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The “Siege” in Another Dimension: Divine Will Cannot Be Violated

Dec. 9, 2020 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in China

(Minghui.org) I was in a very good state with a tranquil mind when I sent forth righteous thoughts for the U.S. election the other day. There wasn’t any interference. The energy field was very strong.

Through my celestial vision, I saw a wide, white light band enclosing what appeared to be a modern metropolis in the sky. It felt to me that the whole metropolis was under siege. Those inside could not get out and those outside could not get in, and they were separated and enclosed by the white energy band.

I have never been to the U.S and did not know what American cities looked like. But I had a thought that metropolis was in the U.S.

A lone American city surrounded by a band of white energy stood out in the sky. Outside the white energy zone were clouds. The city appeared right in front of me, not very far, not very close, but I saw it very clearly.

The vision lasted about a minute or two. I felt that Gods' intention to enclose the United States was: America's problems must be solved, and the results must be what was desired by the divine. Heaven's will cannot be violated!

Master said:

“In this majestic universe, the communist devil is making trouble
Fraud and corruption are harming a great nation
All the machinations make people only more despondent
When will justice be upheld and our conscience restored?”
(“On the General Election”)

I realized that the purpose of the communist red devil's chaos and deception was to prevent humanity from returning to tradition to be saved; the other side aimed to destroy tradition and establish the CCP’s socialism and communism in the United States and even the world.

The U.S. election is a battle between good and evil in the human world, but in the other dimension, it's a battle between the divine and demons. We shoulder the mission of assisting Master in Fa-rectification and saving people. Wee need to use our divine powers and command our knowing side to eliminate the evil in the other dimensions, disintegrate the red demon, and help more people return to tradition. Let justice and conscience be restored to the human world.

Above is my understanding at my limited level. I welcome fellow practitioners to point out things not aligned with the Fa.