(Minghui.org) In solemn commemoration of practitioners who have died during the 20-year-long persecution, Falun Gong practitioners the world over hold parades, peaceful rallies, and candlelight vigils. The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) initiated the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners on July 20, 1999.
Minghui.org has confirmed the deaths of over four thousands of Falun Gong practitioners in the persecution over the past 20 years, although the actual number is suspected to be much higher. More have been imprisoned and tortured for their faith. There is concrete evidence that the CCP sanctions the harvesting of organs from detained practitioners, who are killed to supply the organ transplant industry.
Practitioners from New Zealand held a rally on Aotea Square and SkyCity, Auckland, on July 20, 2019.
Falun Gong practitioners held a rally on Aotea Square on July 20, 2019.
Falun Gong practitioners demonstrate the exercises during activities in SkyCity.
Renowned human rights lawyer Kerry Gore said during the rally, “It is time to end the persecution and bring the perpetrators to justice!”
During his speech, well-known human rights lawyer Kerry Gore said that the CCP has conducted an unprecedented persecution against Falun Gong. “It is time to end the persecution and bring the perpetrators to justice!” he said.
Auckland Council for Civil Liberties president and lawyer Barry Wilson said that the CCP attempted to pressure local officials to cancel the rally.
Addressing the crowd during the rally, Auckland Council for Civil Liberties president and lawyer Barry Wilson said, “In China, Falun Gong practitioners face shocking persecution but are steadfast. Outside China, they expose the CCP’s live organ harvesting, imprisonment, and tortures to the whole world.”
Mr. Wilson said that the CCP tried to pressure New Zealand officials to not allow today’s rally to be held. He pointed out that New Zealand has freedom of speech, assembly, and expression. He said that the re-enactment of the tortures, which were part of the day's events, show what is taking place in China.
He thanked practitioners for their continued efforts to let people know about the CCP’s live organ harvesting.
Pastor Bob Driver said he believes that the CCP will collapse.
Chen Weijian, Editor-in-Chief of Beijing Spring, believes that the CCP will soon crumble.
Pat Shaw wishes more media outlets would inform people about the persecution in China.
Falun Gong practitioners held a candlelight vigil on the evening of July 17, 2019, to commemorate practitioners who have died as a result of the persecution. On July 20, they set up a stand and posters and collected signatures to condemn the persecution. Many people signed the petition and several said they hoped it would end soon.
Practitioners held a candlelight vigil in front of the Chinese Embassy in Canberra on July 17 to commemorate those practitioners who have died as a result of the persecution.
Spokesperson Liu Song condemned the CCP’s 20-year-long persecution.
Mary Samara (left) said she appreciated the practitioners' efforts to let people know about the persecution.
Roz Lambert said she hopes the persecution ends soon.
Falun Gong practitioners gathered in front of Poland's Parliament on July 18, 2019. They held banners and set up posters with information about Falun Gong in Chinese, Polish, and English.
Practitioners in front of Poland's Parliament in Warsaw
Passersby stop to take photos of the event.
Practitioners distributed fliers and talked to people about the CCP’s persecution and live organ harvesting. They also demonstrated the exercises and introduced the ancient spiritual practice. A practitioner read out a statement calling on the Polish government and MPs to work together to help stop the persecution.
A Member of Parliament listens as a practitioner talks about Falun Gong and how it's being persecuted in China.
Member of Parliament (MP) Dorota Rutkowska talks with a practitioner.
MP Dorota Rutkowska spoke with practitioners. She said she thought their events were very meaningful. She took several photos and said she would post them on her social media.
MP Marcin Święcicki spoke during the rally and encouraged practitioners. He said, “July 20 is a very sad anniversary. Twenty years have passed, but practitioners are still being persecuted in China.”
MP Marcin Święcicki (second from right) speaks with practitioners about the persecution.
MP Marcin Święcicki came to support the event and spoke at the rally. He said, “July 20 is a very sad anniversary. Twenty years have passed, but practitioners are still being persecuted in China. The CCP not only arrests and tortures practitioners to death but also carries out live organ harvesting. That is horrible.”
Falun Gong practitioners gathered in front of the Chinese Embassy in Stockholm, Sweden, on July 20, 2019. They held events to inform people of the persecution of Falun Gong in China. They demonstrated the exercises and read an article by the Sweden Falun Dafa Association that was posted on the Sweden National TV website.
The article included the verdict of The China Tribunal in London, UK, on the CCP’s live organ harvesting. The article also announced that the personal information of Chinese Ambassador Zongyou Gui has been submitted to the U.S. government. Zongyou Gui has extended the persecution to Sweden by defaming Falun Gong and harassing the practitioners’ peaceful protests.
Falun Gong practitioners demonstrate the exercises in front of the Chinese Embassy in Sweden on July 20, 2019.
The practitioners held activities on Coin Square near the Royal Palace in the afternoon. They held banners, set up posters, and demonstrated the exercises to expose the CCP’s persecution, especially the live organ harvesting. They called on the public to help stop the persecution.
Demonstrating the exercises on Coin Square near the Royal Palace in Stockholm
People learn about Falun Gong and sign the petition condemning the persecution.
A young man learns the Falun Gong exercises.
Relevant articles in Chinese: Canberra, Australia; Warsaw, Poland; and Stockholm Sweden.