the transformation of gong is done by one’s master. ” (Lecture One, Zhuan Falun)

Maintaining a Compassionate Heart

In the past, when I received the number for someone who was actively engaged in the persecution, I would lecture them as soon as they answered the phone. I would play the audio of the “solemn declaration” to intimidate the person, causing them to be unwilling to listen further and to hang up. I realized I wasn’t being compassionate. If I criticized them, how could my words save them? I needed to awaken their kind nature by telling them about Falun Dafa.

When an intermediate court judge answered the phone, I told him how Falun Dafa flourished in China before the persecution started in July 1999. Before the persecution, over 100 million people in China, from senior officials to common people, practiced Falun Dafa. I said, “Practitioners want to be better people by following the principles, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance. The entire society benefits when people's morals improve and they are healthy.”

I pointed out that before the persecution the media in China all published positive reports about Dafa. He didn’t put the phone down and kept listening quietly.

I told him that Dafa is openly practiced all over the world-nearly 100 million people in more than 100 countries and regions around the world practice. Only in China is it suppressed. In other countries many highly educated young people and foreigners of all ethnicities practice Falun Dafa. The main book, Zhuan Falun, has been translated into over 40 languages and is widely circulated around the world.

I said, “Every year, May 13 is World Falun Dafa Day, and the world is grateful to Master Li Hongzhi for teaching the universal principles, Truthfulness-Compassion- Forbearance and bringing back morality.” After listening quietly, the judge said, “Falun Dafa is so good, I would like to join your organization.” I told him that we did not have an organization. Everyone was welcome to learn and we did not charge any money. We just follow the teachings in the book, Zhuan Falun. We only want what’s best for others and we do not hurt anyone. Whenever we experience conflicts we look inside for our own shortcomings. We correct our own mistakes, and do not find fault with others.

The judge said, “Zhuan Falun is so good, I also want to have a copy so that I can study.” I gave him the website so that he could download Zhuan Falun for free. He was happy and kept saying, “Thank you, thank you!” He also agreed to quit the CCP.

Not Leaving Anyone Behind

In the past when I called the phone numbers I was given, some answered the phone and listened. When I phoned all the numbers on the list, I would give my feedback and I felt I was done for the day. I did not bother following up and calling them again.

I’ve now changed my attitude. When I’ve completed all the numbers on the list I call the people that did not answer before, I also phone the people that only listened for a very short time. Sometimes the people on my follow-up calls listen for to 1 or 2 minutes. I try my best not to leave anyone behind.

I feel that I was able to make a breakthrough in making phone calls to clarify the truth because I began studying the Faand sending forth the righteous thoughts every day on the platform with the other practitioners. When I focus in studying the Fa, I can feel that my whole body is surrounded by strong energy. When I send forth righteous thoughts, I immediately enter into tranquility immediately. I really appreciate the beauty of studying the Fa with my heart. I also realized that studying the Fa well is the foundation for making good phone calls and clarifying the truth.