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Rationally Viewing the Election and Its Outcome

Dec. 31, 2020 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in China

(Minghui.org) I followed NTDTV daily regarding the U.S. election news. But now two months after the election, more and more unfavorable news has come out. I felt a bit dejected and stopped watching TV. I even became a bit upset with Trump: “Why the wait? There are so many straightforward ways, and yet, you let one opportunity slip away after another. Is there any hope left?” I remained depressed for many days, but I didn’t realized that I was emotionally affected.

Not until several days ago, did I finally calm down and ask myself what’s in there to cultivate myself in the U.S. election. Why was I so excited and attentively sending forth righteous thoughts in the beginning, and then became upset and even resentful when things didn’t turn out the way I had expected? This was not a state a cultivator should have. I behaved like ordinary people, and my emotions were dragged up and down along with the situation.

I suddenly sobered up and realized that I had been impatient and resentful, too absorbed in my own thoughts. I still harbored many elements of Party culture. I was surprised to see so many of my attachments surfacing during the U.S. election. I have cultivated for over 20 years—where was my firm belief in Fa? What if the result was not what I hoped for? Would I still believe in Dafa? Would I still cultivate? How much I had let Master down!

Master reminded us lately:

“Though a battle between good and evil is taking place, you have to ensure that you do not let it negatively affect you, and should do even better at getting the truth out and saving people. And as you work to raise awareness, you must be sure not to think or act too much like an ordinary person. Only by staying clear on what you are doing will you manage to not get caught up in things and do even better.” (“Greetings to the Taiwan Fa Conference,” Team Yellow Translation)

I realized that we may be interfered with when we still have human notions. Not only did I discover many attachments, but I also found my pursuit – I very much wanted "my" candidate to win. My opinion and pursuit were so strong that I became resentful when he didn’t take action as I had envisioned. I was like an audience member trying to instruct how actors should act during a play. I see that's a manifestation of Party culture: I was inclined to jump in and offer unsolicited opinions and always wanted to make decisions for others.

I wondered why I had such a strong attachment to who would win? I realized it was because I hoped that he could destroy the firewall and eliminate the Chinese Communist Party. I resented the other candidate because he walked too close to the communist regime. I knew my hatred for him was indeed hatred for the CCP. I forgot that I was a cultivator and that our mission is to save people regardless of their party affiliation. There are numerous sentient beings behind the other candidate and his team that also deserve a chance to be saved. We should indiscriminately save all beings.

When I discovered my attachments and worked to eliminate them, I felt a sense of relief. I am no longer obsessed with the news of the election. I focus on the things I need to carry out as a cultivator and everything else will follow the divine's will.