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Liaoning Man Faces Trial, Suffers Medical Condition in Custody

Oct. 5, 2021 |   By a Minghui correspondent in Liaoning Province, China

(Minghui.org) An Anshan City, Liaoning Province resident is facing trial for his faith in Falun Gong, a spiritual discipline that has been persecuted by the Chinese communist regime since 1999.

Mr. Bai Xuesong’s family called judge Liu Yin in charge of his case in early September and urged Liu to dismiss his case. Liu twice hung up their phone. 

Mr. Bai, 48, went to visit a local Falun Gong practitioner on January 20, 2021, only to be arrested by plainclothes officers who had arrested that practitioner earlier. After he was taken to the Fanrong Police Station, deputy chief Wu Chunsong held him in a metal chair and slapped him in the face. When Wu became tired, he ordered another officer in his 20s to continue the torture. On the next day, another officer surnamed Zhang dragged Mr. Bai into the restroom, beat him and hit his head with a hard object. 

Mr. Bai was first held at the Xiuyan Detention Center for coronavirus quarantine and then transferred to the Anshan City No. 2 Detention Center. On February 4, an officer from Anshan City Police Department called his wife and informed her that his arrest had been approved by the Lishan District Procuratorate. She was ordered to go there to sign his case document. 

When Mr. Bai’s lawyer visited him on April 1, Mr. Bai realized that the police had fabricated interrogation records to frame him after seeing the case document the lawyer showed him. After the lawyer appealed to the prosecutor against the false information, the prosecutor returned the case to the police on April 18.

Three days later, Mr. Bai’s family went to the Fanrong Police Station to inquire about his case. Deputy chief Zhang Jian and a few officers dragged them into an interrogation room. They intimidated and attacked the family, causing bruises on their hands and arms.

The police submitted Mr. Bai’s case to the procuratorate for the second time on May 7. 

Mr. Bai’s lawyer visited him again on May 18. He was emaciated. He told the lawyer that he lived in cell 304, shared with 16 other inmates. The living conditions were very poor and he asked his family to make a cash deposit for him to buy daily necessities.

When the lawyer visited Mr. Bai on June 16, he was in low spirits and didn’t dare to talk much about his situation. The lawyer suspected that he was intimidated by the guards.

On the same day, the prosecutor indicted Mr. Bai and moved his case to the Lishan District Court.

During the lawyer’s visit in late July, Mr. Bai told him that he was suffering enormous pain due to kidney stones. He mentioned again the poor living conditions in the detention center and bad food quality.

When the lawyer tried to visit Mr. Bai on September 15, the guards forced him to receive the coronavirus vaccine before they could approve the visit. The lawyer got the shot and saw Mr. Bai the next day. Mr. Bai said he was doing better and didn’t feel pain anymore. 

Perpetrators’ contact information:
Wang Jianjun (王建军), secretary of Anshan City Political and Legal Affairs Committee: +86-412-2234579, +86-13188018801, +86-412-811101
Liu Yin (刘音), judge of Lishan District Court: +86-412-2696289, +86-13644203636Bai Longfeng (白龙峰), head of Anshan City No.2 Detention Center: +86-15698902226, +86-412-2611873, +86-412-2960500

(More perpetrators’ contact information is available in the original Chinese article.)