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Our Righteous Thoughts Can Change Everything

March 14, 2020 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in China

(Minghui.org) After I recently read what Master said, I realized it wasn't a coincidence that I read this lecture. 

Master said,

“...if your thoughts are very righteous, when you walk down the street and go about your life in the city where you live, all of your surroundings will be cleansed. Your mere existence has the effect of saving sentient beings.” (“Teaching the Fa at the 2004 International Fa Conference in New York”) 

When Master said, “if your thoughts are very righteous,” did it mean that I should send forth righteous thoughts? Did it mean that sending righteous thoughts could cleanse my surrounding areas so people could easily be saved?

I felt that insight was correct, so I began increasing the times I sent righteous thoughts each day. I was then able to easily put up posters and distribute truth clarification materials in the area on several occasions without any interference. The posters stayed up and were not damaged. I felt encouraged.

I now send forth righteous thoughts for one hour every night. I feel that my dimensional field is becoming clearer and brighter, and that Master is strengthening me as well. When I send righteous thoughts I feel like I'm sitting on a soft cushion with huge energy enveloping my head as I send out energy to reach sentient beings.

Master said,

“Compassion is an enormous energy, the energy of righteous gods. The more compassion that is present, the greater this energy becomes, and it can disintegrate anything that is bad.” (“Fa Teaching at the 2009 Washington DC International Fa Conference,” Collected Fa Teachings, Vol. IX )

“The greatest manifestation of shan is compassion,” (“Fa Teaching at the 2009 Washington DC International Fa Conference,” Collected Fa Teachings, Vol. IX )

I now have a deeper understanding of this Fa. My enlightenment is that we are Dafa practitioners, and we are righteous gods who can send out enormous energy and dissolve anything unrighteous with our righteous thoughts.

I told Master in my heart, “Master, I will definitely do better. I will not slow down in saving sentient beings however difficult the circumstances become. No matter what method the old forces use to destroy people, we practitioners will persist. No matter how difficult the path ahead is, with Master’s protection and with Dafa in our hearts, we will walk the remaining path righteously and well. We will do the three things well and use every means to continue saving people.”

This is what I've recently enlightened to. Please point out anything inappropriate.