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Supporters of Falun Dafa Wish Master Li a Happy Birthday

May 13, 2019 |   By a Minghui correspondent

(Minghui.org) “I'm over 90 years old. I'm now reciting the wonderful words 'Falun Dafa is good' every day and I enjoy very good health. Thank you Master Li for your protection. I wish you a very Happy Birthday!” a veteran in Tonghua City, Jilin Province wrote in his greeting to celebrate the 20th annual World Falun Dafa Day, which is also the birthday of Master Li Hongzhi, the founder of Falun Dafa.

With May 13 fast approaching, many Falun Dafa practitioners and supporters are sending the Minghui website their heartfelt greetings to celebrate this grand occasion.

Many of these well-wishers don't practice Falun Dafa themselves, but they identify with its principles of Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance, and are moved by practitioners' perseverance in upholding their faith and non-stop efforts to share information about Dafa, despite the brutal persecution by the Chinese communist regime over the past 20 years.

Some people, including police officers and staff members in the judicial system in charge of executing the persecution policy, are waking up to their conscience after understanding the facts about Falun Dafa.

Some became supportive after seeing the positive changes in their family members after they picked up the practice.

A government employee in Qinhuangdao City, Hebei Province said that he is longing for Master Li to return to China. “In a completely corrupted society, only Falun Dafa's principles – Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance – can rectify people's minds, elevate their morality and save the Chinese nation!”

A family of ten in Yantai City, Shandong Province wrote in their greeting: “Only one of us practices Falun Dafa. In the past 20 years, we've witnessed the brutal persecution against this group of very kind people, but we also witnessed their noble characters and perseverance while counteracting the injustice against them. It's not for themselves that they endured the persecution, but to uphold the truth and awaken the Chinese people who were fed with the lies and propaganda by the communist regime. We really admire them, thank them and support them.

“Master Li taught the precious Dafa to humankind, and it also gives hope to our country and our nation. In such a chaotic world, we are given the wisdom to see things clearly and not be influenced by deviant thinking. We keep serenity in our hearts and have chosen a bright future for ourselves.”

Another family in Zhaoyuan City, Shandong Province echoed these feelings. The elderly couple in Zhaoyuan said, “Our son, daughter-in-law and grandchildren all witnesses our dramatic changes after we learned Dafa. They know how beautiful and wonderful Dafa is. During the years that Dafa has been persecuted by the communist regime, they never believed the demonizing propaganda. Even after we were arrested, they never changed their support for us, despite the tremendous pressure they were facing themselves.”

A family from Shuangyashan City, Heilongjiang Province thanked Master for the health benefits they've received. “My mom used to suffer severe lumbar disc herniation such that she had difficulty moving. My sister had severe neck pain that was so severe that she often fainted. My brother had pain in his brain. He spent a fortune for medical treatment, but didn't see any improvement. My sister-in-law had psoriasis and couldn't be cured after trying different medications.

“With the persistent efforts by a family member who practices Falun Dafa in clarifying the facts to them, they changed from being very resistant, to supportive of Dafa. They often recite the wonderful words, 'Falun Dafa is good.' Shortly afterwards, each of them experienced tremendous health improvement. Their pain and disease symptoms were alleviated. My brother and his wife have both begun practicing Dafa themselves. The whole family has benefited from Dafa.”

A person in Benxi City, Liaoning Province recounted how Dafa's principles enabled her to be a better person. She related that when her colleague stole her sales performance, she remembered Dafa's principles and didn't fight with them. But she still had the best sales at the end of the month and received the highest bonus. “Dafa is wonderful!” she said.

Other greetings have come from the following regions:

Jilin Provincial Academy of Social SciencesShanghaiNingxiaBenxi City, Dalian City, and Anshan City, Liaoning ProvinceChangchun City, Jilin ProvinceJiamusi City and Harbin City, Heilongjiang ProvinceZhengzhou City, Henan ProvinceXi'an City, Shaanxi ProvinceMeizhou City, Guangdong ProvinceKunming City, Yunnan ProvinceZhaoyuan City, Yantai City, Weihai City, Qingdao City and Shen County, Shandong ProvincePingshan County, Qinhuangdao City and Handan City, Hebei ProvinceXiantao City, Wuhan City and Jinmen City, Hubei ProvinceZhuzhou City, Liuyang City and Hengyang City, Hunan Province